Chapter 75

At that moment, the expressions of King Velence and all the other ministers stiffened.

Nevertheless, whether they agreed or not.

Throughout his speech, Prime Minister Norus' expression remained composed.

"The importance of the Body Strengthening Art needs no further explanation, but it is not appropriate to engage in trade with humans. It happens once, twice, and then thrice. The history of suffering that our beastmen tribes have experienced so far has all stemmed from such transactions, and it will truly become dangerous again in the future."

"However, it is unreasonable to leave the symbol of the royal family as it is...!"

"Moreover, the Temple of Flowers is firmly closed due to the 'General Winter' currently covering the Black Snow Field. It's impossible to open the way there, isn't it?"

At that moment, Fen could only step back hesitantly.

"In any case, there shall be no trade."

The gaze of Prime Minister Norus was resolute.

At this moment, King Velence felt that Prime Minister Norus, who had been as close as a grandfather until now, suddenly seemed too distant.

"It shall never happen until dirt enters my eyes."

* * *

"Your Majesty! You mustn't let this opportunity slip away like this!"

After the council had concluded,

Fen shouted separately to King Velence with a sense of urgency, as if he were vomiting blood.

Although Fen couldn't say anything at the time because Prime Minister Norus held too much power of speech, now was not the time for silence.

"My thoughts align with yours, Fen."

Then, Fen's face lit up brightly at the response that King Velence finally gave after much deliberation.

"If that's the case, there's no reason not to immediately summon the humans here...!"

"But Prime Minister Norus opposes it."

"Your Majesty!"

"As you know, Prime Minister Norus is never one to speak without reason. I still believe there must be a reason for his opposition. Besides, the General Winter is on the rise."

For a moment, Fen's face contorted.

"Your Majesty. Even though Prime Minister Norus has been running Anthromorph peacefully for so long that he's even been called the 'Black Sage,' now that he is older, he can sometimes make wrong decisions... !"

"Fen, watch your words."

In a calm voice, King Velence's words made Fen finally realize his mistake, and he bowed his head.

At this moment, King Velence exuded an authority far beyond his youthful appearance.

"...I spoke out of turn, Your Majesty."

"He is a mentor to me in all respects. I do not wish to question his judgment."

However, Fen's lowered gaze still couldn't conceal his dissatisfaction.

King Velence noticed Fen's reaction but pretended not to.

"Nevertheless, we need not simply reject them just because they are humans without engaging in direct conversation. Let us proceed there."

"You have made the right choice! I will lead the way!"

Fen bowed his head.

King Velence's face turned bitter as he glanced towards the room where Prime Minister Norus was, then he sighed.


"If the General Winter is present, it's difficult to open the way recklessly, isn't it?"

"That's correct. During that time, the Black Snowfield essentially becomes 'winter,' freezing and desiccating everything, turning the land into a barren wasteland where nothing can survive except for demons."

Every time Elric chimed in, the members of the royal guard became visibly excited, eagerly laying out everything, even the unspoken, for discussion.

The stern command from the captain of the royal guard to not mingle with humans had completely slipped from their minds.

"During that time, not only our Anthromorph but also other cities and all those living off the Black Snowfield as their territory firmly lock the doors to their domains and refuse to step outside. All exchanges are severed, and transportation is halted. And that continues until the end of the seasons of hunger and drought."

"Does that mean the path to the Temple of Flowers is also blocked?"

"It's not just blocked; the temple itself would have been closed. All flowers are sure to wither in front of the General Winter."

"That makes sense. Thank you very much for your insight. After all, he is a person whose feathers sparkle like jewels, perhaps that's why you're so knowledgeable...!"

"Well, our tribe's feathers are quite famous for their beauty. I happen to stand out among them."

The guard continued to chatter on for quite some time before belatedly checking the time and regretfully deciding to leave.

"Oh dear, time has flown by already. It's time for me to change shifts."

"It's a shame. Thank you. I've learned a lot from you, Warrior."

"If only all humans were as humble and composed as you. Until next time then."

"Take care."


As Elric waved goodbye to the guard preparing to leave, his expression soured as soon as the guard was out of sight.

"That guy's a real parrot. How many times does he have to repeat the same thing?"

The guard had just referred to the Flamingo Tribe, which indeed belonged to the Bird Tribes, so Elric's observation wasn't off.

But still, were the beastmen really okay with this? They seemed so easy to manipulate, bending over backward to accommodate everyone.

"But if the path to the Temple of Flowers is closed? What should I do? Should I just go anyway?"

Thanks to this, Elric had learned about the strange phenomenon currently enveloping the Black Snowfield, as well as some general information about the Temple of Flowers.

The problem was that given the current situation, getting there might be difficult.

"What do you think? Don't push yourself too hard."

Heize was also a member of the Melvinger family, and wanted to solve the family's arrangement somehow, but seeing Elric's attitude throughout the journey, she couldn't help but worry that he might be pushing himself too far.

"Don't worry. I'm not sure how it'll turn out, but I feel like it'll work out somehow."

"...You call that talking?"

"When have you ever seen me fail to handle something? Don't give me that look. Sis, you know me, right? I'm Elric."

While Heize felt a pang of annoyance at Elric's loud boasting as usual, she also couldn't say anything because she knew Elric could handle himself well.

'Just because someone else is making a fuss doesn't mean the Tiger Tribe will really abandon their Body Strengthening Art. Even if the real negotiations break down, if I have the ice crystal, we will somehow find a way.'

Of course, if Heize had heard the actual plan, she would have been shocked by how inadequate it was.

Just then.

"Hey, looks like we have a guest."


Heize turned her head in the direction Elric gestured with his chin and her eyes widened.

There stood a figure she never expected to see.

"...I thought you would be frustrated as you would not be able to move around freely. Seems like that's not the case."

With a somewhat bitter tone, Norus looked around.

Elric approached him, rubbing his hands together like a peddler.

"Oh my! Who might this be? The Prime minister himself. What brings you here? Have you come for a deal?"

"It seems like a deal, but perhaps it is. May I come in?"

"Yeah! It may be humble, but please come in quickly. Karl, what are you doing? A distinguished guest has arrived, and you haven't brought the tea!"

Norus looked at Elric, who was acting as if this were his own home, with a bewildered expression.

'This guy is really...! Huh!'

He couldn't believe that the same man who had impressed the royal guards with his Body Strengthening Art during the day in the central hall was standing before him now.

Elric, however, was unaware that Body Strengthening Art held such significant legends.

Legends of saving the world from destruction.

Legends that were said to be bestowed upon the Hero-King, who would lead the tribe to glory.

Of course, nobody truly believed in these legends.

Still, the influence Body Strengthening Art held over the beastmen was significant.

The initial awe that ministers and officials had shown when Elric demonstrated his Body Strengthening Art was all for these reasons.

'But still, he shouldn't be underestimated. There's a saying, "still waters run deep." Above all, those eyes... He's definitely not someone to be taken lightly.'

Norus considered himself to have a fairly discerning eye, and from that perspective, Elric was definitely not an easy person to deal with.

And the same could be said for the other individuals surrounding Elric.

Perhaps the once glorious Anthromorph, now long past its prime, could be turned into ashes in an instant... That was Norus's judgment.

And the basis for that judgment was...



His heart has been pounding as if in a fit ever since meeting them.

Meanwhile, as Karl brought out the prepared tea, Norus gazed at Elric.

Elric spoke.

"I believe your presence here indicates a change of heart, perhaps a desire to resume negotiations. Please, go ahead and speak. How do you intend to pay?"

"There will be no dealings with the royal family."

For a moment, Elric's eyes sparkled.

It seemed like the same words as before, but in reality, there was a significant difference.

"Do you wish to change the terms of the deal?"

"Yes. I am willing to offer any price. Though I may not know much, I have accumulated quite a bit of wealth during my time as the prime minister of this city. I can also open up the path to the Temple of Flowers for you."

"As long as the price is adequate, I have no objections. But what exactly do you propose to change?"

At that moment, Norus's eyes sank deep.

"Teach me the Body Strengthening Art. That's my request."


* * *

"Isn't this place quite popular? How many people have come in the meantime?"

After Norus left.

The Side Palace, where Elric and others were, had to withstand a considerable number of people.

They all seemed to be cautious, as if someone might be watching, yet their eyes gleamed with ambition.

"I've heard that the Tiger King's lineage has been tarnished for quite some time. But I didn't expect it to be this bad."

Augustine rolled his eyes in disbelief as he bit into a piece of jerky he must have acquired from who knows where.

Being a member of the Magic Tower, he was far from loyal to the imperial family.

However, he harbored no thoughts of rebellion or seizing power.

Yet, the influx of guests since Norus's visit all seemed convinced that if they could obtain the Body Strengthening Art, the throne would be theirs.

Whether the authority of the Body Strengthening Art was truly greater than they imagined or if they were simply underestimating the throne, no one could tell.

But a bitter feeling lingered, as if their purpose in designating the Side Palace as their meeting place was for this very reason.

"You postponed all the answers, right?"

"Yes. That's how it's supposed to be sold at the highest price, right?"

"To whom are you going to pass it on?"

"For now, to the Prime Minister."


"Because he offered the highest price, right?"

Augustine chuckled in response.

"Is there no other reason?"

Elric shrugged in response.

"Well, then." Augustine made a face, but Elric didn't feel the need to elaborate further.

Instead, he confirmed the procedure with Mephisto.

[It's the Prime Minister, right? You mentioned he's a demon.]

『That's right. More precisely, 'infected.'』

[Infected? What does that mean?]

『Think of it as being tainted. I don't know how it happened, but it seems like the demon tried to seize his body, it failed, and ended up lurking around his heart. Gradually, it seems like some assimilation is occurring, so it wouldn't be wrong to consider him a demon as well.』

[Hmm! Is that so? I wonder who they are of the same race as, and that's why he seems so ominous.]

『...Who hasn't seen this king?』

[Oh, come on. If that's how it sounded, there must be a guilty conscience somewhere.]

『You brat!』

Elric stared silently at the door beyond Mephisto, his fist trembling.

He remembered how shocked he was when he first heard from Mephisto that the Prime Minister was a demon. What had he said in response to the question of whether demons could transform into beastmen?

-Hmph! The outside is always everywhere and nowhere.

That somehow made sense, and he couldn't help but nod.

Well, if it were possible to disguise oneself as a human, it wouldn't be impossible to pass as a beastmen. No, leaving that aside, no one knew when, where, or how demons might appear, according to Mephisto's words.

So, they became even more mysterious and frightening.

Well, thanks to that, they could come up with plausible plans.

"...Anyway, as you can see, there are too many customers interested in the Body Strengthening Art, so the price has gone up more than expected. Would it be alright to ask how the royal family intends to handle this, Your Majesty?"

Elric turned his body around.

Just then, a door in one corner of the Side Palace slowly opened.

There stood.


King Velence, who had been listening to all the discussions outside, stood with a stern face.