Chapter 27

Isabelle's astonishment wasn't unwarranted.

In terms of knights, magicians were beings who could stand on the same level if they were a level 3 aura chain expert or higher. However, at first glance, Elric didn't seem that old.

He might have been in his mid-20s at most? It's said that aging halts drastically after receiving mana's blessing, but he certainly didn't look youthful by any means.

So Isabelle thought Elric was around her age.

If such speculation were true, it would be shocking indeed.

To have reached such a level in one's twenties was nothing short of remarkable.

Could he have achieved feats akin to the 'Star Magician' Usdon Melvinger?

And in this era, there were only three geniuses of that caliber.

Tasha Nerester of Magic Tower.

The youngest lion of the Lion House, Black Lion.

And the 4th Prince, the hope of the royal family.

All considered the top talents leading the next generation of the continent, even dubbed 'Three Sacred Stars'.

But to think that someone of such genius happened to be met on this remote mountainside?


This was merely a 'misconception' Isabelle held.

Elric hadn't yet become a 'true' magician.

He may have swallowed the Snow Mountain King, but he hadn't completely 'digested' it.

However, he possessed an immense amount of mana that wouldn't pale in comparison to that of a magician's level.

And he had the geographical advantage of the 'Snowfield', which perfectly complemented the harshness of his seal.

Above all, the deaths he experienced in Anba gifted him with combat experience as well. Overwhelming the entire Blue Wolves 6th Unit wasn't an impossible feat.

"Are you truly that young man who disappeared back then?"

So, in Chen's eyes as he looked at Elric, there was inevitably a mix of suspicion and doubt.

Though thanks to Elric they managed to turn the tide, it was too tumultuous for them to immediately feel favor towards him just because he helped.

"But is there any problem?"

However, even Elric, receiving such scrutiny, couldn't feel good about it.

As Isabelle's voice involuntarily sharpened, she hastily intervened, "I'm sorry. We're all on edge because of the situation...!"

"No, it's fine. I didn't intend to hear words of gratitude from you either. Let's all go our separate ways."

Elric lightly brushed off his clothes as he turned away.

Although he briefly entertained the thought of helping them until they descended from the mountain out of a sense of obligation, it quickly dissipated.

『Fast indeed. If it were this king, I would have personally laid those insolent fools to rest beside their fallen comrades.』

[I'm sorry, but I'm not a murderer.]

With the situation as it was, even Chen couldn't help but look perplexed.

Being abandoned here would only be detrimental to them. All the food that barely remained after the recent clash had become useless.

It was they who needed help.

So, trying desperately to say something, but then Isabelle knelt down in front of Elric.


"Ah, miss... what are you doing!"

Even Elric couldn't help but be taken aback here.

For a noble-born lady, known for her pride and dignity, to kneel was not something to be taken lightly.

Chen and Ed were equally at a loss and had to tremble.

Then, seeing Isabelle showing no intention of rising, they, too, had no choice but to kneel and bow their heads.

"We... apologize."

"It's our mistake. Please forgive us."


Elric sighed deeply and scratched the back of his head, looking awkward.

* * *

"Is... Is that a request?"

After agreeing to accept their apology, Elric's eyes widened at Isabelle's words.

"Yes. We won't shamelessly just ask for your help without offering something in return. Of course, we understand that whatever amount we offer is insignificant to you, 'Rick'... but would you consider taking on mercenary work?"

Rick was the alias Elric had revealed to them, unable to disclose his real name.


『Why is that? Shouldn't we hurry to some kind of academy or something as scheduled?』

[Yes, for now.]

『Then can't you just say no and ignore it?』

Mephistopheles couldn't understand why Elric was hesitating at such a simple request from a mere human who had been so ruthless to him.

[Because... um.]


[There's a problem.]

"What is it?"

Suddenly, deep furrows appeared on Elric's brow.

[There's too much of it.]

"What do you mean?"



[It's too much to just refuse outright.]


[And we've run out of money that was on hand.]

Ah, I see.

Ultimately, it was money that was holding him back.

'Come to think of it... Melvinger was not only infamous for his personality issues but also for being obsessed with money.'

Mephistopheles nodded as if he understood.

"Would it be too much trouble?"

Isabelle's cautious expression appeared as Elric's thoughts lingered.

Elric's mind raced.

Their group is clearly being pursued by someone. The thought of potentially complicating matters crossed his mind.

'Even considering all that, there's still too much money.'

It was obvious which way the heavily laden scale with a gold nugget would tip.

"Could you tell me what the request entails first?"

"Escort to Imperial Capital, would that be possible?"



Chen and Ed were startled by her words.

They hadn't even considered that Isabelle might suddenly give up on finding the Snow Mountain King's tomb.

But Isabelle was determined, biting her lower lip tightly.

'I can't just rely on my own desires anymore.'

How many knights had they lost during this expedition?

Moreover, the Snow Mountain King's tomb still remained elusive.

It seemed to be in this vicinity, but that was just speculation. They couldn't predict how much more time they would need for exploration.

Their remaining provisions were depleted, and camping was becoming increasingly difficult.

Surely during this time, her uncle would send even more ruthless mercenaries than the Blue Wolves 6th Unit.

It would be truly disastrous.

Their luck couldn't last forever.

'So we must prevent any further sacrifices.'

Isabelle decided to seek an audience with her uncle, Paul Vile, in Imperial Capital.

She decided to put off dealing with her father's worsening condition for now.


Meanwhile, as Elric, who was also supposed to head to Imperial Capital like them, felt the urge to cheer.

"To Imperial Capital, you say..."

He glanced around as if he were puzzled, deliberately trailing off.

Just in case.


"Of course, the cost I mentioned earlier is simply the fee for the request. After completion, we will settle separately."

"How much...?"

"I don't think it's enough to borrow the skills of a benefactor, but I intend to pay at least double."

At that moment.


Elric's hands reflexively grasped Isabelle's hand.

"How far should I escort you to the Imperial Capital, ma'am?"

His grip tightened.

Isabelle's eyes widened in surprise.

Paul Vile's eyebrow twitched upon receiving the report.

"They've lost contact with the 6th Unit?"

"My apologies... Eek!"



"You shouldn't create apologies if you're going to cause more problems."

Paul grabbed his subordinate by the neck with a cold stare.

As soon as the door opened, the Blue wolves troops waiting outside silently removed the bodies and wiped away the bloodstains as if it were routine.

"The person you're about to meet isn't in a very good mood. Please watch your demeanor from the start. Shouldn't we leave a good impression on the Golden Lion we're about to meet?"

At the last remark from the man entering, Paul chuckled.

Hilton, the leader of the 1st Unit, was a shadowy figure to Paul.

"Well, there's nothing as important as first impressions, isn't there? Especially when dealing with such monsters."


That was their assessment of the Golden Lion.

"But anyway... in this situation, how do you think they'll come out?"

"This situation was beyond our expectations as well. I apologize."

"That's not what I want to hear, is it? Hilton."

The fact that their ragtag group, with only Chen possessing any useful skills, managed to defeat the 6th Unit meant that there was another factor at play.

As long as they didn't know the capabilities of this variable and how long they would stay by Isabelle's side...

There were several possible courses of action for them to take.


Hilton, who also acted as Paul's messenger, made a simple prediction.

"I believe the lady will return to the Imperial Capital."

"Hmm? Won't they stay there longer?"

If they had indeed eliminated the 6th Unit, Paul's thought was that they would search for the tomb of the Snow Mountain King without worry.

But Hilton shook his head firmly.

"I don't think so."

"Why is that?"

"Because she's the miss."

"Because it's Isabelle... Right."

It was a simple persuasion, but Paul quickly accepted it.

Isabelle was too fragile to be considered born from lion blood.

Sometimes you have to be harsh.

Indeed, that was why one could consider this side to have thoughts of ascending to the throne.

"Coming to Imperial Capital means she intends to negotiate with me."



Paul nodded contentedly and relaxed into his chair.

"Well then, you may leave."

Hilton politely bid farewell and left the office.

As he did, members of the 1st Unit who had just disposed of the bodies quietly approached.

"The bodies?"

"They've been incinerated immediately."

"The fact that we and our lord are involved in this miss' affair should never be revealed. Keep cleaning up the mess as you have been."

"As you command."



"Summon the 2nd Unit."



The eyes of the members widened.

Considering that the 1st Unit was the force guarding Paul, the 2nd Unit could be considered the top combat force of the Blue Wolves practically available.

To move them?

"Weren't you predicting that the lady would soon return to the Imperial Capital?"

It was a subtle way of asking whether there was a need to continue bothering her, especially after she essentially declared surrender.

Seeing his subordinates cautiously raise such a question, Hilton couldn't help but smirk.

"Maintaining the attitude of a watchdog is commendable, but if you fail to grasp the master's intentions, in the end, you'll end up in the pot."

"Please enlighten us."

"His Lordship intends to cut off the lady's last remaining limbs."


"That way, she'll realize there's no one left in this world to care for her."

Cut off even the last remaining hope so that she herself brings the crown to offer it up.

"Of course, His Lordship must remain completely unaware of our 'autonomous' decision-making."

Do you understand what I'm saying? With that look, all the subordinates bowed their heads.

And then they started moving again.

"If her temperament is as we think, she'll come straight to the Imperial Capital without delay. Search diligently for the path from the Yeti Highlands to Imperial Capital. However you can!"

"As you command!"

"As you command!"

In the eyes of Hilton, watching his busy subordinates, there was a hint of madness.