Chapter 11

Elric contemplated as he soared through the sky.

'Inadequate. Not enough room for further development.'

Unlike Mephisto, who was astonished by Elric's talent,

Elric was gradually becoming aware of his own limitations.

'Undoubtedly, the art of enchantment is remarkable... but it doesn't suit me.'

To be precise, it would be more accurate to say that it doesn't suit those who have mastered 'systematic magic' like the Academy.

Forming an image was as challenging a task as it sounded.

The 'system' created to facilitate an easy understanding and acquisition of magic was actually limiting imagination.

'The progress made so far is merely the result of long-suppressed growth exploding all at once.'

Something else was needed to fill the void of imagination.


At present, there were two absolute shortcomings preventing him from achieving new growth immediately.

His master.

And practical application.

'If I were to return to the academy with just the accomplishments I've achieved so far, the professors would all offer to become my mentor. But... they won't do it .'

He needed a 'master' who would genuinely cherish him and guide him along the right path of magic.

From that perspective, the professors at the academy were all worthless.

'Once under their wing, they'll just snatch away the foundation from under me.'

It would be fortunate if he could study magical principles or even engage in dissection.

'Their standards are low. At the very least, they should be on the level of a sage... or perhaps a duke of the realm of desires.'

Someone who would guard his secrets like a sword, possessing the character to serve as a mental support.

A profound knowledge that remains in the field of 'mysticism' within the existing academic community, capable of discussing and guiding the dragon language magic, which remains a mystery, together with him.

A political stature capable of protecting him in case of any incident.

Was there anyone who possessed all these qualities?

No one immediately came to mind.

Even if there were, there was no connection.

'If only my grandfather were still alive...! No, if even one of my father or my late uncle were still with us...'

Now Elric could keenly feel why 'distinguished family' and "noble lineage" were so crucial.

Of course, it was during those times when he couldn't wish for such things that his thoughts deepened.

He could see it.


No, more precisely, he saw him again.

Mephisto, the demon lord, looked at him with a gaze filled with hatred.

* * *

'Wait a minute. Why haven't I thought of this before? If we're being honest, there's no one more suitable as a mentor than Mephisto, right?'

Elric felt a moment of hesitation.

Mephisto would naturally possess exceptional insight and knowledge.

Furthermore, aside from character, he could also ensure the confidentiality of secrets .

The problem lay in whether someone who disliked him so much would willingly help him.

Still, with the thought of at least trying, he posed the question of whether it wouldn't hurt to teach him a bit of magic.

『What benefit does the king gain from doing so?』

Contrary to what he expected, instead of outright rejection, the lack of reaction was more puzzling than relieving.

'Is this guy up to something?'

Having lived as a fallen noble and experiencing countless warnings, Elric naturally developed a keen sense of intuition.

Thanks to this, he could immediately grasp the suspicious aspects of Mephisto.

'Let's pretend to overlook it for now.'

First, he needed to figure out what Mephisto was up to.

『So you not only took the king's body and magic but also 'True Name'? Asking for help? That couldn't possibly be a sane request, could it?』

'True Name?'

While the word 'True Name' momentarily puzzled Elric, he remained composed and spoke calmly.

"I've heard that black magic involves many tricks using dead spirits. And in alchemy, there's something called Homunculus, which, when taken to extremes, can create artificial life forms."


"I'll make a vessel for you."

『A vessel? Ha! Are you saying you'll make a receptacle to contain the king? Someone like you, a mere human?』

"So,that's why you have to make me strong enough, right?"

The deeper Elric delved into magic, the more beneficial it would become for both of them.

However, Mephisto chuckled with his arms crossed.

『Still not enough.』

"Then propose a deal. After all, if I'm making no progress whatsoever, then there's nothing you can do either, right?"


Mephisto pretended to ponder for a moment before laughing coldly.

『Of course not. Why should the king? Why would I simply hand over everything I've built up so far? Come up with something else. Perhaps if you were to enter into the king's service? Who knows?』

In truth, Mephisto had already made up his mind to teach Elric magic.

However, deflecting like this was a form of psychological retaliation.

He had been deeply frustrated because of Elric so far. Making him sweat a little, creating some tension, was an attempt to find some relief.

So, while deflecting like this, he couldn't help but throw out some subtle hints one by one.

'If I teach him little by little, and he becomes stronger as a result...! Hypnosis and suggestion will naturally follow. It might be a trap to ensnare oneself, who knows. Hehe...!'

In Mephisto's teachings, fragments of the 'Curse Seal' were cunningly hidden.

Black magic that gradually immersed the memorizer in deep darkness.

At first, the individual would be completely unaware of this fact, much like getting soaked in a drizzle, as the curse seal layers piled up. But once they came to their senses, they would find their soul pawned in Mephisto's hands.

'I can't devour him right away. It might be better to refine this soul and then consume it! In the long run.'

From every angle, it was a perfect plan.

'Now, quickly kneel and beg to become my disciple, foolish Melvinger!'

On one hand, it was quite satisfying to have the 'archenemy from the outside' who had been at odds for a lifetime underfoot.

But then...

"Ah, damn it. I can't take this anymore."


Mephisto, expecting Elric's earnest plea, was taken aback when he heard a curse instead, wondering for a moment if he was experiencing auditory hallucinations.

"You're acting all high and mighty. Hey, mister. You should negotiate properly. If you keep coming at me like this, you might end up with nothing, you know?"

With an air of annoyance, Elric kicked the ground as if to vent his frustration, and spat on the floor with a "Pff!"

For a moment, Mephisto, who had momentarily worn an indifferent expression, belatedly realized the situation and his face flushed with embarrassment.

『You little...!』



"Huh. I was wondering if it would work, but it seems to work quite well?"

Elric couldn't help but burst into laughter as even the consciousness of the demon lord was so easily silenced by his command.

Meanwhile, Mephisto continued to make incomprehensible noises, his mouth tightly shut, unable to understand what he was trying to say.

"[Act Cute]."

『G-gulp! Ughhhh!』

Mephisto tried to resist somehow, but his body was already moving according to Elric's command.

With his arms folded as if in protest, he tilted his head to the side with a mix of grumbling sounds.


Elric, who had to witness the strong-willed young man's exaggerated display of affectio, momentarily wished to gouge out his own eyes.

"...Ugh. I shouldn't have asked for this. Ugh!"

『Ueueueup! Eup eup eup! Eup!』

Mephisto continued to protest with squawking sounds, expressing his frustration at being forced to do such a thing.

Of course, he couldn't speak, so his face just turned even redder.

"Couldn't hear you well, as you're just a loner studying alone, huh?"


"Anyway, let's keep it this way until you change your mind."

Elric grinned wickedly.

* * *

After that, the 'Mephisto squeezing' began.

"When you change your mind, please write down the spells you know here. I'll take a look and decipher them."

『G-gulp! Ugh!』

Elric placed a notebook and a pen in front of Mephisto and focused on his personal training.

Even though Mephisto was like a ghost that others couldn't see, he still possessed basic physical strength, enough to move a pen. Thanks to that, Mephisto had to endure a period of forced silence.

Of course, for someone who had endured a seal for over a thousand years, this level of silence might not be particularly significant.

But once a baby tastes sweetness, they will inevitably seek it out.

Mephisto was no exception.

Having recently regained his freedom, being locked in silence again felt suffocating to the point of madness.

Thunk! Clang clang clang!

Every time Elric unleashed the 2nd circle 'Fireball' on the ground, rage surged within Mephisto.

However, with the pride of a demon lord, he couldn't succumb to such petty threats from a young human. He tried to hold out as best as he could.

But after a day or two, nearing the end of the fourth day...

『G-gulp! Ugh!』

Unable to bear it any longer, he dashed to the notebook and scribbled something for a while before throwing the notebook over.


"What's this? Oh...?"

Without hesitation, Elric opened the notebook and his eyes widened.

There were detailed notes on the fundamentals of incantation magic.

Information he had never learned in the academy or from his family's library.

It was clearly ancient knowledge that had been practiced for a long time.


Elric exclaimed in admiration as he kept his promise and flicked his finger to release the silence spell.

『Hahaha! This damn...!』

 Mephisto exclaimed, relieved to finally regain his voice.


However, Elric promptly reverted Mephisto back into silence.

"My, my, you're quite harsh. Seems like your learning abilities are lacking too . Provide more detailed explanations this time. Then I'll consider releasing you again."


Two days later, Mephisto found himself holding the notebook once more.

『G-gulp! Seriously...!』

"What's the matter? Do you have a complaint?"

『...No. Of course not.』

Mephisto had to swallow down the boiling rage that rose up to his throat.

As much as he detested bowing down like this, his blasted demon lord pride was too strong... But what could he do? Might was right, after all.

"But today's content seems a bit less than yesterday's?"

『Well, you didn't specify how much to write...!』

"[Silence, again]"

『G-gulp! Ugh! Gulp!』

"You really don't understand the basics of business, sir. The rule is to provide 1.5 times more content than the previous day, isn't it? That's just common sense."

Who decided that rule anyway!

"Well then, I'll release you from silence for the day. How about that? Deal?"


"What? You'll accept it? Haha! Finally, you're starting to understand."


Mephisto's mind was jumping in place.

Now, he didn't hesitate to even fabricate things!

The problem was that he had to accept it no matter what.

'An ordinary human daring to threaten the devil.'

'Darn it! With this guy around, Satan himself might end up unemployed!'

Finally, Mephisto realized that what he was trying to swallow was a poisoned apple.