Chapter 85

Just for a moment.

Elric and Mephisto felt as if they were looking into a mirror.

No, more precisely, it felt like they were seeing something deeper within.

-Demon God! You are to me… !

-Finally, it has come to this. Are you satisfied now, Melvinger? Is this utopia you've been longing for really this...!

-I am Mephistopheles, the original sin! All the unknown and irrationality of the world stems from me! Born from Pandora's Box...!

Various fragmented scenes flashed by, impossible to discern the exact situation.

Scenes from Mephisto's past before he was sealed.

In those scenes, Mephisto consistently stood amidst the bloody battlefield, with corpses strewn about, emitting a strange laughter.


Yet somehow, Elric couldn't shake the feeling that the laughter was sorrowful.

As if he hadn't desired this situation.

As if he had merely accepted the inevitable constraints imposed by his innate fate.

Hence, the original sin.

It was a fate that he had no choice but to experience because he was a sinner whom 'sinning' is as natural as breathing.

And beyond that...

What are you looking at?

Elric was about to delve deeper into the scenes, but was suddenly awakened by a voice ringing in his head.

Mephisto's face, distorted with frustration, was right in front of him.

It seems that he had noticed Elric peering into his innermost thoughts.

The problem was...

'It seems like... he had seen mine too.'

Elric felt a sense of unease as if his own soul had been laid bare.

He seemed to understand why Mephisto was so angry.

This feeling... didn't sit well with him.

But then again, who would enjoy having their inner thoughts exposed?

At that moment, the scene abruptly cut off.

Tzzt tzzt

Reality slowly returned.

By the time the connection between Elric and Mephisto ceased to be felt, a feeling of nausea had subsided.

"… Ugh! I don't feel well."


Elric pounded his chest several times due to the unsettling feeling in his stomach, while Mephisto curled up in a corner, retching.

Staring at the face of a nauseating man for quite some time... it was inevitable that one's stomach would turn.

"Disciple, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Augustine worriedly felt Elric's pulse.

The expressions of King Velence and Prime Minister Norus also turned anxious.

They were worried that perhaps their benefactor had been injured in the process of absorbing the demon.

"No, I'm fine. Just a slight dizziness."

"That's a relief."

Augustine infused Elric with warm mana, helping to gradually relax his tense body.

But contrary to his words...

Elric's nerves were still on edge.

'What was that just now?'

After devouring the immature demon, Mephisto's seal suddenly reacted. Could it be that the conditions for the 'qualification' Mephisto had casually mentioned before were fulfilled?

『'What was that'? You and I now have some sort of connection. Shit!』

Just as Mephisto finally finished retching and raised his head, his face still filled with irritation.

'Huh? What's this? Can he hear me? I didn't use sound conduction?'

『Even I am quite surprised right now. Synchronization between souls has occurred. Although I am in my spiritual form... still, how is it possible for a human and a demon to have such a connection?』

'If you know something, just say it properly!'

『And who said I know anything! I'm just guessing that there might be some connection between my seal and that seal you have absorbed.』

Mephisto's heavily wrinkled forehead showed no signs of smoothing out anytime soon.

『While the barrier surrounding my seal has been somewhat loosened, I can't believe it would happen like this…..!』

'Are you really the Great Demon King? Did you just win that title in a bet or something?'

『How dare you doubt the authority of the King!』

'Oh, sorry. I guess you didn't win it in a bet.'

『Of course. Do you have any idea how great I am...!』

'If someone were to be cheated on by a guy like you, I would have kicked them. It's hard to imagine it being the other way around.'

『You insolent brat!』

Even though Mephisto yelled angrily, he could tell that Elric wasn't listening. No, now he was able to accurately 'know' rather than just 'notice'.

Their connected souls transmitted not only surface thoughts but also superficial emotions.

Elric's current state of mind was quite simple.


『Ask about the demon tree!』 Mephisto was frustrated by always being on the receiving end.

But what could he do?

Elric was the only one capable of physical actions at the moment.

Though Elric nodded in understanding, he glanced at Mephisto, seemingly having some thoughts.

'But wait.'

『What is it?』

'What did you see about me?'

Perhaps he hadn't seen some embarrassing history?

Elric looks back with such concern.


Strangely enough, Mephisto just snorted with his arms crossed and said nothing. 

If it had been something to make fun of, he would have exploited it as a weakness.

* * *

Elric finally managed to regain his composure after feeling dizzy, and it was quite some time before he spoke again.

"It's all over."

The faces of King Velence and Prime Minister Norus, still filled with anxiety, gradually softened.


"Yes. We have successfully eliminated all the demons."


Tears welled up in Prime Minister Norus's eyes. He knelt before Elric, overcome with emotion.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Those were the only words that came to his mind. Although his head had been filled with words moments before, now his mind went blank when he tried to speak.

As someone who had been burdened with responsibilities all his life, expressing his joy was difficult.

"Still, now that the great burden has been lifted, you must take care of yourself. It's a relief, but your body may feel exhausted. I'll write you a brief prescription so you can take your medication regularly."

"Alright. I'll make sure to take them without fail. I must live at least another year to see my king become strong."

Elric smiled warmly and shook hands with Prime Minister Norus.

Though his inner thoughts were slightly different.

'Hmm. It's about time.'


'As we agreed before.'

『You act as if you're upholding your family's past promises, pretending to be a friend, doing all sorts of noble and righteous deeds. But inside, you're just selfish.』

'What's wrong with being selfish? Even between friends, you have to take what you're given. I'm not going to be a fool like some M-shaped bald spot.'

『I am not bald!』

'Who's saying that? I've never said anything like that to Mephi, have I?'


'Why do you keep poking into other people's thoughts? Are you a pervert?'

『I can't help hearing it!』


『I'm not!』

'Bald stalker.'


At that moment, King Velence reached out with his small hand, offering something.

A box.

"Please accept this."

Elric's eyes widened in surprise.

"W-what is this?"

Of course, the act still felt quite awkward.

Fortunately, it seemed that King Velence didn't catch on.

"It's my heartfelt gift."

"Oh, you really don't have to go to such lengths..."

『Hmph! Wipe your mouth and say that!』


"We know that you value honor and have no greed. But please accept it. It will ease our minds."

"If you insist so much, I'll graciously accept it."

Elric opened the box with a polite gesture.


Inside were neatly laid parchment papers and a thick booklet.

"This is King Yul's treasure map that I promised you at first, and a collection of research materials on the Body Strengthening Art that remains in the royal family."

Elric cheered inwardly.

Both were important items.

But it didn't end there.

"And look beneath that."


Elric followed King Velence's instruction and lifted the silk cloth slightly.

Instantly, a chilling coldness emanated from the hand-sized bundle of herbs meticulously placed there.

"Is this... ginseng?"

"Indeed. You recognize it right away."

"How did you manage to acquire something so precious...?"

An herb that is valued even in the Empire and known to grow only in special terrains in the East.

Elric never thought he'd see something he'd only seen in brochures here.

What surprised him was that, while ginseng was typically associated with warmth, this one emitted a cold aura.

"It's Thousand-Year Ginseng. It's a rare elixir passed down in our royal family. Please accept this too."


Elric quickly closed the lid of the box and returned it to King Velence with a firm expression.

『I won't accept this.』

"What's wrong? You're not the type to refuse such things."

'If I accept this, it could lead to serious consequences. What I want is a treaty of friendship with the Beastmen, not a one-sided beneficial relationship. If I accept this, I might end up indebting myself, not Anthromorph.'

As someone seeking to rebuild his family, Elric had to consider all future relationships with caution.

If one-sided relationships were established, they could easily collapse.

But King Velence shook his head reassuringly.

"We have a legend among our beastmen. A legend that says that when the world is on the brink of destruction, a hero king who will lead our race to prosperity will descend. The legend speaks of a hero skilled in Body Strengthening Art."


"And in our royal family, there's also a saying. When the royal family faces danger, if there's a benefactor, they are considered a subject of prophecy."

By now, Elric couldn't help but grasp the implication.

"I have a feeling that you, Sir Elric, are our benefactor, aren't you?"

"...You're being too kind, Your Majesty."

"'When a harsh winter comes and freezes the land, the foundation, and the hearts of the people, he will come and bring an end to the winter, making spring bloom on this land...' That's how the verse goes."

For a moment, Elric felt as if he'd been struck hard on the back of his head.

One particular word stuck vividly in his mind.


Was it mere coincidence that this word lingered on this path leading to the Temple of the Flowers?

'Could it be that the arrangement of my family is also tied to this place?'

'Now that I think about it, didn't my grandfather come to the Black Snowfield 40 years ago for 'business'?'

"Come on, accept it."

"Understood. I will gratefully make use of it."

At this point, Elric had no choice but to accept. He closed the lid of the box and bowed deeply.

Only then did a smile appear on King Velence's lips.

"And about going to the Temple of the Flowers..."

As he said this, King Velence glanced subtly at Prime Minister Norus.

Prime Minister Norus couldn't help but laugh seeing how transparent the thoughts of Tiger King, who was younger than his grandson, were.


"Yes, Prime Minister."

The Captain of the Royal Guard quietly stepped forward and bowed.

"The King wishes to personally escort our benefactors to the Temple of the Flowers. Since the journey is perilous and the General Winter is coming along, please ensure their safety."

"I will fulfill my duty."

King Velence's face brightened for a moment, then a hint of worry crept in.

"Is it safe? We don't know when the Fury will strike again..."

"That has been considered by this old retainer, and there are also bureaucrats. It'll be fine. Anthromorph is not so small that it will stop just because one person is absent, Your Majesty."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. So please, have a safe journey. I will ensure the safety of this place until you return, Your Majesty."

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