
Alexander's POV 

"You are getting married? You? "Alexander who almost got a fake bride less than two months ago, is suddenly in love and ready to get married," Matt asked in disbelief from the other end of the phone. Alexander had told Matt that he proposed to Stephanie, and he has refused to believe it.

"I'm not joking, man; I don't know how it happened, but it happened." That was technically not a lie. Both this arrangement with Stephanie and his feelings for her. He wasn't sure how it happened.

"And just in time to meet the deadline as well? Are you bullshitting me, Alex? I say you are. What are you hiding? Even if it were true, you are definitely hiding something," Matt countered. Alexander sighed. His best friend was too suspicious of everything, and he was. too tired to deal with it at the moment. 

"Look, Matt, I'm busy right now, okay, but we could meet so you could tell me all of your amazing suspiciousness," he said, exasperated.