Chapter 57

Tasha's doubts were quickly answered after reading the report Hanabi brought.

"So, it was just a simple 'tantrum'?"

The reason behind it was somewhat perplexing, though.

Ironically, even though Hanabi hadn't done anything wrong, she felt as if Tasha's fierce gaze was reprimanding her, causing her to involuntarily shrink back.

"Well, according to what the daughter of the Melvinger family said, that's true... Yes, it seems so... The Melvinger side seemed to consider this incident as our family's attempt to provoke them."


Tasha found it absurd.

She wouldn't have felt unjust if they had even a slight involvement in the recent incident. Considering their efforts to cover it up, it was almost infuriatingly unfair.

"So, when we provided a sufficient explanation to the daughter of the Melvinger family to resolve her misunderstanding, she offered a belated apology."

Tasha shook her head incredulously.

If only she had asserted her dignity and stood her ground, they could have exerted pressure. Coming out in such a submissive posture made it easy to dismiss them.

It was a pitiful outcome compared to nobles who, even when at fault, often needlessly flaunted their pride.

Moreover, considering Melvinger's status as a ducal family, if nothing else remained, the illusion was still there.

'No. Perhaps it's this flexibility, knowing when to yield, that has allowed them to remain a Magic Royal family for over a thousand years.'

Although the Nerester family is said to be the top in the magic world, compared to Melvinger's long history, they were mere newcomers.

"At any rate, what's important is the connection with the Black Skull...."

Tasha had instructed a thorough investigation into Heize.

However, the contents of the report regarding her were very brief.

-Cannot be confirmed.

It stated that no connection between Heize and the Black Skull could be found.

In fact, it was only natural.

When it came to the Black Skull, they were shrouded in secrecy.

They were known to carry out their missions almost flawlessly.

However, because they had accumulated a lot of enmity along the way, individual members often found themselves in danger, so they tried to conceal the identities of their members as much as possible.

When carrying out a mission, they always wore masks adorned with a skull motif, and each member was referred to by a unique nickname instead of their real name.

Therefore, the identity of only the leader of Black Skull and a few early members was known to the public, and almost nothing was known about the other members.

But what if Heize was one of the hidden members of the Black Skull?

That alone would be remarkable.

The fact that a daughter of a prestigious magical family was a mercenary and a martial arts expert was surprising enough, but it would also provide a reason for Nerester to have a closer relationship with Melvinger.

'Isn't it said that the Black Skull doesn't cultivate personal relationships outside of official contracts? At best, they might have ties with the "Gray Lion" or heads of companies like the "Northern Merchant Association." But if they could take a step further...'

The reason Tasha had ordered a detailed investigation into Heize was also because of this.


Tasha threw the report onto her desk and asked in a cold tone.

"You know very well that this isn't the kind of report I wanted, right?"

"I-I'm sorry!"

"Sorry won't cut it. I'll give you one more day. You better bring me something satisfactory by then."

"Y-Yes, understood!"

Knowing that this was her final warning, Hanabi didn't dare to offer any excuses.

If she showed incompetence again this time, she might end up like her predecessors, losing her position.

'I can't let that happen!'

She just had to get it done.

"I'm going to be busy, so just go."

Tasha muttered softly as she watched Hanabi fleeing from her office as if escaping.

"It's really difficult to get even a single pamphlet."

But the higher difficulty made it even more enjoyable.

With that thought, she chuckled lightly.


Elric opened his eyes.


A dazzling brilliance emanated from his pupils, like cutting an emerald, then slowly subsided.

"Huh! Did you gain enlightenment again? No. How long has it been since you started magic martial arts, and yet...!"

"Hehe! Isn't it natural? After all, He is this old man's disciple."

"Natural my foot. Hyung-nim, are you also pretending to be surprised?"

"...Hmhm! I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, should I give you what we agreed on?"

"Here it is. Take it! Right now!"

Augustine's shoulders lifted a little higher as he won the bet on 'Elric's continued growth.'

And the more he saw Elric, the more desire bubbled in the eyes of Gility.

'I guess it won't be long before he can laugh so energetically! I'll somehow make him my direct disciple!'

While Elric was learning the usage of the Seal of Ferocity from Augustine, Gility had succeeded in adding a spoonful.

He had managed to squeeze in some teaching time after class and self-study.

Initially, Gility felt regretful, thinking that teaching anything in such a short time wouldn't accomplish much.

But Elric not only absorbed everything effortlessly but also showed remarkable adaptability, completely overturning Gility's expectations.

Elric was much more talented than he had thought!

Gility had encountered countless disciples eager to learn, and even trained many soldiers directly while serving in the Revolutionary Army... Yet, most of them couldn't even grasp the basics.

'Hahaha. If we consider pure fun, it's not enough to affect the school. Anyway, just wait and see. I'll make sure you get to see the face of your disciple begging on his knees for a chance.'

As Gility's mischievous(?) plan piled up in his mind.

Elric wore a satisfied smile on his lips.

'In just a few days, I've raised the Seal of Ferocity to 3-star. The Preta Sense has also settled completely.'

But what satisfied Elric the most was something else.

'From the Seal of Ferocity to Magic Martial Arts, and now to Body Strengthening Arts, I've firmly connected the dots. That's the biggest achievement.'

The Seal of Ferocity acted as a trigger.

Simply activating the seal led to a rapid flow of mana circulation and automatic strengthening of the body.

Now, without the need for additional memorization or preparation, he could achieve complete 'magic armament.'

'And unexpectedly, I was able to obtain 'Mirage eyes' from old man Gility.'

Though Augustine had a look as if he wondered why Elric needed to learn magic from another school, Elric paid no attention.

'The more knowledge, the better.'

Elric's thirst for learning had no equal.

'Plus, the potential of Mirage eyes is quite promising.'

As soon as he left this place, Elric planned to test Mirage eyes first.

"Now that the basics are almost all taught, it would be faster for you to gain enlightenment through your own research from now on."

Augustine smiled at his grown disciple with a gentle, satisfied look.

His lips seemed to be smiling ecstatically, as if suppressing the urge to burst into laughter.

"It's all thanks to your teachings, Master. Without you, I wouldn't have come this far."

"Haha! What did this old man do? It's all because you're so talented. Haha!"

While Augustine spoke humbly, his eyes were burning with pride, as if reminding Elric not to forget his contribution.

『Those visible inspirations, hmm? Tsk-tsk! With eyes rolling like that. They may not even realize you are standing on top of their heads, sucking their spines dry.』

Mephisto shook his head sadly at the sight of the two old men who seemed pitifully drained to the bone.

At first, he had ridiculed their foolishness, but at some point, he realized that his own situation wasn't much different from theirs, which made him feel a sense of camaraderie and melancholy.

"Anyway, after rolling around to death for the past few days, the Preta Sense is now ingrained in you even if you're not consciously aware of it. If you encounter danger, it will instinctively kick in."

Augustine was explaining essential things about the Preta Sense that Elric needed to know.

Elric nodded, thinking that it would be handy in dealing with demons in the future, but then suddenly tilted his head.




His heart suddenly raced.

It meant that the Preta Sense sensed danger.

He couldn't understand why.


"Then let's go for now. Sean is waiting outside."

Elric tilted his head because he thought something was strange.

'Well, it's probably nothing.'

Thinking that nothing significant would happen in a place where Augustine and Gility were present, and considering it was within the territory of the Nerester family, he brushed it off and prepared to leave, feeling that he hadn't yet properly settled into his newfound skills.


And then...

Elric cursed himself for making such a foolish judgment.

'… Shit. The Preta sense was working properly.'

"Hey there, little brother. Long time no see."

The moment he arrived at the room where Sean was waiting, he saw his sister, Heize, waving her hand lightly while sipping tea on the other side.

Elric's face turned dark.

"Oh my. It seems like you aren't very pleased to see your sister?"

Heize chuckled lightly, covering her mouth with her hand.

But Elric could see it.

The icy cold pupils lurking beneath what seemed like a warm smile to others.

『Hahaha! Is that lady over there your archenemy? I can sense the scent of Melvinger, but the scent of aura is even stronger. This is quite an unusual case, isn't it?』

Mephisto wore a face that seemed amused to death.

It was understandable, considering it was the first time he had seen Elric so scared.

But Elric didn't have time to dwell on that.

Even though her sudden appearance was surprising, Heize was still his sister, but his gaze kept going to the large hammer hanging on her back.

...It was intimidating.

" did you...?"

"Already forgotten? I told you I'd come to the Imperial Capital soon. It's good to be busy, but you shouldn't forget everything else around you."

Only then did Elric recall the memory he had thrown to the back of his mind.

Indeed, Heize had mentioned that she would come to the Imperial Capital to find him soon.

So Elric had tried to escape to the North to avoid Heize, but...

'I ended up getting caught by this geezer suddenly, and now I can't even escape!'

Elric shot a glare filled with resentment at Augustine.

However, Augustine seemed oblivious to that gaze.

On the contrary, he seemed happy to meet his disciple's blood relatives.

"Ah! So you're Elric's older sister. You two certainly share a resemblance. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Augustine Nerester, who has newly become Elric's mentor."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Heize Melvinger. My younger brother is lacking in many ways, but please give him a lot of guidance in the future."

Heize bowed politely.

Augustine nodded in satisfaction at the sight of her, whose every move was filled with elegance and sophistication, making her look like the daughter of a high-ranking noble family.

"Elric, as well as his sister, have grown up so well. I'm sure your ancestors would be very pleased. The future of Melvinger looks bright without a doubt."

"Thank you for your kind words."

As Augustine and Heize engaged in pleasant conversation, Elric tried to slip away unnoticed.


"Where are you going, little brother?"

Heize turned her head towards him as if she had been waiting.


Elric felt a cold sweat running down his back.

"...Elder sister."


"Could you... perhaps put that hammer aside before talking?"

Heize, who had been casually carrying the large hammer over her shoulder, smiled brightly like a spring day.

"Do you think I can do that? I brought this hammer all the way here just to break your skull if needed."