Chapter 52

『Do you want me to teach you the basics of magic martial arts?』

Instead of checking the secretion left by Dire Wolf, Elric nodded in response to the question thrown by Mephisto.

"I'm trying to develop both body strengthening art and magic martial arts separately, as there are quite a few discrepancies. I'll do it if they can be connected."

Currently, the magic martial arts Elric has learned are just breathing methods, and body strengthening art is limited to the body and senses, so there won't be any major conflicts immediately.

Anyway, the two arts were completely different in origin.

Considering that there would be many more arts to learn in the future, it was inevitable that they would somehow conflict.

So Elric was determined to create a link between the two arts beforehand.

You have to grab it early on so it won't shake.

Later, there might be situations where he has to switch them separately, which could be troublesome.

'And that would be dangerous when I am really engaged in fierce combat, wouldn't it?'

However, Mephisto's expression was quite ominous.

Unless he was a fool, he couldn't help but suspect Elric for the lack of any change in the Seal of Original Sin.

Although Elric was still acting nonchalant.

『Nothing comes free in life....!』

"Well, if you don't want to, there's nothing I can do about it."


"Actually, if you think about it, it would be beneficial for both of us if I become stronger sooner, right? But if you still don't want to help, then there's nothing I can do. I'll just have to find a way on my own."

Elric shrugged.

"When learning about Night's Chronicle in earnest, if you explain the situation and ask for help, something will work out."

『...Damn it!』

Mephisto gritted his teeth.

He knew that if he didn't refute anything here, he would continue to be pushed around like a moth to a flame. But still, he couldn't just refuse to help, so he had no choice but to go along with it.

In truth, even if he didn't help here, that talented Melvinger would surely find a way somehow.

'What a damn talent… !'

Mephisto spoke forcefully, suppressing his anger.

The corners of my lips were trembling.

『I don't know as much as you think I do...!』

"Well, what can we do? Even though I didn't know Dragon Tongue well, I managed to learn it on my own, right? So please teach me the basics."

Elric said so as he slowly stood up from his seat.

Since the investigation of the secretion was over and he also knew where Dire Wolf had gone, he intended to go while planning to attend the lecture.

* * *

『Magic Martial arts literally means a fighting style that utilizes magic. Based on the solid breathing method, any method deemed effective in combat is used without hesitation. The fact that guy named Augustine has a Dark Elf's arm is similar in context.』

Elric tied a narrowing strap while chewing on the red moss.

Frost Vine.

Found near the flower clusters of Anck-Su-Namum, it was imbued with a lot of cold energy.

An excellent potion to add to the cruelty seal.

"So, does that mean it's good for inclusivity?"

『Not just good, it's very good. However, mixing it too haphazardly can lead to suffering from reflux disease in old age, but that's quite common.』

Elric threw all the questions he had while training magic martial arts directly at Mephisto, and each time, he received satisfactory answers.

Although it was only basic knowledge for Mephisto as a demon, it became valuable advice for Elric, which could significantly reduce the trial and error he would have to go through.

The conclusion reached then was.

'It seems much easier to blend than I thought?'

If he managed his mana distribution well, it was entirely possible to combine magic martial arts and body strengthening art.

Of course, calculating the magic formulas wouldn't be that easy.

'For me, it's a piece of cake.'

Double casting was also possible, so what's the big deal?

With that in mind, Elric decided to try connecting the two by gradually adjusting the mana circulation in magic martial arts to flow towards the sensory aspect of body strengthening art.

Whenever there was a deviation in the wavelengths, he made slight adjustments through magic formula calculations.



And then, at a certain point, there was a sound of something clicking into place.

It felt like the mana circulation and sensory functions were aligning with his breathing.

Thanks to that.

Elric's senses became even sharper, and he could feel his body becoming more sensitive.

It was so sensitive that he could even clearly feel the flow of mana.

『...Damn talented guy.』

Mephisto sensed the gentle mana field around Elric and shook his head ruefully.

Despite not teaching him that much.

Elric had grown yet again.

And when Elric had somewhat mastered that sensation.

『Looks like this is it.』

Elric could arrive at the deepest part of the labyrinth, which he thought was Dire Wolf's territory.



The Dire Wolves who were wandering around the entrance with empty stomachs were the first to spot Elric and attack him.

Among them were some who had wounded Elric and fled before.



Elric brandished the sharp stone tool he had sharpened and charged forward.

Perhaps due to the synchronization of his breath and mana, the instinctive sense of body strengthening art taught him much more clearly how to move.

Dodging, grazing, striking multiple times.

Unlike when he first fell into the labyrinth, Elric could now smoothly navigate through the wolves, as if he understood all their actions, and penetrate to the center.

There, instead of the narrow canyon he had passed through before, was a circular corridor in the shape of a gourd.

'Just as I expected.'

In terms of mana flow, this place could be likened to the heart where mana circles gather.

At the edge of the cliff, there was a leader who seemed at least three times larger than the other Dire Wolves, glaring at this side.

Judging by the swollen belly, it seemed like it had recently fed on prey.

'Were they all starving because of him?'

It seemed that all the prey the pack had hunted so far had gone to the leader.

Elric stopped, resolving his last remaining question.

Before he knew it, a total of forty dire wolves had gathered around him.

Even the ones who had gone out seemed to be urgently converging towards him.

The exit was completely blocked.


Grrr, growl!

There was nowhere for Elric to escape.

Even Elric couldn't handle them all at once, no matter how skilled he was.


Elric had a faint smile on his lips.

And then.

『Poor things. Tsk!』

At the same time Mephisto clicks his tongue.


Suddenly, from high up in the cliffs, rough explosions resounded throughout, and pillars of sand shot up.

Rocks cascaded down the slope.

The spells Elric had set up all over before he came here were activated simultaneously.

It was not that difficult; he just needed to sense the structure of the canyon through his mind's eye and concentrate mana heavily in those places to create mana bullets.

The outcome was never going to be like that.



Ow! Ow!

The dire wolves tried to retreat back the way they came to escape the falling rocks.

But Elric, who had already anticipated this, couldn't just let them go.

With the second explosion, the only remaining exit was completely blocked.

In the end, the dire wolves were unable to get anywhere and were left in a panic when they were crushed by a pile of falling rocks and turned into blood clots.

Some even rushed at Elric in a fit of rage, but they couldn't withstand Elric's magic martial arts and met their end.

Elric, using his mind's eye to navigate through the danger zones, managed to avoid any serious injuries, although it was sometimes difficult to breathe due to the swirling dust.


After the tumultuous landslide finally subsided, Elric made his way through the dust cloud and approached the barely conscious alpha male, who was still clinging to life amidst the rubble.


Barely hanging on, with his lower body crushed beneath a large boulder, he could only manage to stick his head out and glare fiercely at Elric.

It was a display of lingering animosity towards the one who had not only defeated his subordinates but also taken away his offspring.

Without hesitation, Elric mercilessly plunged a makeshift "ice blade" into the alpha's throat.

Blood gushed out profusely.


Elric lifted his head toward the sky, sighing in relief at the thought that he had finally eliminated all the dire wolves.

It was as if he were boasting to someone watching over this place.

* * *

'I never thought he would pass through the labyrinth like this. Hah!'

Augustine had been racing towards the labyrinth ever since Elric had collapsed the canyon, killing all the dire wolves in his path.

In fact, once your mana returns to a certain extent, passing level 1 is not that difficult.

You simply had to climb up the cliffs—although most participants failed to even clear this level 1.

Nevertheless, it was a matter of merely protecting oneself from the dire wolves' attacks, dragging out time while steadily consuming the resurrection plant.

Therefore, there were few cases where anyone attempted to understand the entire structure of the canyon and eliminate all dire wolves like Elric did.

The problem was...

'This is what the level 2 test is all about.'

Magic Martial art was based on mana circulation and practical combat.

Therefore, one must fully comprehend the structure of the labyrinth and overcome multiple practical battles with the dire wolves to qualify as an initiate.

Yet, Elric accomplished this feat.

In less than a week!

Of course, because of this, Guilty, who had provided the dire wolves, went into a frenzy, lamenting the loss of his children.

However, Augustine reassured him with the promise of providing the Phoenix's egg in the future.


There was something else that excited Augustine.

'He was looking at the crystal ball accurately, right?'

He clearly knew the exact location of the 'Bat's Eyes' that had been placed invisibly throughout the canyon.

Even though it's uncertain when he discovered it, just this alone was enough to prove that Elric was more than qualified to become the successor of Night's Chronicle, overflowing with the credentials necessary for it.

By the time Augustine reached the crumbling canyon,


He could see Elric, who had somehow climbed up the cliff and was resting at the edge, despite being covered in dust and looking somewhat sheepish.

Yet, the gleam in his eyes, shining through the dust, was truly imposing.

'Heh, his gaze could probably devour me and still have room left.'

In other schools, strict etiquette between master and disciple was enforced due to the importance of apprentice training. It would never be tolerated for a disciple to display such an attitude toward their master.

However, in Night's Chronicle, where masters often exposed their disciples to the risk of death, such a gaze was considered a sign of successful training, something to be proud of.

And Elric's subsequent question only further delighted Augustine.

"...What's the next trial?"

Of course, Elric's attitude is that this will not be the end.

Augustine couldn't contain the smile about to appear on his lips.

* * *

The subsequent 3rd and 4th levels weren't particularly difficult.

Surviving amidst even more formidable demonic beasts pouring onto the battlefield than the Direwolves, and completing the mastery of mana circulation within.

But for Elric, who had already been hardened through his training in body strengthening arts, it wasn't such a daunting challenge.

By the time two days had passed, he had already reached the final trial, level 5.