Chapter 1

["Are you really doing well at the academy?"]

"Yes, sis. I'm already twenty-two. I'm not a kid anymore, so stop worrying about me. I even got first place in my department on the last written exam."

["That's good to hear. Make sure to eat well...!"]

"Sis! My friends are calling me. I'll contact you again later."

["Be careful and do not get late...!"]


Elric confirmed multiple times that his sister's face had disappeared beyond the screen, and then he finally let out a sigh.

Honestly, his sister was always so worried about him, back then and now.

Elric couldn't help but feel unease as he vividly recalled his sister's worried expression during their conversation through the crystal ball.

Contrary to what he said out loud, he wasn't really enjoying his life at the academy.

"The communication has ended. The fee is 312 silver."

"Please withdraw it from the designated account."

I probably don't have much money left now. I might have to rely on baguettes for a while again. With such thoughts in mind, Elric left the communication center.

The sun was unusually bright today, hurting his eyes.

"I couldn't tell her I might go back to home soon...," Elric muttered to himself while creating a shadow over his eyes with right hand as he walked in the direction of the dormitory.

He felt his steps particularly heavy throughout his walk.

[Final Exam Results Announcement]

Elric Melvinger

Six Physical elemental theory : A+

Akkad Geometry: A+

Ancient Spell Philosophy: A+

Black Magic History: A+


Psychic Magic Spell: F-

Barrier Construction: F-

Practical Attack Magic: F-

Total Score: 1.95 / 4.5

Rank: 41 / 42

Evaluation: Warning for failed to pass required subjects.

'Not again...!'

Elric stared at the report card posted on the wall and closed his eyes shut.

Despite the numerous A+ grades on the report card, the only word that caught his eye was "Warning."

This was already the fourth time he had received a warning.

According to the regulations of the Usdun Academy, four warnings meant expulsion.

'For goodness' sake! It's not like I wanted to get these warnings!'

Of course, like most academies, warnings and expulsions were not frequent occurrences at Usdun Academy, but they were not unheard of either.

However, those who received such warnings were mostly inexperienced and naive students who relied solely on their talents or came from influential families.

Elric Melvinger, on the other hand, belonged to a group of academic students who always stayed in the library and studied until the very last moment.

It could be seen as a pretentious act, but he prided himself on being quite intelligent.

He enjoyed reading old theses that even his peers and most instructors couldn't easily decipher.

The fact that he always received perfect scores in written and theoretical subjects was proof of that.

Furthermore, he had exceptional affinity for detecting mana and a remarkable aptitude for controlling and manipulating it.

In other words, from theory to mana abilities, he possessed talents that any aspiring magician would envy.


That was all.

'Damn this blockage disease!'

What is the benefit of having a deep understanding and knowledge of magical studies?

Also, what's the point of knowing how to detect and control mana if you couldn't perform the most crucial process, "Condensation"?

Elric was unable to draw mana from the surroundings and engrave it into his heart through the 'Circle' process.

This was because the channels or pathways needed for the circulation of mana were inherently severed or blocked in his case.

His mentor had referred to this as "blockage disease."

It was an abnormal condition that occurred in one out of ten million people.

He possesses a brilliant mind, but unfortunately, he suffers from a rare disease that leaves his body frail.

'Would the outcome have been different if I had known a little earlier?'

In truth, Elric had been completely unaware of his rare condition until he entered the academy.

After all, magic was nothing more than a money pit.

Although his family held the title of a duke, there was no way that a ruined family whose only wealth was a now crumbling house could support Elric.

As a result, Elric had to rely solely on self-study to build the foundation of his magical knowledge from a young age.

During that time, it is impossible to take a medical test that requires an astronomical amount of money.

Yet, Elric hadn't worried much about it until now. Or rather, he hadn't even felt the need to take such a test in the first place.

Before their downfall, his family had been among the most prestigious in the field of magic, leaving a significant legacy for generations.

He hadn't imagined that their family history could disappear so easily.

Well, to be precise, that excessive pride had led to their downfall.

'Even the magic doctor said that I'm too old for surgery now.'

Elric's heart ached as he recalled the moment he had received the acceptance letter to the academy and cried together with his sister.

'Should I really just give up and return to my hometown?'

It had been seven years since he entered the four-year course of the academy. All the dreams and hopes he had once held had shattered to pieces.

And that's the reason why his face was so stiff as he walked.

There are seasonal semesters and supplementary exams to help failing students, but it is impossible to avoid getting a warning if you receive F- grade in all practical fields.

After all, practical skills were far more important than theory in the world of magicians.

"That person...?"

"Yeah, it's him."

"I heard that the dean recently recommended his expulsion."

On his way back to the dormitory, Elric spotted two female students exchanging glances and talking about him. But he simply ignored them.

He really didn't have the energy to care about that.

Besides, he had become accustomed to such stares and gossip by now.

"He is the grandson of our school's first headmaster..."

"That's right. He's the disgrace of the Melvinger family."

"Just how far is the 'Magic noble family' going to fall?"

However, Elric had to stop in his tracks at one point.

He didn't care what they said about him, but he felt irritated after hearing about his family.

"Hey, are you guys first-year students in the Physical Magic Department?"

The female students suddenly straightened up when Elric looked at them. They realized their voices were louder than they had intended.

Still, one of them mustered the audacity to respond, "Uh, yes...?"

"Doesn't one of your assistant professors go by the name Sean? He happens to be my closest friend among my classmates."



The faces of the two female students instantly turned ashen.

Elric couldn't help but chuckle at their reactions.

"I have aged quite a bit, so there are quite a few of my friends who are already taking the elite course."

The Usdun Academy was known for its strict hierarchy between professors and students because the Academy still retains much of the old apprentice-style tradition. 

Naturally, the assistant professors also had significant authority.

"So, what are your names?"

"Uh, let's go! This is ridiculous, seriously."

The two female students quickly ran away, afraid that Elric might read their name tags. Their faces were flushed with embarrassment.

Elric only wore a sardonic expression and didn't bother to stop them. 

After all, he was the one who would end up feeling tired if he did.

However, he couldn't help but turn his head slightly as he walked away. He felt like the statue standing alone in the middle of the stairs leading to the academy's main building was watching him.


Then he continued walking towards the dormitory, as if nothing had happened.


The corridor leading to the third floor of the dormitory.


Eric had to scream in shock as someone suddenly slapped him on the back of the head.

"Ah, shit! Who...!"

"Ah, shit? What's with the Ah, shit? Are you selling my name again?"

Elric turned his head back with an annoyed look on his face, but then broke into a big smile.

"Who's this? Isn't it my beloved friend and the nation's pride, Sean!"

"Enough with the nonsense, really. Didn't I tell you last time? Stop harassing juniors with my name. Huh?"

Sean began to lecture him in full swing like always. He dressed in a blue robe that symbolized an assistant professor, and drew the attention and gazes of many students passing by in the corridor. However, Sean paid no mind to them.

Of course, Elric did the same.

"Alright, alright. Our Sean-nim seems to be getting sharper these days, how about going outside to cool off a bit?"

Sean looked displeased at Elric's attempt to dismiss him so nonchalantly.

Then he sighed as if giving up, "Ugh! I'd rather be sick than put up with you."

He followed Elric to the open-air cafe on the first floor.

And then...

"Damn you bastard."

Sean muttered, glaring at Elric through the rising steam of his coffee. His expression twisted in apparent disgust.

Even now, Elric's face alone was enough to make Sean spat out curses.

"Why is your mouth so foul? Is it that time of the month for you?"

"Do you really want to die?"

"Hehe. Why are you so dead serious about a simple joke? Laugh. Let's live while laughing. Alright?"


Sean clicked his tongue while firmly convinced that as long as he remained friends with this guy, he would never win an argument in his lifetime.

"Are you busy these days?"

"How could I not be? Even though I have the title 'Assistant,' I still hold the position of a professor."

"Well, that's true. That's why they say we should keep successful friends around."

Elric was genuinely delighted, as if celebrating his own achievement. He truly felt that way unlike other classmates.

That's why Sean couldn't help but look at Elric with a bitter expression. 

In fact, unlike Elric, Sean was the son of a powerful family who was known to hold sway not only in central politics but also in the Magic Tower.

Moreover, he achieved second place in graduation, became the youngest member ever to join the Imperial Research Society, and was even nominated to become a professor—an elite career path that was the complete opposite of Elric's.

Some people might describe Elric and Sean as "parallel lines running at the extremes."

Despite this, Sean didn't care about the public's opinions and maintained his friendship with Elric.

"But you said you're busy. Why did you come? It doesn't seem like you just came to scold me for using your name."

Who did he take after? He is quick-witted.

Sean thought as he pulled out a stack of documents from his bag and tossed them in front of Elric.

"I came to show you this."

"What is it?"

Elric set aside the cookie he had been munching on and picked up the documents.

-「Diamond Dragon, Shainak's Nest Exploration Plan」

Diamond Dragon?

Elric had never heard of that name before. 

He could not think of a similar specific name or scientific name.

Could it be a newly discovered subspecies of dragons?

He glanced at Sean with a questioning look, and wondered why he was given this document.

Sean responded nonchalantly, as if it was nothing special.

"It's a newly classified ancient dragon species, and we predict that there's a nest in a certain location. You should join the exploration team."


An ancient dragon species!

Did they discover the nest of the Elder Dragon, which is now extinct and the origin of magic?

Elric quickly stood up from his seat and began to examine the documents.

If what Sean said was true, depending on the results of the exploration, there might be an opportunity to obtain a valuable artifact. 

No, even setting aside such matters, it could possibly serve as a reason to avoid expulsion.

And so...


Elric narrowed his brows and pondered something for a while.

By that time the steaming hot tea in the cup had cooled down. Elric, who had been silent until then, spoke.



"Tell me the three Laws of Mana Stream."

"From high to low, from hot to cold, from wide to narrow. Why are you asking such basic questions?"


It was the kind of question and answer that might be exchanged between novice magicians or those just starting to learn about magic. 

Suddenly, one of Elric's eyebrows twitched.

"But having a nest there? That doesn't make sense."

Talent-Swallowing Magician.