Annoying day

I woke up to an empty bed. The space beside me, where Seraphine usually lay, was cold. Groggily, I blinked, trying to piece together why I was alone.

The room was quiet, too quiet, and it felt wrong. I stretched lazily, running my hand over the sheets, half expecting Seraphine to pop up from somewhere and surprise me.

But she didn't. And after a moment, I realised I was well and truly alone.

My brow furrowed. Where was she?

I glanced around the room, half-draped in morning light, but there were no signs of her. No lingering warmth from where she slept, no soft sound of her breathing. I rubbed the back of my neck, irritated. It wasn't like her to just leave me like this. 

That's when I noticed a small note on the bedside table. I groaned internally, already feeling annoyed, but I reached for it anyway.

Gone for a sister day with Ciara. Be back later. Love, Seraphine.