Thank you

Stephanie's POV

Stephanie was getting ready to meet Alexander. It was three days after agreeing to be his fake wife and two days after signing what seemed like her life away but was really just a contract and an NDA. He had asked to pick her up at his house so they'd get to know each other better. The thought of being in his house made her so nervous. What if she messes up and he decides he doesn't want her again? No, she needs to be positive. He chose her, and nothing is going to go wrong.

She applied her mascara without thinking too much about it this time. She really wanted to impress him.

She dressed casually in a sundress and some flats. Keeping her jewelry basic and spraying her favorite perfume. Waiting for him was killing her, and just in time, her doorbell rang. With her heart in her mouth, she opened the door, meeting a suited-up Alexander is at her doorstep.

It seems like he gets more handsome by the day she thinks.

"Why, thank you. You look stunning yourself," Alexander said, laughing.

Wait, did she say that out loud? No, no, no. Someone pinches me. She pinched herself lightly. Nope, it's not a dream. The ground might as well open up and swallow her at that moment.

She simply took her bag, went out her front door, locked her apartment, and walked to his car without saying a word.

He laughed behind her and caught up with her. After opening her door for her, Alexander went to his side and then began to drive.

After a minute of comfortable silence in the car, Alexander turned on the radio, and the song playing was the Essence remix by Wizkid featuring Tems.

Stephanie was bobbing her head to the song when Alexander asked if she knew the song.

"Are you kidding? This is my jam. But I need you now; yeah, yeah, I find you; I give you all you needin'," she started singing loudly. 

"I know what you like; I feel it coming." Time is of the essence. I tried to teach you. But I might need some lessons." She continued to sing.

"I need to give it all. I tried to leave, but I can't. I don't know why; you're the one who turned me out of my mind." She sang that part and then turned to face him, finding his eyes already on her. She averted her eyes and looked down slightly. While the song continued to play in the background.

You don't need anyone else. You don't need anyone else. Only you can hold my body. Only you can hold my body. You don't need anyone else. He turned off the radio and kept looking at her. Which made her look up at him.

"Why are you starting at me like that?" she asked shyly.

"You sound so beautiful," he answered. That made her blush even more, and she needed his attention off her.

"Thank you, but you need to keep your eyes on the road. I still need my life and my beautiful voice," she said jokingly.

He laughed and continued driving, turning the radio, which was already playing another song, back on.

After driving for a little while, his car came to a stop in front of the most beautiful houses he had ever seen.

"Well, this is me," he said after coming down from the car and opening her door for her. She couldn't speak for a while. Her house was so beautiful, and she voiced that thought out. 

"You have a really beautiful house."

"Thank you so much; let's go in," he said, guiding her into his home. It was even more pretty on the outside. Whoever did the interior knows their stuff.

"My cousin did the interior design," he said, like he could read her mind. "Speaking of my cousin, she's having a show next Friday. I don't know if you would be available to model."

She could not believe what she was hearing. She was modeling for Anabelle Corelli, and did he just ask if she was available? She can't imagine not being available.

"The Anabelle Corelli's show? The only thing I am available for is Alexander. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much," she said, hugging him in excitement. She stayed there for a while before realizing what she had just done. She let go of him gently and looked away shyly. "I'm sorry, I was just really excited."

He cleared his throat before speaking, "Um, it's fine; I promised, and I always keep my promises. I have spoken to Anabelle about it already. I just have to confirm it with her. I'll call you as well so you both can finalize it. In the meantime, please have a seat. What would you like to drink?"

"Water is fine," she said.

"Okay, coming right up."