Chapter Two: Escape

While Finn was trying to grasp the chaos around him, he realized he couldn't just stand and watch. He had to run now, or he would perish. His legs began to move swiftly without him noticing, trying to escape the violent battlefield.

But he had only taken a few steps before feeling a sharp pain in his arm.


Finn groaned and fell to the ground from the shock. He quickly looked at his arm and saw a sword had cut through his skin, blood gushing out. He looked up and saw a man in a blue uniform, his face twisted in anger.

"Die, you scum of the Leon family!"

The man shouted angrily, aiming his sword at Finn's head to finish him off. Finn saw death rushing towards him and screamed internally:

"My God, am I going to die again?"

Despair engulfed him, but suddenly he saw another sword come out of nowhere to block the blue man's strike. A man in a yellow uniform had intervened to save him.

Finn seized the opportunity and quickly got to his feet, the wound in his arm burning with pain. He began to run away from the battle, trying to deny the reality he found himself in.

"No, impossible, this can't be real. It feels like I'm in a nightmare!"

Finn ran in a random direction, driven by adrenaline and fear.

He saw a forest filled with trees and rushed towards it, looking for shelter. The battle was still raging, the sounds of swords clashing echoing in the background.

"I need to find a place to hide quickly!"

Finn urged himself to keep running despite the pain from his wound.

Finally, he saw a small cave with a narrow entrance. He entered quickly and cautiously began to explore, looking for a safe place to sit. He found a rock beside him and sat next to it, trying to catch his breath.

"How did it come to this?"

He muttered to himself while trying to calm his racing heart. Tears began to flow down his cheeks, but he wiped them away shortly after and started analyzing the situation.

"If I really got transported into the novel I started reading, then this is the war between the Elshin family and the northern families."

Finn remembered how the northern families formed an alliance against the Elshin family, who had come out of a war with heavy losses, and had prepared large armies to seize them. But the leader of the Elshin family, Dimitri Elshin, surprised them with a massive number of soldiers, and the war began.

Finn sighed and started laughing to himself.

"I got transported into this novel and I don't even know who the protagonist is."

"This is truly despicable."

"Damn it."

Finn cursed in his mind, and saw the wound on his arm bleeding profusely.

"Who's there?"

Finn heard someone's voice and his heart trembled.

A man emerged from within the cave, dressed in green and holding a long sword.

Finn saw the armed man and thought of running immediately, but he was surprised by the man's next words.

"Oh, you're from the Leon family."

The man noticed Finn's yellow uniform and deduced that he was from the Leon family.

The man's heart eased and he said to Finn,

"Come with me."

Finn was surprised and forgot that the enemy was the Elshin family, not the northern families.

Finn's heart eased and he cautiously followed the man. Finn kept observing the place as they walked until they reached a dead end.

"What is this?"

Finn asked.

"Just follow me."

The man continued walking until he penetrated the wall and entered it.

Finn was so shocked that his jaw dropped automatically.

'Oh my God, I forgot this is a magical world, but even if I remembered, I would still be surprised by this.'

'It seems to be some kind of magical spell. Unfortunately, I didn't read about the types of spells in the novel.'

Finn sighed and continued walking, entering the dead end wall as well.

He found a group of people gathered around a fire, consisting of twelve people, including him and the man who entered with him.

"Hey Falco, did you bring someone with you?"

A man in a green cloak spoke to the man who was with Finn.

"I found him at the cave entrance when I was getting some air. I think he escaped too."

Falco spoke as he exchanged glances with Finn.

"Huh, well, it seems you're severely injured, kid. Go to Ayana over there to treat your wound."

The man sighed and pointed to a woman with green hair sitting at the corner of the cave.


Finn nodded to the man and went to the green-haired woman.

The woman was in her thirties, wearing a black cloak that hid her clothes.

"Hey, Lady Ayana, could you please heal this wound?"

Finn spoke politely to Ayana.

Ayana looked at him without speaking and gestured for him to sit.

Finn noticed the gesture and sat down.

Ayana looked at Finn's wound and placed her palm on it, her hand beginning to glow with green light.

After a short while, Finn's wound was completely healed.

Seeing this, Finn was genuinely amazed and thought,

"This injury would have taken at least two months on Earth just to be able to move my fingers."

"This is truly astonishing."

"Thank you for your effort, my lady."

Finn bowed to her in gratitude, and Ayana gestured for him to leave.

Finn left Ayana's spot and found another secluded spot to sit in, starting to analyze the situation.

'There are a total of twelve people including me. Two in green, five in red, two in white, one in a black cloak, and two in yellow including myself.'

Finn looked at the other person in yellow and saw that he was a young man in his twenties.

The young man noticed Finn's gaze and approached him.

'Impossible, does he know me?'

Finn's heart raced in fear that the young man might recognize him, but he relaxed after hearing his next words.

"Hello, are you from the Leon family? My name is Jack Leon. What's your name?"

'It seems he just wants to get acquainted.'

Finn thought to himself and replied to the young man.

"My name is Finn Leon."

Finn changed his family name to Leon to avoid suspicion.

"Oh, that's good."

The young man sat next to Finn and they began to talk.

"You know, there might be a traitor among the northern families."


Finn was shocked by Jack's dangerous words.

"Yes, I think the Elshin family's huge army couldn't have come out without passing through our investigations. I believe there is a family supporting the Elshin family in secret."

Finn couldn't speak; he just listened to Jack due to his lack of information.

'This is plausible. I need to know more about the northern families; I think this is the opportunity.'

"Hey Jack, could you explain the whole situation regarding the northern families? I can't remember because of the war shock."

"Oh, of course."

Jack responded to Finn and began explaining the situation.

"There were seven families in the north, but as you know, due to the war between the two strongest families, Elshin and Voh, there are now six families. And due to the greed of the five families Khao, White, Leon, Hector, and Hive to control Elshin, a war broke out among them, leading to the current situation."

"So, what happened-"


Before Finn could continue, a man in a red cloak silenced him.

"There are enemies coming, and they seem to be from Elshin."


Everyone was shocked by this news.