The Show

Stephanie's POV

The show was starting in 30 minutes, and Stephanie was shitting her pants. She had gone over the whole process with the show coordinator. At some point, Anabelle had come to reassure her that she was going to do fine. The woman looked so awkward and a tad different from who she met the first time, and she had reasons to believe Alexander had something to do with it.

Speaking of Alexander, the man has been working so hard to reassure her, and with every 'you got this' he told her, her heart was beating a little faster. He said every right thing and made her feel good about herself.

Her mantra every other day was. 'He's not yours; he is not yours.' She needed to remind herself for her safety that this was fake and it'd all be over and done with in about a year.

Stephanie got a text, and she took out her phone hurriedly but got disappointed when she realized it wasn't a certain CEO. She, however, felt horribly guilty when she eventually saw the text.

Kate: Hey stranger!

Stephanie had been so engulfed in the whole fake contract drama that she had completely forgotten to check up on her friend or just tell her something.

Stephanie: heyyyy, I'm so sorry. I don't even know what to say. Dinner at my place by 7? Scratch that, sleepover? It's been a long time since we did that.

Kate: You're not forgiven yet, but yeah. I'll see you by 7. You've got a whole lot of explaining to do, girl.

Stephanie was happy that her friend was at least giving her a listening ear. She was about to put her phone away and get ready when she got a text from someone who was slowly becoming her favorite person.

Alexander: Good luck, my love.

His love.

"Alright, girls and guys, put away your phones. The show is about to begin," the backstage manager announced. It is time.

After about 30 minutes, it was finally her turn. She had been dressed beautifully in an Anabelle Corelli dress. It was a stunning creation that highlighted her features. It made her feel elegant and poised. The dress had intricate lace detailing and a flowing silhouette.

As she walked onto the stage, it shimmered under the soft lighting, and she could feel everyone's eyes on her.

She glanced at the audience discreetly and found her person of interest. He stared at her with a look of admiration on his face. 

The approving look on Alexander's face improved her self-confidence. She moved with a quiet confidence, every step accentuating the craftsmanship of Anabelle's work. It felt as though everyone was staring at her in awe. Stephanie walked back, feeling the most confident she had ever felt. The reason for her anxiety was lost.

Stephanie was backstage after the show

had ended, and accolades were being given to Anabelle, who deserved every bit of it. She was an amazing designer. She had changed back to her casual clothing and was cleaning off her make-up. She smelled a familiar cologne and heard a voice that always left a smile on her face.

"Hey, beautiful," he said. She turned to face Alexander with the biggest smile on her face.

"Hi," she replied excitedly, and she stood up, looking up at him as he drew closer to her.

"That was beautiful, Stephanie; you are beautiful,"  his compliment, and her name from his mouth made her heart swell.

"Thank you," she said, blushing. "Are you sure I did well? It wasn't a flop?" she asked nervously, hoping he would tell her the truth even if she didn't do very well.

"This is the surest I have ever been. Everyone was mesmerized by you." He said he was reassuring her. "I'm sure so many people would be wondering who you are and how they can get you. What do you say about celebrating a successful show and being the first of many?" he asked.

She smiled and was about to nod until she remembered her friend. She checked the time on a wall clock behind Alexander and saw it was already 6:25 p.m. She had to leave very quickly if she was going to meet up. She could not afford to cancel either; her friendship was on the line.

"I wish I could, but I promise my friend we were going to hang out at my place by 7, and I really can't cancel at the at the last minute. I'm so sorry," she explained to Alexander, apologizing.

"No, it's fine. There is no need to apologize. How about I drive you home?" He asked. She nodded yes and finished cleaning off her make-up. They headed out, and he drove to her apartment.

The ride to her house was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. When she got home, she took a breath and then gave him a hug.

"Thank you so much," she whispered into his neck.

"You're welcome, love," he replied, hugging her back. They stayed there for a few seconds before they finally let go of each other. She got down and went to open her door. She waved at him shyly and went into her house, watching him drive off from her window.