Chapter 3

Disgrace of Melvinger family (3)


Bad seed.

Crazy dog.


Brawler king.

Personality wreck…

Contrast to his current mild and quiet(?) image, those who knew Elric in the early days of his enrollment, especially his peers and seniors, didn't dare to mess with him recklessly. If they did, they would have to go through a lot of trouble.

'I approached him in the first place because doing such things seemed so fun.,' Sean still vividly recalled those days.

In the early days of his enrollment, there was a time when he was teased for not being able to condense mana properly, and people wondered if he was really the grandson of the founding headmaster or just some adopted child.

Elric didn't respond to such taunts. Instead, during the break, he hit the sleeping guy on the back of the head with a large rock he picked up from somewhere.

The mocker ended up in the hospital with a cracked head for six months, and Elric received a one-month suspension.

Sean found it impressive and entertaining at that time.

Even after being summoned to the disciplinary committee, he boldly defended himself without a hint of fear for what he had done.

-He insulted my family first. A child of the Viscount family dared to insult a duke. I am only punishing him for disgracing the Duke of Empire. Is there any problem with that?

Because his words were absolutely flawless, both the committee members and the parents of the other party couldn't say anything.

As a result, the academy suspended him for one month based on the rule "all students are equal in academy," without any additional punishment.

Since then, Elric always retaliated against anyone who mocked him, even if they were seniors.

By the end of the semester, no one dared to provoke him anymore.

The nicknames like "freak" and "personality wreck" began around that time.

Thanks to that, although students gossiped about Elric, they all avoided doing it in front of him.

'I thought he would become a bit more calmer as he grew older... Sigh!'

In truth, Sean had thought Elric had matured when heard that he had let two female students go without any trouble.

But it seemed Professor Berex had triggered his old self.

Sean wanted to warn him not to cause unnecessary trouble, but he soon bit his tongue.


Seeing Elric laughing ominously, Sean felt that if he said anything wrong, he might get caught up in it too.


Elric and Sean began preparations for the exploration team after that.

"But how are we going to assemble the team for the expedition? The schedule is too tight to recruit personnel..."

Sean squinted.

The current exploration team schedule set by Professor Berex is for February 1st.

The purpose was to garner a lot of attention as the year-end and New Year's events came to an end, all aimed for victory in the upcoming election for the next headmaster.

So, Elric and Sean had to plan for an even earlier date.

'If it turns out there are no nests in the locations we've pinpointed, he will likely target us immediately.'

They had to avoid any risks.

'Moreover, the announcement of grade retention is scheduled for the end of January. We must find the nest before that.'

For these complex reasons, Elric scheduled the exploration for January 2nd.

Considering today's date is December 4th, they had less than a month left.

It was a tight schedule compared to the over six months it took for Professor Berex's expedition preparations. It is almost like cutting corners.

So, it was natural for Sean to be frustrated.


"Huh? Why are you recruiting people?"

"What are you talking about? Of course, we need to start recruiting now."

"No. I mean, we've already recruited everyone."

"So, what's the...!"

Sean was about to ask Elric what he meant, but he suddenly grasped the meaning and shouted.

"Hey, you crazy bastard!"

"I told you not to shout."

"How can the two of us go through something like this...!"

"Why should we share such a good opportunity with others?"

Elric said in a triumphant manner.

Sean was momentarily at a loss for words.

In truth, Elric had a point. 

When it came to opportunities like this, the fewer people who were in on it, the better.

"But we still have a lot to prepare for the exploration...!"

"That's exactly why we should make the most out of this opportunity given by the dean."


"We should take everything we can."

Watching Elric speak was like watching a con artist who had just caught a sucker at a gambling table.

And then...

Clack, clack.

Soon they were able to board a carriage headed south.

"..... I can't believe it got approved."

Sean was downfounded as they rode in the carriage.

"See? I told you it would work out."

On the other hand, Elric, sitting across from him, was looking smug.

Sean couldn't help but wonder what kind of magic Elric had used. Well, in truth, he already knew. He was just baffled.

'I had mentioned that quite a few artifacts were needed…. But it was approved very easily without any restrictions.'

Professor Berex had truly kept his promise to help them in every way. 

Not only had he provided the necessary funding, but he had also lent them important artifacts from the academy's collection free of charge.

Among them were even 4-star artifacts that seemed unlikely to be approved. Normally, items of this caliber required at least a month or higher rank than an associate professor to be authorized.

Therefore, the fact that a team consisting only of assistant professors and department students was permitted was a clear indication that higher-ups had exerted tremendous influence.

'It's probably because he's so fixated on getting the magical amulet,' Sean thought, 'but still...sigh'

Especially considering that the carriage they were riding in bore a golden insignia that was only given to the leader of the academy's project.

'From an outside perspective, it'll serve as a prime example of how the dean supported a project of assistant professor and department student... It's good for his image-making, and if we fail, he can pin all the blame on us.'

If they succeeded, it would have its own significance, so for Professor Berex, it wouldn't necessarily incur losses whether the exploration succeeded or failed.


Sean couldn't help but feel uneasy, as if he were a pawn in Professor Berex's hands.

Elric, on the other hand, paid no attention to such matters. He had already grasped the situation and smoothly carried out the exploration schedule, and shamelessly took all he could.

The budget department also had a hard time because of him.

'What on earth is he thinking?'

Sean remembered when Elric had confidently declared that Professor Berex would have to stake his entire dean career, and he wanted to ask him outright what he was thinking.

But he didn't ask. He felt that asking might make himself overly anxious and uncertain for no good reason.

'By the way…'

Whether he knew or not about Sean's gaze, Elric was engrossed in reading a book even in the shaking carriage.

'What is he reading?'

A book so thick that one might think it might be a weapon.

-「Effects of various factors on Physical Enhancement.」

Why did it have such a complex and difficult name?

Sean was aware that Elric enjoyed reading theses that were considered challenging even by professors and researchers. However, this particular book is even more baffling.

"Hey, are you allowed to read that? I heard it was classified as a shunned book even in the Magical Medicine Department..."

"Oh, this? It's not a shunned book."

"Then what is it?"

"It's just a forbidden book."


"If you read it, they might accuse you of conducting black magic research and label you as a witch's offspring."

"You're undoubtedly insane."

How could he casually and nonchalantly utter such dangerous words?

Sean felt his temple throbbing as he watched Elric grinning mischievously.

"No, seriously, why do you even bother learning the 'Tiger King's Body Strengthening Art'?"

The Tiger King.

The king of the beastmen who lived in the 'Black Snowfields' located in the northwest.

At one point, he was the worst enemy of the Empire.

But now, his bloodline had been completely finished due to the Empire's persistence and careful strategies.

The Body Strengthening Art was a legendary art that had been passed down through generations of the Tiger King's lineage and had disappeared in secrecy along with the last Tiger King.

However, the mystery of the Body Strengthening Art, which could turn bones into steel and amplify physical strength several times, remained a subject of intrigue for both beastmen and humans alike.

For a while, there was a craze in the magic academic community to decipher the mechanics of this art.

But the craze quickly died down.

For unknown reason, the upper echelons of the Tower of Magic classified it as a danger and designated it as a forbidden item. Currently, just possessing it could result in severe punishment...

"Perhaps there's a way to heal my body."

Sean pressed his temple with his index finger.

"So? Did you get any hints?"

"Not yet. I've recovered it, but I still don't have a clue about how to apply it to my body."

"What? Say it again."

"Apply it to my body..."

"No. Before that!"

"I said, I have recovered it."


He has already done what other researchers failed to do even after racking their brains together?

If he could just present his findings, the warning of academy would be lifted immediately.

'…Honestly, why are geniuses like that?'

Sean had the qualities and abilities to be considered a genius in the eyes of others. However, when compared to Elric, he felt utterly insignificant.

A truly heaven-sent talent.

However, the heavens must have been jealous of his overflowing talent and gave him that disease as well.

And if he overcame this burden, then...

'A monster?'

As Sean entertained such thoughts...


The carriage came to a halt.

They had arrived at their destination.


"What? They took 'Gehenna's Breath' and 'Azure Sky lord armor'?"

Professor Berex looked at the assistant who reported this with a bewildered expression, as if he had misheard.

The "Gehenna's Breath" was a gourd filled with the hellfire of the netherworld, where demons were said to reside.

The "Azure Sky lord armor" was a replica of a holy relic bestowed by the god of the sky to the former apostle, 'Leetbile.'

Both were classified as 4-star magical artifacts, capable of turning a village into a smoking crater with ease.

However, the one truly taken aback was the assistant professor.

"The dean instructed us to assist them actively no matter what they needed..."

"You crazy fool! Even if that's the case, you just let them have 'Gehenna's Breath' and 'Azure Sky lord armor' without questioning it? If an accident happens all responsibility will fall on you. Understood?"

The assistant professor was instantly paralyzed under the roaring anger of Professor Berex.

He wanted to retort, "The dean told us not to bother with questions and just do it!" but he held his tongue.

"I don't want to see you, so get out, you bastard!"

Of course, Professor Berex was not someone who would accommodate such excuses. He threw a paperweight at the assistant professor, who scurried out of the room.

Professor Berex leaned back in his chair with an annoyed look.

"Neither of these guys does their job properly. Sigh!"

He pursed his lips, deep in thought.

"They should at least handle their tasks properly..."

In truth, Professor Berex couldn't completely erase the thought that Elric's reasoning had some merit. 

Of course, Professor Berex didn't think he was wrong. 

However, you never know how things will turn out when it comes to human affairs.

If that were the case, there was only one solution.

"To ensure that they fail from the very beginning."