Chapter 36

"There's talk about the hero of Lacente heading to Imperial Capital?"

"But is that true? The hero of Lacente is a disgrace to the prestigious magical family."

"That's absurd! The disgrace of the prestigious magical family is lying in the intensive care unit of that magic hospital. How could he appear from there?"

In an inn located in the heart of Imperial Capital, 'Where the Wind Rests'.

『'The hero of Lacente'? Hahaha! Your story travels far, doesn't it? Heroes, heroes...! Humans really go crazy over those damn heroes.』

Mephisto chuckled as he listened to the random conversations people were having.

From the moment he first entered Imperial Capital to the time he entered this inn, he had been bombarded with talk about 'The Hero of Lacente'.

At first, he simply dismissed it as the typical process of the young Melvinger gaining fame like his predecessors.

Time passed, but his irritation didn't subside.

『Even though they'd only feel jealousy if they were actually next to him.』

Mephisto had always disliked the word 'hero'.

Humans were fragile. They crumbled easily just with the threat of fear, and they were prone to stabbing their comrades in the back for their own gain.

Yet, when a hero appeared, everything changed.

Even those who seemed utterly defeated just yesterday would rise with hope as if the world hadn't collapsed, all because a hero had appeared.

How many times had they stumbled and fallen in battles they should have won against him and his demon army?

In the end, even his sealing was a result of such 'heroes'.

In truth, the concept of a hero was utterly foreign to the demons.

The strong dominated everything. The weak either perished or bowed their heads to the strong to survive.

Living by the simplistic doctrine of might makes right, they couldn't fathom why humans pinned their hopes on heroes, projecting themselves onto them.

The problem was that while some demons might understand following such heroes, quite a few influential humans were wary of them, fearing their own positions might be threatened. As a result, they often tried to eliminate them.

'That young Melvinger was no exception. The fact that the seasons sheltered him was for the same reason.'

Yet, in general, humans tend to follow heroes and aspire to become heroes themselves.

How would this young Melvinger, now turned hero, view his newfound status?

With such questions in mind, Mephisto looked at Elric.


Elric remained lost in deep thought, his face clouded with solemnity.

Ever since he saw the body floating on the river, he had been wearing that same expression.

"Why? Is it all because of you?"

Mephisto lightly chuckled, as if he knew the reason behind Elric's demeanor.

It was a laughter filled with mockery.

『If you suddenly feel such guilt, shouldn't you have felt a similar sentiment when you first read those articles in the newspapers? Did witnessing it firsthand change your perspective?』

Mephisto's tone was caustic.

『No. Even if it weren't for you, you'd still be like moths to a flame, jumping into the fire.』


『Whether human, beastman, or demon, when consumed by greed, one loses sight of right and wrong. The guy who just died was just one of them.』

Elric remained silent, closing his eyes tightly.

In truth, Mephisto's words were correct.

If he truly felt the severity of the situation, he should have felt guilt from the beginning.

Perhaps it was an unconscious psychological defense mechanism.

A way to justify his actions to himself.

Yet, even knowing beforehand that Professor Berex would fail, he had only sought to exploit it, never once thinking of stopping it.

He hadn't even considered the harm to the common people in the process.

'Not expecting such a massive investment…'

Of course, it was difficult to argue that those who committed suicide were entirely blameless.

They had engaged not in investment but in speculation, putting their money in to the extent that their households collapsed. It was their choice.

Still, whether driving them to death while he himself became a hero was truly right weighed heavily on his mind, and there was nothing he could do about it.

『Well, if you're going to continue complaining, then keep complaining.』

Mephisto crossed his arms and snorted.

Elric felt a strange sensation at Mephisto's attitude, which had always been cynical until now, and tried to say something.

But just then,

"What's this? After all that trouble, you're only serving cold food?"

Someone sitting opposite them grumbled.

In an instant, Elric's expression softened.

Although they were wearing a deep black robe that made it difficult to recognize them, just hearing their voice was enough for Elric to instantly recognize who they were.

It was Sean.

"Is this beer from Ronife Mountain too? Hey! I remember saying it was tasteless after all the fuss, isn't this too much?"

Sean pouted, sticking out their lips as they lamented, "Honestly, what do I expect from someone who wanders around alone, playing love games while hitting on anything that moves? It's my fault for expecting anything."

"Order for me?"

"Haven't you heard anything I've said so far? Of course!"

"Okay. You're paying."

"This guy again..."

Without bothering to curse at Sean or call the waiter, Elric ordered the usual things Sean enjoyed.

"It's been a while. Two months, isn't it?"

A smile crept onto Elric's lips as he greeted Sean.

Even though Sean must have clearly sensed the magical aura following Elric.

And despite there being so many things to ask about, Sean hadn't brought any of it up.

Perhaps they believe that Sean will speak up when they're needed.

A friend you can trust even when you've given them everything.

Watching Sean, it seemed like all the gloominess from earlier had vanished.

Though Sean didn't seem to notice at all.

"It's been two months, huh?"


"Of course! Winter's almost over now!"

Elric felt a strange sensation at how quickly time had passed.

Considering everything that had happened, it was understandable.

"Why bother coming here instead of just going to the hospital? And making things more annoying by dragging me along...!"

The letter Elric sent contained a few more lines.

When do you think you'll arrive in the Imperial Capital? Let's meet at the place where we used to drink in the Imperial Capital.

The additional lines were related to the 'show' meant to completely discredit Professor Berex.

Seeing that Sean had come here personally without sending someone else, it seemed that things were going smoothly.

"Was it you?"

"Me? Of course not. Naturally."

Suddenly, Sean's frowning expression turned into a wide grin.

"It was our dear Karl."

Elric shook his head in disbelief.


Sean exclaimed in frustration.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"It's just... his personality... making others do what he doesn't want to do. Isn't it pitiful for Karl to be your scapegoat?"

Sean looked utterly dumbfounded.

"Is your conscience clear?"

"Is yours?"



"It's just annoying to hear that kind of talk from you."

"I do have a decent character, don't I?"

"Decent character, maybe."


"...I should probably stop talking."

Sean decided it was best to change the subject before mixing more words with Elric resulted in another outburst from Sean's own frustration.

Downing a gulp of beer that had just arrived, Sean moved on to the main topic. Perhaps due to the stress they had been under lately, the taste of beer seemed particularly refreshing today.

"Anyway. Karl went through some trouble. Without even our family knowing, he's gradually shifting the excavation rights over there."

The person known as Lazuli, who had found Professor Berex, turned out to be none other than Sean's scapegoat, Karl Donitz.

Karl had been handling not only the dealings between the two of them but also covertly managing the 'back affairs' of the Nerster family.

With his skills fully utilized, he successfully deceived Professor Berex.

Elric's plan laid the groundwork for the 'show.'

Initially, Sean suspected Elric might have gone mad or that the letter had been tampered with when he received the message to 'naturally' hand over the excavation rights to Professor Berex a few days before the headmaster election. This suspicion arose because Professor Berex was in such dire straits that even a mere suggestion from Elric could cause his complete collapse.

But the moment Sean read the addendum, he realized, "Ah, so that's how it is," and bit his tongue.

-Our esteemed dean has lived a life after all, hasn't he? I can give him a brief sweet dream, even if just for a moment. Of course, once he wakes up from the dream, he'll probably lose his mind. Hehe.

"When the dean, newly invigorated by miraculously obtaining the excavation rights, had the headmaster's position within reach again, and then you came in to give him a reality check... Truly, it's a masterpiece that's so like you."

Of course, Elric's motivation wasn't simply to torment Professor Berex.

People instinctively love gossip, especially if it involves thrilling hero tales.

Elric was just putting into practice what he learned from Isabelle.

'If the hero of Lacente overcomes desperate circumstances and becomes the master of Dragon's Nest, there's no doubt it'll be a sensational story.'

Professor Berex would then fall from being the heroic figure to a villain hindering such aspirations.

"Going up so high only to fall will hurt all the more, won't it?"

"Indeed. What a vicious bastard."

Disguised as Lazuli, Karl handing over the excavation rights would force Professor Berex into an even tighter spot with the Siesta, a fictional civic group.

And Elric indeed intended to metaphorically hang Professor Berex himself.

"How many days until the headmaster election now?"


"Feels like perfect weather for someone to kick the bucket."

"Oh, seriously... You must be insane."

Sean shook his head vehemently.

Indeed, there was no denying that he and Elric were sworn enemies.

* * *

[Nerester Family's Unexpected Major Announcement!]

[Sudden Renunciation of Excavation Rights. What's the Hidden Story?]

[Speculations Arise Due to Pressure from Other Powerful Families Concerned About Nerester Family's Dominance.]

[Professor Berex, Regaining Excavation Rights, Takes Flight Again!]

[The Academic Headmaster Election Gains Even More Interest.]

"Do you see these newspapers? Haha! I was wondering if this would happen. I never imagined it would turn out like this!"

Professor Berex laughed heartily as he looked at the newspapers pouring out favorable articles towards him once again.

"This afternoon, my assistants conducted a survey. They said my approval ratings are rising again, so there's no need to worry about becoming the headmaster."

Despite the shower of praise towards Professor Berex,Lazuli... no, Karl remained calmly smiling.

Behind that expression was a mocking amusement towards the man who seemed blissfully unaware, consumed by his lust for power.

No matter how cunningly Berex had played his cards, Karl's demeanor didn't falter.

"What tactics did you use, exactly? Did you really instigate the other powerful families as reported in these newspapers?"

"That's a trade secret. Anyway, congratulations on becoming headmaster."

"Haha! I haven't become one yet, and you're already congratulating me too soon!"

"Isn't it already certain? So, congratulating you a few days in advance wouldn't hurt."

"Ah, is that so? Haha!"

Berex, in the midst of his outburst, abruptly seized Karl's hand. With a firm grip, Karl flinched momentarily, but Berex, with eyes ablaze with madness, paid no heed and questioned him.

"So, it's Siesta, right? What do you want? Do you desire some business venture, or are you looking to gain influence in politics? If you need lobbying, I can arrange it for you."

The Headmaster position of the academy was not just a simple position. It was a prestigious seat, being the descendant of the 'Magus of star,' and held the highest rank among magicians. In terms of hierarchy, it corresponded to the rank of a Marquis, wielding significant influence in academia and politics alike.

It was the highest position, shoulder to shoulder with the six tower masters of the Hexagram, the head of six magic families, the Leaders of the Imperial Magic Knight, and the Minister of Magic.

"For now, let's focus on the upcoming Headmaster election. We can discuss our desires afterward, if that suits you."

"Is that so? If that puts your mind at ease, then let it be so!"

Berex briefly felt a hint of doubt, but he dismissed it as inconsequential and patted Karl's shoulder. After all, as the Headmaster of the Academy, he could easily trample over any unreasonable demands from Siesta.

As Berex laughed heartily, Karl smiled silently, with a smile that felt sharp, like a well-honed blade.