Chapter 64

Elric's aim was simple.

-While the remnants of the demons and agents of the Inspection Bureau are busy fussing around, let's gather some riches!

More precisely, it was about secretly swiping all the totems that were presumed to be left somewhere in the depths of the mansion of Viscount Garot.

For Elric, that alone would be quite a fortune.

When he first proposed this plan, the reactions of his companions varied greatly.

Augustine and Gility exclaimed, "Oh! That's a brilliant idea!" and slapped their knees in approval, while Sean and Karl had to cover their faces with their hands, thinking, "Here he goes causing trouble again."

Heize, as if expecting this, let out a heavy sigh, still unable to believe that her words were falling on deaf ears.

However, there was no one who opposed the plan.

After discovering that the Inspection Bureau was trying to corner Elric, there was nobody sympathetic to them.

Moreover, it was the remnants of the demons who were willing to sacrifice innocent civilians, so there was no hesitation in exploiting them.

"So, while Gility and I keep watch, you, Heize, and Sean will sneak in and swipe the totems, right?"


Elric nodded in response to Augustine's question.

Augustine chuckled.

"But aren't demons and the Inspection Bureau formidable opponents? Shouldn't your master lend a hand for real?"

"If you want, we can jump in together right now!"

Gility was eager to dash out, puffing out hot breaths.

That was because, as Augustine said, there was no guarantee that things would go smoothly.

'Especially with Patran... He may not be able to do much, but he's at least a bureau head-level person. It's definitely dangerous to confront him head-on right now.'

Elric was only able to stand up to Patran's intimidation because of his family background and the assistance of Augustine and others.

Considering that Patran was a retainer of the crown prince, that meant he was a high-ranking official within the Inspection Bureau.

In terms of magic prowess, he was at least on the level of an Archmage of the 7th-circle...

No, perhaps even higher.

Moreover, there was no guarantee about the strength of the demons.

'If I consider the importance of the totems, it might actually be more dangerous. I have to assume there are hardly any subordinates among them weaker than me.'

So, the offer of assistance from Augustine and Gility carried significant weight.


"I would appreciate it if you could do that, but… It's okay."

Augustine smiled mysteriously.

"Why is that?"

"Because it's my job."


"And if I receive too much help, there might be penalties. Just having you watch our backs is more than enough."

Augustine chuckled lightly.

Then he laughed humorlessly.

"Penalties are penalties, indeed. I was actually thinking of stepping in myself, which would mean interrupting the lecture halfway through."

"I thought as much."

Elric pouted his lips and grumbled.

The study of magic martial arts required repeated experiences in real combat to progress. From the absurdly difficult tests given from the very beginning, it was clear. So, no matter how dangerous the situation, relying on the master's abilities was absolutely unacceptable.

"Congratulations. You just passed your sixth test."

"...You're just throwing them at me. Anyway, I'll be off."

Elric pouted his lips, grumbled lightly, and jumped forward. Sean and Heize also bowed slightly and followed behind.

They now all wore masks that were identical to those of the Inspection Bureau agents.

Upon closer inspection, the masks were crude and ill-fitting, but in the dim light, they didn't stand out much.

Observing them, Augustine murmured lightly.

"Indeed. Hehe!"

Would Elric really know?

That the entrance test of the Night Chronicle never truly ends until complete graduation.

And that failing even once would immediately revoke one's status as an heir.

Augustine wondered if Elric, even if unaware of these facts, might instinctively suspect them.

After all, his disciple was the greatest genius to have entered the school since its establishment.



The onslaught from the Inspection Bureau began with a bombardment.

They unleashed countless fire-type spells, reducing the territory to ashes, before deploying ground troops to sweep out any remaining remnants.

This was how the Inspection Bureau dealt with targets branded as "rebel factions."

Because of this, the territory of the Viscount Garot was being reduced to rubble within moments.

"Save us!"

"Father Ein, Father Ein! Snap out of it! Why is this happening?"

"Why, why is the city guard attacking our village? What's going on?"

The villagers were in utter chaos.

Just an hour ago, it was a peaceful countryside village. But now, such an incident had erupted out of nowhere, like a bolt from the blue.

Bang, bang!

Yet, the Inspection Bureau continued to rain down fire-type spells as if they paid no heed to the plight of the villagers.

Escape beyond the territory's borders was also uncertain.

The surrounding area was already tightly encircled by the city guard.

Despite their pleas and protests, the soldiers stood firm like an impenetrable wall, refusing to listen to the villagers. Occasionally, those who dared to resist and grab a weapon, were pierced by the soldiers' spears and slain.

Amidst the chaos, there was no need for the term "hellish scene."

"...What should I do?"

Sean ran to the Viscount's mansion with Elric and Heize, then looked back at Elric with a frown.

His face was notably stern.

"Since I'm the only one who can read the totems, you and my elder sister should clear out the obstacles."

In other words, acting as bodyguards.

Sean was about to ask if there was anything else to do but quickly closed his mouth.

He knew that going any further would be overstepping. The plan might go awry.

But still, the desperate pleas for help from the villagers couldn't escape his fixed gaze.



"Those people over there, they're not the kind of righteous individuals you think they are."

"What do you mean...?"

Sean furrowed his brow at Elric's incomprehensible words, but before he knew it, they had already arrived at the mansion.


The moment he activated the Seal of Cruelty, countless ice arrows rained densely in front of him.

These arrows were several times larger and harder than commonly known ice arrows, and their numbers were much greater than before.

It was the first time the results of his training in the labyrinth had seen the light of day.


The ice arrows pounded the roof and walls of the mansion so heavily that it seemed more like a torrential downpour than anything else.

Eventually, one side of the wall collapsed.

"W-What's this...?"

"T-The Inspection Bureau is already here?"

The family members bustling inside the mansion all turned pale with shock.

Elric and others were wearing masks resembling those of the Inspection Bureau. It was natural for them to misunderstand.

『Haha! They're all demons.』

Mephisto laughed mockingly as he looked at those beings.

Although they wore a disguise, they couldn't escape his sharp gaze.

Each of them seemed to be carrying a demonic energy resembling Azazel.

They were just as thorny to Mephisto.

Swish, swish, swish!


Without a word, Elric unleashed ice arrows at the demons.

There was no need for conversation since they were demons.


"Darn it! My arm! My arm...!"

"Damn it! Since it's come to this... Kill him!"

When the Inspection Bureau began their "execution," nearby beings were all killed. The demons, judging it as such, released their demonic energy without hesitation.

Their bodies twisted, their eyes bloodshot, and various other changes occurred.

"Die, human!"

The demon closest to Elric spread his bat wings wide and lunged forward.

He seemed to have enough power to easily tear off a human's head.


Without blinking an eye, Elric poured more mana into the Seal of Cruelty.

As a result, the ice arrows shattered, and the ice fragments scattered on the ground spiraled up to the ceiling.

The "Ice twister," a basic spell equivalent to 4-stars, was imbued with tremendous power thanks to the full mana of the mana core.

The demons trapped in the swirl were torn apart.

Their bodies were left in pieces, much like vegetables in a mixer, and the other demons' expressions hardened at the sight.

It might be an unpleasant sight...

But it's still better than not eating.

Moreover, with the activation of the seal of ferocity, Elric's shadow writhed, devouring all the dead demons' demonic energy!

Seeing a human, not a demon, devouring demonic energy and seals left the demons pale and horrified.

Originally, the unknown was what gave them their existence, but ironically, it was the situation they couldn't comprehend that caused them to panic.

Elric didn't miss that opportunity.

"[Sweep away], [Swirl ]."

As the ice whirlwind expanded its range several times over, sweeping away the demons.

[Most of the beings here are demons. There are some humans mixed in, but they're all fleeing, so just take care of the ones attacking.]

Following Elric's instructions, Sean and Heize also leaped into the building.

Especially Sean's eyes flickered with anger.

"You bastards...!"

Finally understanding Elric's words that not all the beings they saw were righteous, Sean's eyes blazed with anger.

The specialty of the Nerester family was wind. Successive "sharp wind" poured down, slicing off the limbs of the demons.

Heize casually drew her sledgehammer, turning the demons rushing towards her into a bloody mess.

Well, more accurately, she was only targeting their heads.

Even for demons with remarkable regenerative abilities, it was a fatal blow.

"First, we have to smash the villains' heads. Isn't that right?"

Seeing Heize smiling pleasantly amidst the bloodshed sent shivers down the spine.

"W-What are these guys...!"

The bewildered ones in this situation were the demons of Viscount Garot.

Despite their confidence in their considerable skills as they ran around on the front lines, they found it impossible to even approach these three humans.

They were getting impatient, feeling like the Inspection Bureau would soon seize control of the mansion.

But they didn't know.

The crisis had yet to truly begin.

Elric, with a wide grin on his face, quickly scanned the interior of the mansion with Mind's eye, pulling out a fake card.

[Go, Madar! I choose you!]

『You damn bastard!』

Mephisto was now openly annoyed with Elric, who was basically treating him like a radar, but he couldn't help but assist him.

『Ugh! Anyway, make sure you keep the promise we made earlier! Azazel's demonic energy and seals we obtained this time belong to me! Do you understand?!』

Even if Elric's carrot looked tasty, it looked too tasty!

[I got it, so don't worry! How many times do you have to ask? Now let's quickly find a way to absorb the demonic energy before the others arrive!]

『Darn it! It's pitiful how this king always ends up in such a predicament despite knowing how it will turn out every time!』

Mephisto sighed in resignation as he quickly scanned the interior.

『Underground! 3rd floor!』

[Okay! Message received!]

Elric gathered as much mana as he could muster in his hands. With a burst of energy, he slammed it into the ground.

"[Explode], [Explode]!"

In an instant, the ground froze and exploded.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A vertical passage leading to the underground 3rd floor, as Mephisto had mentioned, was created.

A dark room designed so that it can never be discovered from the outside.

The demons who were busy organizing important documents and magic tools there looked up with bewildered faces.