Chapter 7

There was a dragon there.

A massive figure, its colossal body inflated, stood proudly with a dignified posture, emitting a formidable storm of mana.

It was the very creature Elric had faced just a while ago.

However, the aura it exuded was vastly different from before.

It was arrogant and intense.

A gaze that seemed to overwhelm and dominate everything, the eyes filled with the absolute authority that it could crush and control all that existed.

On the other hand .

Opposite to the dragon stood a human figure, infinitely dwarfed in comparison.

With black hair and dark eyes.

In contrast, he possessed a pale complexion.

It seemed like he could be crushed and erased by the dragon's forelimb at any moment, yet strangely, he wore a smirk on his face.

As if mocking the dragon that rushed towards him.

In an instant, Elric realized who the man with the black hair was.

'The Demon King!'

All beings, including demons , monsters , and rulers of the supernatural.

It was known that dragons, who pursued order, had an antagonistic relationship with them.

It seemed they were clashing due to that reason...

But there was a problem.

'Who on earth is it?'

The identity of the Demon King was utterly beyond speculation.

Elric was more knowledgeable about the demon lineage than anyone else.

Since the extinction of dragons, the Melvinger family had gained fame over millennia by waging wars against demons.

Thirty years ago, they reached the pinnacle of their reputation, only to be the main actors in the catastrophic Demon War that eventually led to their downfall.

But how could they not recognize it?

In an instant, unease crept in.

'Could it be?'


The anxiety that what they thought was an inheritance from the dragon might not be from the dragon at all.

However, Elric paid no heed to such thoughts; the battle between the dragon and the Demon King was already underway.

After the unprecedented clash, where flames surged as the earth split, and icy whirlwinds descended with lowering clouds, a battle unlike anything seen before unfolded.

The Demon King was observed piercing the dragon's head with a massive spear.


Elric involuntarily took in a breath of disbelief.

The dreaded fear he had harbored became a harsh reality.

The dragon, struggling to rise, flailed its might, but eventually, it lost all strength and slumped to the ground.

The Demon King triumphantly stepped onto the dragon's head, which lay defeated.


Laughing heartily, the Demon King suddenly turned his head towards this direction.

His eyes, ablaze with madness, were precisely fixed on Elric.

"You're the one. A new vessel to release me from this tiresome seal!"

* * *

It was a disaster.

Elric felt his body stiffening for a moment.

'...I've been too complacent.'

Why hadn't he thought of this before?

The possibility of it being a trap.

Perhaps, blinded by the greed to gain the dragon's power, his vision had been clouded.

What followed quickly replayed in his mind.

The magical energy emanating from the deceased dragon transformed into chains in an instant, tightly binding the limbs of the Demon King, as a formidable roar erupted to devour him.

The dragon had offered its own soul as a sacrifice, casting a powerful curse upon the Demon King.

A seal of perpetual imprisonment.

Seeking to confine the Demon King at the absolute bottom of the inescapable darkness, making it impossible for anyone to escape.

Despite the Demon King's desperate struggles to break free, the chains only tightened, further restraining him.

Ultimately, when more than half of his body was submerged into the abyss, he had to make a drastic choice.

Deciding that rather than being trapped in the abyss, he would prefer to be buried alongside the dragon.


Thus, the Demon King tore his own body apart. His limbs transformed into black magic, spreading like dense mist.

Of course, that didn't mean he could escape the restraint. The mist, in a whirlpool, was drawn into the inside of the spear that had been piercing through the dragon.

By sealing himself within the spear and the dragon's remains, he managed to escape the pressure of the abyss.

The lost chains, instead, tightly intertwined the spear and the dragon's remains.

Ensuring they would never be separated.

Preventing the Demon King from breaking the seal at his own will and escaping.

And so.

Over a millennium passed.

"But here, now, at last, you've finally appeared!"

The Demon King waited and waited. Hoping for a vessel that could fully contain him.

However, among the humans who discovered this place during all those years, there was none who truly resonated with his heart.

Still, he persevered and patiently waited, finally witnessing a glimmer of hope.

"Moreover, it's a brand-new vessel that has never been used! Excellent, truly excellent!"

Moreover, as if things were meant to unravel once, or rather keep unraveling, this vessel, while possessing exceptional qualities, had not undergone mana training.

The Demon King's laughter, filled with satisfaction, resonated deeply.

"Damn it...!"

Elric desperately wanted to escape from the Demon King, but strangely, his body wouldn't budge.

It felt as if he was firmly bound by something unseen.

Sure enough.

Soon, a dim light emerged, revealing iron chains tightly bound around his arms and legs.

And in front of him, the Demon King appeared.

Wearing a smirk on his lips.

As if evaluating Elric's body with disdain, scanning it from top to bottom.

"You don't need to feel too disappointed. No, you should be rather pleased. From now on, you will become one with Mephistopheles here, and together, you will rule the world."


A name he had never heard before.

Elric wanted to say something, but strangely, his mouth wouldn't open.

The Demon King Mephistopheles reached out his hand towards Elric's forehead.

"Now, become my vessel, human."

As soon as those words were spoken.


The Demon King's body shattered, seamlessly merging into Elric.

Eyes, nose, mouth, even into every pore and orifice, the Demon King forced his way into every opening in Elric's body.

Kuddeuk, Kuduk!

"Ugh! Ugh!"

Elric writhed in agony.

An overwhelming amount of energy was pouring into his body.

Not only the magic that composed the Demon King but also the dragon's mana, which had been mixed in to seal the Demon King all this time!

Naturally, it was impossible for a mere human body to accommodate all of it.

As a result, Elric's body was undergoing rapid transformations.

Muscles were tearing apart, and the skeletal structure was contorting.

Blood vessels expanded, and capillaries opened.

Along with the pores, accumulated waste within Elric's body for the past twenty years was expelled. In the places where the magic and dragon's mana had passed through, Mana Roads were formed.

However, even these Mana Roads couldn't instantly accommodate such an immense amount of magical power, breaking and rebuilding several times.

With each iteration, they became thicker and multiplied, eventually intertwining into clusters.

Simultaneously, his once frail body, weakened from long hours of studying in a dim room, became robust.

Yet, because all these changes were forcibly imposed, the pain was excruciating.

Even if he had screamed, it might have felt a bit better, but not even a scream escaped.

"Hahaha. Shynayk, he spent his whole life thinking of ways to torment me. I never dreamed he'd be of such help."

The Demon King looked at Elric with great satisfaction.

The more significant the pain, the smoother things would progress.

"It's fascinating that the soul doesn't tear apart in a situation like this... Well, it doesn't really matter."

The Demon King casually considered Elric's vessel to be of good quality and moved towards Elric's brain.

His intention was to completely dismantle Elric's mental world and replace it with his own self.


"No. What is this...?"

Contrary to his initial confidence, he soon became noticeably perplexed.

It was because the intrusion wasn't successful.

A barrier of willpower was protecting his mental world.

"Do you think I'll just let you have your way, you bastard?"

Elric growled at the Demon King.

"This is absurd...!"

The Demon King was furious. He never imagined that a mere human would stand in his way.

Elric was using the absorbed dragon's mana to protect his head.

Logically, it made no sense.

A human manipulating dragon's mana?

Especially after absorbing it just a few minutes ago?

It was an occurrence that should never happen under normal circumstances.

The problem was that Elric had already gained some understanding of dragon magic during his time in the nest.

Even though he couldn't use magic, he could manipulate mana to some extent.

Moreover, through his inner vision, he could easily locate the Demon King moving along the Mana Roads.

"You crazy bastard...!"

However, even if it was theoretically possible, achieving it in reality was an entirely different story.

"It seems like your potential is much better than I thought."

The Demon King spat out a voice suppressed by anger.

But soon, he sent a strand of mana.

"However... Well, I wonder how long you can endure."

No matter how extraordinary Elric's mental strength was, there had to be limits, unlike the Demon King.

Elric was well aware of this fact and bit his lip.

'I have to find a way... I have to find a way somehow!'

Even if there was no solution, he was determined to endure somehow.

No matter how long it took. Surely, the rescue team would return with help.

During those moments.

"At an unknown time, but hopefully, our voices will reach the descendants of the distant future."

A miracle happened.

* * *

At that moment, in the real world.


The pendant around Elric neck, the magical amulet, was once again emitting a bright light.

It was like dawn breaking, driving away the darkness.

Similar to when Elric first opened his eyes, the hidden secret function of the magical amulet had been activated.

With a soft "pahat!" various patterns emerged on the magical amulet.

These symbols resembled the ancient writing, carrying symbolic meanings or diagrams, and they spiraled out like a whirlpool before settling on Elric's forehead.

And then,

"Our legacy, may it be fully inherited by the descendants of a distant future."

A voice, whose origin remained unknown, gently echoed.

Yet within that voice, an irresistible binding force was contained.

Each word carried profound magical formulas, a spell of sorts.

"We were originally a group of scholars pursuing the ultimate magic."

"But somewhere along the way, seeking greater power, we became tainted by the dark arts and brought great harm to the world."

"Realizing our mistakes belatedly, we were created to correct those distortions and atone for the past. That's how our lineage came into existence."

"Our mission is to eradicate magic, the lingering duty passed down in our family."

"But magic cannot be completely eradicated; it sprouts wherever it can. So, if we devour that magic, over and over, it will eventually fade away. And in doing so, true magical studies might one day flourish in this land."

Like a candle burning its last flame, the magic compass emitted its brightest light before fading away completely.

And then.


Elric's eyes, which had been closed, suddenly opened.

A brilliant radiance shot up above his eyes, cutting through the darkness.

"Right here, following the predetermined arrangement, I shall consume the first demon."

In that moment,


The spear held by the demon lord Mephistopheles, which had been poised, collapsed like a sandcastle.

And particles ascended, traveling up Elric's right hand, imprinting a peculiar tattoo intricately on the back of his hand.

The tattoo, resembling a ferocious wolf preparing to sink its sharp fangs into prey.

How vivid it was, as if a wolf would leap out from his palm at any moment. On the other hand, the remains of the dragon lay fragmented, settling over his other arm.

As the entire process concluded.


With a sigh, Elric collapsed onto the bare ground, devoid of strength.