There are three more rogue demons

The demon roared again, a thunderous sound that seemed to shake the very trees around us. It swung a massive, clawed hand toward Seraphine, who deftly dodged to the side, her sword flashing as she slashed at its arm.

The blade bit deep into its flesh, black blood spurting out and hissing as it hit the ground. The demon's enraged bellow echoed through the night.

I circled around, searching for an opening. The demon was focused on Seraphine, giving me a moment to act. I lunged forward, my sword aiming for the back of its knee, hoping to cripple it. The blade struck true, slicing through tendons and muscle. The demon stumbled, its weight causing the ground to tremble.

"Good hit, Riley!" Seraphine called, her voice steady despite the chaos.