Chapter 45

[Is he really human? What...?]

What could have driven them to lay hands on a being that seemed like something out of a demonic existence?

Naturally, doubts flickered in Elric's eyes.

『Without that, there's no way a human, not Melvinger, could have achieved such a feat...!』

Mephisto started to say something but abruptly stopped, chuckling to himself.

『Isn't that so? If you think humans haven't done anything but play around for the past millennium, it's not entirely unreasonable.』


Elric furrowed his brow slightly, unable to comprehend Mephisto's words.

Regardless, whether he understood or not.

Mephisto chuckled mischievously, as if caught in some amusing wind.

『How intriguing, how amusing! Haha.』

[What do you mean?]

『Though this human may belong to one of the stronger factions in the current era, they are by no means the absolute strongest.』

[If that's the case, there are others of similar caliber...]

This era could be described as a world teeming with 'monsters.'

At the very least, when considering other members of Hexagram, each one could rival the Nerester family, and it was no secret that every family harbored masters equal to or surpassing them.

And that's not all.

It was known that the Lion Family, standing in opposition to the Magic Tower, surpassed them if only in sheer military might, and the imperial forces upholding the empire's order were not to be underestimated either.

Even beyond the empire's framework, it's the same.

Whether it's the Revolutionary Army, the Interfaith coalition, or the Holy alliance, countless lesser-known factions and nations lurk. Even the faction of the demons, hidden in the shadows, cannot be overlooked.

『Hahaha! That's right. Perhaps! Perhaps there's a reason why this Mephisto has awakened in this era!』

Elric's expression turned uneasy.

[Did you secretly drink somewhere?]

『What would a youngster like you know! The wilderness where countless beasts vie to tear each other's throats out in hopes of becoming king! The chaos and enmity that spread from there! And the joy of trampling them all and finally seizing victory...!』

Mephisto, eager to regain his strength as soon as possible and believing that to do so, he must manipulate Elric quickly, became absorbed in his own thoughts and talked loudly.

But Elric could understand well what Mephisto was saying.

That Guy Nerester was a formidable figure, enough to earn Mephisto's approval.

And he was currently at the height of his confidence.

Thanks to that, his ears felt like they were about to burst.

'Should I just cast a silence spell?'

Although he had made a mana vow, he couldn't bring himself to do it and instead grimaced.

"What happened? Didn't it suit your taste? I did ask the chef to pay attention... Maybe I should talk to them separately."

Guy Nerester narrowed his eyes, looking at Elric.

A stern gaze that revealed no emotion.

But somehow, Elric couldn't shake the feeling that his inner thoughts had been completely exposed.

"Oh, no. It's just that it was so delicious, it's still lingering in my mouth... If I caused any misunderstanding, I apologize."

"Is that so? Well, that's a relief then."

Guy nodded dryly.

* * *

"Did you experience any inconvenience while coming in today? I have given a harsh warning to Chamberlain, so I hope you can forgive me."

Throughout the conversation with Guy,

Elric felt like he understood what 'weight' the head of the family possessed, much like he had sensed with Daisy.

Guy spoke with courteous etiquette in every word, yet he exuded a commanding presence that overwhelmed others.

Even now.

For someone of his status, it wouldn't be easy to personally offer an apology, yet he seemed completely unfazed.

Because of that, rather than appearing submissive, he seemed confident.

'And it's not just that. Everyone around him is flawless.'

Occasionally visible attendants and disciples, even his children, behaved with courtesy and restraint.

Their speech was filled with pride in their family.

It was as if it was clear as day how they would unite and act as one in times of crisis.

Could this be the power that a prestigious family possesses?

'I envy it.'

He wondered if he could ever lead a family of this caliber someday.

On one hand, he felt like he could roughly sketch out a picture of how to build his own family in the future.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. I'm the one who should apologize for getting carried away with the magic circle."

"I appreciate your understanding. And... I heard you're handing over the rights to excavate the nest to us."

'Now, onto the main point.'

Elric nodded.

"Yes. I owe Sean so much. I felt like this was only fair. However..."

"Are there any conditions?"

Elric shook his head.

"Condition might not be the right word, more like a request or plea, if you will."

"A plea?"

"I've heard that there were many victims in the Imperial Capital due to the recent deception orchestrated by Dean Berex."

"Victims? They were just blind moths driven by greed, if you ask me. That's not really important. So?"

Guy had the same look in his eyes as Mephisto.


'He's testing me.'

Elric didn't miss the fact that Guy's composed gaze was trying to dissect him bit by bit.

Is he just trying to see what his son's friend is like?


Is he assessing the capabilities of Melvinger in preparation for what's to come?

"I would appreciate it if you could provide assistance to them."

"Are you asking for funding?"

For a brief moment, Elric didn't miss the slight disappointment that flashed in Guy's eyes.

Was it really just this kind of request?

It could have been handled by Sean or other officials at the appropriate level.

But Elric didn't back down.

"No, I would like to establish a foundation."

"A foundation? Isn't that the same thing?"

"No, it's different. Many people have lost their property and jobs, so there will be plenty of mouths to feed. I intend to employ them at a reasonable wage to assist in the investigation."

Only then did a deep smile appear on Guy's lips, as if he had read Elric's thoughts.

"So the bear does the work, but Melvinger gets the credit, is that the plan?"

"Could it be any other way? It's just part of the public service project that Nerester is involved in."

While the nest had been discovered, its size was rumored to be the largest ever found.

To explore, excavate, manage, and preserve it would require a massive workforce, and astronomical costs were inevitable.

Even with the backing of the Nerester family, it would still be burdensome to cover everything at once.

So, Elric proposed to hire the victims of Professor Berex's scheme, even if it meant saving on labor costs.

Those who had 'invested' usually had some level of wealth or education, so they would likely be useful in some way.

It was rumored that there were even retired high-ranking officials or former professors among them, so even if they were not originally expensive to hire, they could be employed at a low cost.

Even if not, they could handle simple tasks or laborious work.

Moreover, if it was mentioned as a public project, public opinion could also be taken care of, so the Nerester family had no reason to refuse.

However, it was a well-known fact that Elric was the owner of the nest.

As Guy pointed out, the benefits of the public project would undoubtedly favor Melvinger rather than Nerester.

People always cared about the owner, not the user.

The Nerester family would end up spending money and effort as usual, only to hand over all the glory to Melvinger.

『There was one thing I forgot. Melvinger was infamous for having a thick skin. They would put on a show, point fingers, and even try to hog everything for themselves!』

[Hogging everything? That's a bit extreme. We're all just trying to live well together.]

『Disgusting. You are a perfect Melvinger.』

Like Mephistopheles, others in the room couldn't help but smirk at Elric's thick-skinned face, finding no reason to object and just letting out a hollow laugh.

Sean just looked bewildered, muttering something like, "Here he goes again," with an incredulous expression.

But Guy, on the other hand, seemed to find it amusing, smiling even wider.

The calm gaze he had maintained until now suddenly sparkled with intensity, like the eyes of a predator spotting prey.

That's probably the real gaze of the Nerester family's head.


As Guy applauded loudly, the chamberlain approached and politely bowed his head.

"You called me, my lord?"

"Look into setting up the foundation. Designate Elric Melvinger as the founder, operator, and owner, all right here."


For a moment, Elric's eyes widened.

Guy turned to him, a smirk forming at one corner of his mouth.

"Why the hesitation? Is there a problem?"

"Oh, no, not at all. It's just... It would seem absurd for me to put my name on the foundation when the capital comes from the Nerester family."

"Don't worry about it. Consider it a token of appreciation for the excavation rights, along with a gift from a friend's father."


『Haha! Got you good, kid! He's like a snarky snake!』

Mephisto's tone was amused at this spectacle.

And no wonder. While Elric had hoped to enjoy the benefits of the foundation without the headache of ownership and management, Guy had cleverly pinned all the titles on Elric, making him share both the authority and responsibility.

This meant that Elric and the Nerester family were now bound by fate. Whatever Elric did from now on would inevitably affect the reputation of the foundation, and the Nerester family's name would be linked to it as co-owners.

From an outsider's perspective, it would appear that the Melvinger family and Nerester family had built a close relationship. Or rather, if judged by reputation alone, it could be seen as quite the opposite.

The Nerester family might not appear to be sponsoring Elric as a 'rising hero'?

『Perhaps he is trying to swallow Melvinger whole in one gulp.』

Mephisto was about to make a sarcastic remark but then hesitated, wondering how Elric, who was now in a precarious situation, would react.

But then...

[No. Maybe it's actually a good thing?]


[I mean, now that I've got the Nerester family backing me, my standing is likely to rise, isn't it?]


[In fact, it might be a loss for the Nerester family. It's quite a gamble to get close to someone like me, who knows what might happen in the future…?]

『Why's that?』

[Melvinger has been prominent for quite some time, but there are many places that see us as thorns in their side, especially in the Hexagram.]


Elric stroked his chin.

[To agree to join hands despite knowing that... I wonder what he is thinking. Anyway, this is an unexpected gain.]

Elric was curious about Guy's thoughts. What made him overestimate Elric? 

At first, it seemed like Guy's invitation was merely to see the face of the new Melvinger. 

But halfway through, it seemed like his train of thought took a significant turn. 

What could it be?

Simply because he's his son's friend?

No. He wasn't the type of person to judge based on such reasons alone.

Because of the family?

Perhaps. Yet, in this era, the reputation of the Nerester family is no less than that of the Melvinger.

Even mentioning the foundation?

No. Then what's left is...

'Could it be this?'

Elric raised the corner of his sleeve slightly.

Seal of Cruelty engraved on his palm.

Within it flowed the essence of the True Palace of Blue Fog.

Could it be that Guy noticed that Elric not only escaped from the True Palace of Blue Fog in a short period of time, but also noticed that he had secretly improved and utilized it?

Even though the reason is unknown, if this is what caused him to change his mind…

So, Elric was about to ask about this.


Suddenly, one side of the family head office's wall exploded with a loud bang. Debris flew and dust billowed.

The Chamberlain, said to be the head of the 'Shadows', was now standing protectively with Sean and Tasha, while the soldiers who had been waiting were surrounding the family head.

Elric, having previously memorized the 'Cold Wall', could avoid the attack, but...

'What's this...?'

He couldn't help but feel incredulous.

To dare to terrorize the head of the Nerester family right in the heart of the Nerester territory!

It seemed nothing short of madness or extreme audacity.


Belatedly, Elric noticed that Guy was smiling without any sign of disturbance.

But... Guy's gaze wasn't fixed on the wall; it was fixed on Elric.

As if something interesting was about to happen.

In that moment, an unknown sense of unease sent shivers down Elric's spine.


The shout came from an old man near the shattered wall, and Elric's head instinctively turned in that direction.

'No way, he is back then… !'

The voice of the old man Elric heard when he was trapped in the True Palace of Blue Fog.

The eyes of the old man in the tattered robe and Elric's met.

He was laughing cheerfully, as if he had found a valuable treasure.

"Become my disciple!"