Chapter 5

Euphoria expands the unconscious horizon.

It changes the way one sees the world, opens up the mind, and brings forth a clear understanding of the Five Elements.

Moreover, it allows the unlocking of closed senses, enabling the accumulation of more mana.

Considering that magicians commonly pursue ecstasy to transcend beyond the typical classification of 'magician' into the 6th Circle, it was a significant breakthrough.

"If I can unfold these things myself...!"

"Therefore, Elric felt an even more burning thirst for magic.

No matter how significant the breakthrough might be.

It's all useless.


At that moment when the veins tightened on the clenched fist.

"W-We've arrived!"

A member leading the way at the forefront shouted loudly.

Elric, too, snapped out of his reverie and could see the enormous stone gate standing before them.

"It's too massive."

"How on earth are we supposed to open this?"

The enormous size seemed to be easily tens of meters.

With the thought that beyond this gate lay the nest's common area, the exploration team desperately tried to find a way to open the stone gate.

The idea of pushing it open with strength didn't even cross their minds. It would be impossible unless one had the strength of a top-tier swordsman.

However, no good suggestions came up.

"No matter how you look at it, there doesn't seem to be a way here. How about stepping back for now?"

At that moment, Rivern cautiously interjected.

In truth, he was in a state of impatience.

Up until now, he had come this far due to his curiosity as a magician, but considering the orders left by Professor Berex, he had to somehow diminish Elric's achievements.

"Yeah. Since the preliminary exploration is more or less done, let's contact the academy."

"If the professors hear this news, not to mention the Academy, they might even dispatch people from the Tower of Sorcery, right? This is a monumental discovery!"

"Yeah, that's right. So let's retreat for now."

Other researchers and members of the exploration team, finally aligning with Rivern's words, attempted to turn the public opinion in that direction.

Although Sean wanted to retort to those guys with a few words.


Suddenly, with a tremendous vibration, the stone gate began to open ever so slightly.

Naturally, everyone's attention was drawn in that direction.

"What are you all waiting for? Not going in?"

Elric, who was in front, nonchalantly raised his chin and entered first.




What on earth has he done this time?

The exploration team members, having experienced similar situations several times before, were not particularly surprised.

They just quietly closed their mouths and followed behind Elric.

* * *

'I did try to find the solution using a magic formula, but I never thought it'd be this simple?'

For just a moment, relying on the insights gained from the Dragon Magic, Elric touched the magic circuit embedded in the stone gate.

Although he had attempted to reverse-engineer the solution for the magical puzzle, he never expected the stone gate to open so effortlessly.

It was as if, after learning basic arithmetic as a child, suddenly acing a surprise test?


In an instant, Elric felt a jolt on the back of his head, as if someone had slapped him hard, and he snapped back to his senses.

"A test?"

Though he hadn't realized it until now, the magic scattered throughout the nest had peculiar aspects.

"No matter how it's Dragon Magic, the original forms were preserved. Yet, many parts were inactive, as if forcibly halted by something..."

As Elric pondered deeply, the exploration team scattered throughout the common area.

"T-Treasure mountain!"

"This seems to be a library. So many ancient scrolls are intact...! There seem to be things related to forgotten history?"

"There's even a laboratory on the second floor! Is this the stuffed specimen of the supposedly extinct Big Mammoth?"

"This seems like an armory. There are so many magical weapons. Haha!"

All around the vast central common area.

On the walls, various murals and sculptures were eerily arranged, and compartments were divided along various stairs and passages.

On one side, there was a warehouse that looked like it could be in a fairy tale, made up of all kinds of gold and gems.

There were extensive shelves filled with ancient scrolls, parchment, and various documents, a library containing various flasks and specimens, a laboratory with various experiments and instruments, and an armory storing magical weapons that seemed to be collected or crafted by dragons.

If the academic community were to learn about it, they would have to revise history books several times due to the abundance of well-preserved ancient materials.

It was truly a major discovery.

"Elric! We did it! We did it!"

Sean, overcome with joy, pulled Elric into a tight hug, shedding tears.

Despite Professor Berex's interference and the skepticism of others, the fact that Elric succeeded fueled overwhelming emotions.

Unable to delve deeper into his thoughts due to the enthusiasm of his friend, Elric laughed slightly and nodded.

There were still lingering concerns, but in any case, the grade retention warning had been completely withdrawn.

No, considering the social impact such a major discovery would have.

In the future, the name "Elric Melvinger" would undoubtedly become a topic of discussion in academia, politics, and even social circles.

The sole heir of the fallen Melvinger family, once a subject of ridicule, now became a figure of significance!

Elric, understanding Sean's feelings, tried to smile slightly when suddenly,

"There's another hidden chamber here!"

One of the team members who was meticulously exploring the rooms shouted.

Given the excitement in the voice, Elric and Sean hurriedly rushed over.

"This can't be...!"


"... a dragon!"

They discovered the carcass of a dragon that seemed to be the owner of the nest.

A massive body that appeared to be dozens of meters long.

Sharp eyes, claws, wings, and scales covering the body. Even scales that seemed to reflect the face.

The lifelike dragon, as if frozen in time, was firmly fixed to the ground, as if impaled on a colossal spear, with its head pierced through.

Finding a dragon in such a well-preserved state, not fossilized, was an exceedingly rare occurrence.

The eyes of the exploration team members glittered with excitement.

"That... considering its size, it might have been resting for easily over 4,000 years?"

"4,000 years is nearly on the level of a 'Dragon King,' right?" Sean muttered to himself as if in awe.

While watching the team approach the dragon's carcass, Elric suddenly felt a sense of unease.

The thoughts he had just moments ago.

The test.

"Be careful...!"

The moment Elric was about to say something,

The previously closed eyes of the dragon opened.

Above it's pumpkin-sized, amber-like shining pupils.

The startled faces of the exploration team members reflected like a mirror.

And then.


They all melted away in the suddenly pouring flames.

All that remained in the spot they had occupied were scorched marks, a hazy smoke, and drifting ashes.




Fortunately, those who were not within the range of the flames were all frozen in shock.

Their minds were blank from the unexpected transformation.

"What are you doing!? Gather around, everyone!"

At that moment, Elric urgently shouted, and the team snapped out of their stupor, gathering in one place.

Living as a magician often exposes one to all sorts of bizarre occurrences. The study of magic itself involves exploring mysteries and miracles, inevitably encountering unexplained phenomena multiple times.

Therefore, the academy provided novice students with response manuals for such unforeseen situations and concurrently included basic military training.

Thanks to this, the team could move swiftly as their bodies were accustomed to well-practiced habits.

The same applied to the exploration team members who came to assist.

Magicians gathered in the center, those with shields raised surrounded them, forming a protective barrier. Meanwhile, soldiers armed with spears and swords rushed towards the dragon in unison.

The goal was to divert the dragon's attention, allowing the magicians to cast spells or buy time for an escape.

"Derek... and Simon is dead..."

"H-How in the world is the dragon still alive?"

"Darn it, darn it, darn it!"

The magicians were trembling with fear, their bodies soaked in horror, and they struggled to curse.

Just a few minutes ago, they were laughing and sharing stories with companions who were now dead before their eyes.

The loss was especially significant with three out of the five magicians participating as researchers killed.


At that moment, the dragon spread its wings wide and roared loudly.

The cave echoed.

The ceiling trembled, and the air became heavy.

The group experienced an immense sense of fear that froze their bodies, making their hearts shrink.

Dragon Fear.

A dragon's innate ability that induces terror in all beings within a certain range, imprinting their presence and gaining a tactical advantage.

What had been encountered only in academic papers until now had manifested in reality.

"Get your minds together! Cast a flare or something!"

Once again, it was Elric who first snapped the team back to reality.

"Damn it! [Flash of Fire ]!"

"[Flare ]!"

"[Flare ]...!"

"[Surging Fire Wave ]!"

Magicians, including Sean, simultaneously unleashed their most powerful attack spells they could cast.

However, before the magic could reach the dragon, it collided with an invisible barrier and scattered.

It was absurd to think they could face the dragon with their current capabilities.

Thud, thud, thud!

With slow steps, the dragon began to approach.

The sheer movement of its massive body was enough to create an overwhelming sense of intimidation, as if a mountain itself were moving.

Soldiers bravely stepped forward to block the approaching dragon, but they were all swept away by its fiery breath and tail lashes that tore through the space.

"Exploration team, fall back!"

Sean shouted in desperation, thinking that they would be completely annihilated if they stayed any longer. With the help of the guards, they began to retreat.



In response to the urgent cry from someone in the group, everyone turned their gaze towards the ceiling.

"W-What's that again?"

Something was revealing itself between the stalactites.

Soldiers armed with sturdy black bones, carrying spears, shields, and wearing armor.

Dragon Guard.

They were the guardians known from fairy tales for protecting dragon nests.


Kruk! Kirruk!

The Dragon Guards poured down from the ceiling onto the guards, hurling their spears.



"My eye, my eye! Argh...!"

The guards raised their shields, but before they could counter, the fallen Dragon Guards among the stalactites thrust their spears one after another.

Even if they managed to block some attacks, there were already Dragon Guards scattered within the guards' formation.

Those creatures, wielding bone spears while their jawbones clattered, swiftly disrupted the formation, leading to a massacre 

Surrounded by the emotionless Dragon Guards, resistance became increasingly futile.

"Fall back! Retreat quickly!"

Still, the guards tried to maintain their formation and continue retreating. However, the numbers of incoming Dragon Guards kept growing.

"A way. I need to think of a way...!"

Despite the chaos, Elric tried to stay as calm as possible and quickly scanned his surroundings.

"I don't know what happened, but this must be a test."

Elric's eyes sank deep.

"Finding the nest, opening the communal stone door, and escaping the rampaging dragon – it's all connected as one test!"