Chapter 47

When Elric opened his eyes.

"Are you awake?"

Augustine was right in front of him, smiling slyly.

Elric startled and tried to step back.


Suddenly, a cold wind blew from below.

Elric turned around to see what this is... and saw an endless, deep cliff.

They were standing on a cliff!

Elric was so shocked that he almost forgot to scream.

Fortunately, Augustine quickly grabbed him by the collar, preventing him from stumbling.

By now, his clothes were drenched in cold sweat.

"Be careful. If you die here, would it not be a waste to lose a disciple I found after 90 years?"


It seemed that this eccentric old man was more concerned about losing a disciple than about Elric getting hurt.

Elric had that thought for a moment.

'Could it be... Did I misjudge the situation?'

Although he had followed along thinking he was just accompanying the great master of Nerester, it seemed that the old man had a much bigger problem than he had anticipated.

『Since you passed out, I have been watching that old man continuously.』


And Mephisto clicked his tongue, as if trying to agree with Elric's thoughts.

『That old man is definitely not in his right mind.』

[...Considering his age and achievements, isn't it common for people like him to be eccentric?]

『Regardless, he doesn't seem normal. Who in the world would bring a passed-out disciple to a cliff?』


『So, is it because he spends all day locked up in his study, only focused on research? Seems like aging magicians, whether past or present, don't have normal thinking. And.』


『And that old man, he's something else.』

[…What else?]

『While you were asleep, he was touching you all over the place. What's so good about that, he was poking and prodding everywhere.』


Elric involuntarily tensed up.

『Hehe. Seems like he used some tricks, better check your condition.』

Realizing that Mephistopheles was deliberately teasing him, Elric quickly checked his body while glaring at him.

And his expression contorted.

'My mana isn't moving!'

His mana core was as solid as a rock. His mana pathways were the same. Not a flicker.

It felt like going back to when he had mana blockage disease.

His spine felt much colder than before he almost fell off the cliff.

"You seem to have caught on already. Your innate sense seems quite sensitive."

"What on earth did you do to me?"

Elric glared, but Augustine was smiling warmly for some reason.

"I didn't do anything harmful. Just briefly stimulated a few acupoints to induce hardening of the meridians."


Hardening of the meridians?

Elric couldn't quite grasp the meaning of the words being thrown at him.

『Acupoints, meridians... Aren't those terms used in 'Manipulation Arts'? Hmm. I wonder if the rumor that Night's Chronicle originated from the East is true after all?』

Elric didn't have time to ask Mephistopheles what he meant by that.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I originally planned to just accurately check your mana levels and proficiency before moving on to practical training."

Elric involuntarily tensed up even more.

That means Augustine might have uncovered his secret.

And sure enough.

"Quite a few fascinating harmonies are involved. Seems like you didn't just get the dragon's Aura from the nest?"


At that moment, Elric unleashed the magic he had hidden.

Although his mana couldn't flow freely, he could still draw in some mana from the atmosphere using the pattern he saw in his mind's eye.

The power would be significantly weak... but still, if he aimed for a surprise attack, he might be able to distract the old man here and escape.

"Ho-ho! Drawing in mana streams from the atmosphere that even a child of spirit can't detect...? Indeed, this old man chose well! Hahaha!"

However, Augustine was stretching out his hand, laughing cheerfully without any sense of crisis.


Before the snowy whirlpool could hit Augustine, the mana circulation was cut off and it dispersed.

Same goes for Elric. Suddenly, an invisible force pressed down on his shoulders, slamming him back to the ground.

'Invisible hand.'

It was a basic magic of only 3 circles, but when someone of that level used it, it felt very scary.

"I understand what you're worried about, but there's no need for that. This old man has no intention of going anywhere."

But Elric couldn't trust Augustine.

All he wanted was basic teachings, and he didn't want him to reveal all his secrets like this.

"I know it is because of the demon jewel and seal entrenched in your solar plexus. But surely you don't think you're the only magician in this world with such a secret?"


"For a magician of this age, it's common to have one or two secrets that can't be shared. Well, trust is essential in priestly relations, after all."

Augustine shrugged, lifting his left sleeve dramatically.

At that moment, Elric had to widen his eyes.

There were thick stitching marks around the shoulder, completely different in color and texture from the surrounding skin. Even the structure and texture of the skin were different.

It meant that he had undergone an arm transplantation.

"Dark Elf's arm."


Dark Elves.

A race that dwells exclusively in the gloomy underground and worships the devil, unlike the elves who live in the radiant forests.

Some even classify them as demons.

"Some say that Nerester's hidden monster has absolute control over manipulating mana, making it impossible to find a way to defeat him. And the fact that this has been going on for so long, as I should be resting in my grave by now, is undoubtedly insane. In fact, nobody even knows that the secret lies within this arm."


"Transplanting body parts from other races is strictly prohibited black magic, you know? And if it involves demons, it's even worse."


"This fact is one of this old man's secrets that not even the head of the family knows about. How about it? Now that we both know each other's weaknesses, can't we trust each other to some extent?"

Augustine's wrinkled eyes were deeply set.

A far cry from the mischievous appearance he showed in the family head office. Elric could sense the sincerity in Augustine's demeanor.

Still unsure of how to respond, Elric hesitated for a moment.

With a smirk, Augustine continued, "I apologize for touching your body without permission. But I hope you understand that this old man's intentions are genuine. Before giving instructions, one must determine the direction of education, wouldn't you agree?"

At this point, Elric couldn't help but be swayed by Augustine's persuasion.

"Haah! I understand."

"Hehe. I'm grateful that you do."

"But, as I mentioned, I am Melvinger's…!"

"As I said, there should be no problem even if I gave you the teaching of Night's Chronicle. I won't care whether you find a successor and pass it on later, or whether you cut it off from your generation. How about it? This should not be a bad deal for you."


In truth, Elric knew that there were no better conditions than this.

The opportunity to receive exceptional teachings without being bound to Nerester, and to receive structured guidance knowing his secret, what better conditions could there be?

He was practically at Augustine's mercy.

"Still, if it doesn't sit well with you until the end, I'll release you from your obligation. I can't keep forcing you."

"Just one question, may I?"

"Of course."

"These are incredibly favorable conditions for me. So, it's hard for me to just accept that you're simply giving them to me..."

"Of course, it's not that simple. Just fulfill one request for me later."

"What is that?"

"I'll tell you later. But if it seems impossible, feel free to give up. No pressure."

With that, Elric finally let go of his last bit of doubt.

"I am the head of the Melvinger family. Please understand that I haven't yet been properly groomed."

"Haha! Of course, of course. What is the importance of being pretentious?"

Augustine burst into laughter so hearty it echoed. He seemed thoroughly pleased.

『Only a few words have changed the whole dynamic. Truly a skilled negotiator.』

Of course, Elric ignored Mephisto's commentary.

"Well then, let's get started with the teachings."

Augustine looked at Elric with a more relaxed expression.

"Is the hardening of the meridians related to the first lesson?"

"Your intuition is as sharp as ever."

Augustine chuckled contentedly as he spoke.

"When I touched your veins, I could sense a lot. Dragons, demons, even something that seems to belong to Melvinger... But they are tangled up, which might be beneficial for immediate growth, but could pose a danger later on."

『That sounds reasonable. Mixing various magics only increases the risk of contamination in the future.』

"So, I decided that correcting the circulation of mana should be our first priority. Fortunately, the Night's Chronicle I belong to boasts a much deeper understanding of mana circulation than other schools."

『This is also correct. Night's Chronicle is naturally inclined towards practical magic, specializing in the fusion of various spells. Moreover, if it has its roots in the East, which developed the concept of internal energy, then it goes without saying... Anyway, you seem to have good luck as a teacher.』

Elric felt an inexplicable surge of excitement at Mephisto's elaboration. 

Although he had obtained the opportunity unexpectedly, it was precisely what he needed the most.

Moreover, the phrase "specialized in mana circulation" resonated with him.

'Wasn't that the case with the True Palace of Blue Fog?'

He had already seen promising results based on the ideas he gained there. But locking mana to provide even better teachings was beyond his expectations.

"So, I will correct the framework from the beginning."

As expected.

Elric's eyes began to sparkle with anticipation.

Augustine raised the corner of his mouth as if amused.

"So, what should I do?"

"For now, just stay alive."


Elric tilts his head, wondering what this means.

Suddenly Augustine kicked him.


Elric couldn't help but make an involuntary sound of surprise.

He couldn't feel the ground beneath him anymore.

"Have a nice trip."

Augustine waved his hand lightly as if sending off a disciple for a stroll.

Elric plummeted down the cliff.


Well, things seemed to be unfolding a bit too easily, didn't they?

He should have realized something was off when he was knocked out in the family head's office, then dragged to the edge of a cliff out of nowhere!

He couldn't fathom what Augustine was aiming for.

But one thing was certain: if he remained in this state without mana, he wouldn't even leave a corpse behind!

『Hahaha! It seems you've truly met your master!』

Mephisto burst into laughter as he fell alongside Elric.

Elric's expression twisted in dismay.

"Are you just going to stay still like that?"

『Does this king have to help you?』

"But if I die, then you are done for, right?"

『Hmm, true. It wouldn't be good if that happened. But what help can this king provide in this state?』

"How to use the Seal of Original Sin! If I knew that, I might be able to escape from this!"

Mephisto wrinkled his face.

『Who are you trying to trick?』

"Tsk! It doesn't work."

Frustrated, Elric clicked his tongue and activated his magic.


The airflow fluctuated, gradually adjusting Elric's falling speed.

『In any case, you're a helpless fellow.』

Mephisto shook his head, thinking about how his nose might get injured if he showed any openings.