『It's a complete mess. A total mess.』

Mephisto shook his head as he watched the sight disappear behind the carriage.

『What's so great about this guy that everyone is making such a fuss?』

[It's not like I wanted to be so exceptional. People just crave someone with my talents. It gets pretty exhausting.]

Mephisto looked at Elric's shameless face with a look of utter annoyance, but Elric didn't care at all.

『You're using sound conduction again?』

[Isn't it creepy to read each other's minds?]

『We're on the same page about that.』

[So let's just keep it this way from now on.]

When their connection was first formed, Elric and Mephisto had a really tough time.

Even the slightest random thought was immediately sensed by the other like a ghost.

Fortunately, now they were both somewhat accustomed to controlling the connection.

It seemed they had no intention of opening it up any time soon.

『Is it helping you at all?』

[I'm not sure about that.]

Elric replied while scratching the back of his head.

The discussion with King Velence, Herman, had dragged on for a long time partly due to his rekindled academic zeal for a field he knew nothing about.

But more than that, he was hoping there might be something that could help him handle the Seal of Original Sin.

After absorbing the immature demon, Elric had managed to take 'one step' closer to the Seal of Original Sin, which had always felt so distant.

It was still like being in a fog, unable to discern its shape or characteristics, but he could feel something at his fingertips.

So whenever he tried to pull it even slightly towards him...

'My body went into convulsions.'

He had no idea what kind of magic it was attempting, but it drew in all the dissolved mana and squeezed out every bit of his physical strength.

He almost ended up with all his mana pathways in a complete mess.

Elric's caution regarding his blockage disease had spared him from greater disaster. Without it, things could have gone horribly wrong.

Consequently, Elric tried his best not to meddle with the Seal of Original Sin, even accidentally.

However, ignoring it entirely wasn't an option either.

Intense curiosity and a drive for discovery were practically occupational hazards for a magician.

Elric pondered alternative methods to approach the Seal of Original Sin and then considered enhancing his magic martial arts.

Could it be that his body was not yet robust enough to contain the Seal of Original Sin? That was his line of thought.

[But are you really not going to explain why this is happening?]


[Tap dance?]

『Hmph! You may continue with your petty threats, but if I say I can't tell you, then I simply can't.』

Mephisto scoffed and turned his head sharply to the side.

Elric glared at Mephisto's back with an annoyed expression, but Mephisto didn't seem to care.

[So, you don't know either, Mephisto.]


Mephisto's shoulders twitched for a moment.

[You don't know, do you?]

Flinch, flinch!

『I... I don't know what you're talking about! There's no way the Great Demon King, such as myself, could be ignorant of anything...!』

[Come to think of it, you didn't know the sub-hierarchy of the Seal of Original Sin either, right? You didn't realize that the immature demon was beneath you. It's plausible that you don't know the cause. What do you even know?]

『That's not true!』

[Oh, really?]

This time, Elric scoffed.

[Anyway, I'll keep training my body. If I'm not yet 'qualified' to control the Seal, I'll need to keep acquiring similar seals.]

Elric recalled the place where Prime Minister Norus first encountered the immature demon.

[Demonic Beast Valley....]

He had already learned about the location of Demonic Beast Valley from Prime Minister Norus.

The issue was that the Demonic Beast Valley was located in an extremely deep part of the Black Snowfield.

『The Black Snowfield consists of nine layers, known as the Nine Springs, and the place where the demonic beasts grow is the third layer, the Third Spring. Are you seriously considering going there?』

If you want to die, go ahead. But release me first. That's what Mephisto was implying.

Elric also knew that with his current skills, reaching the Third Spring was nearly impossible, so he didn't respond.

Even the First Spring, the outer area inhabited by the beastmen, was a challenge due to the General Winter and other dangers. He couldn't even imagine how difficult Third Spring would be.

Prime Minister Norus had mentioned struggling through it with many fighters at the time.

Hehehe. Compared to those useless ones, I'd be a much better choice. Don't you agree?

At that moment, the Seal of Malevolence wriggled as the spiritual form of the Demon King Yu spoke up.

'Shut up. No matter what, it's not you.'

Too bad... But think it over. Unlike that one, I'm always loyal to you.

Since the evolution of the seal, Yu's spiritual form seem to have become more talkative.

Not that Elric ever accepted them.

'These demons, I can't stand any of them,' Elric thought, momentarily contemplating what to do with these burdens.


"I will learn."

After a long and vigorous discussion (or rather, a negotiation), what Herman and Augustine faced were cheers and frustration, respectively.

"Hahaha! Yes, you have thought wisely. In the pursuit of learning, focusing solely in one direction can lead to a skewed perspective, which is something a scholar must avoid at all costs!"

"Why! You still have so much to learn from this old man and Gility! Why are you trying to take on more!"

"That's right! I haven't even taught you anything beyond the basics of the Mirage eyes!"

Even Gility found himself aligned with Augustine's feelings today.


"I want to learn."

With that single statement from Elric, they were both left speechless.

"The foundation of Body Strengthening Art lies in martial arts. To master it more effectively, I thought it was essential to deepen my understanding of martial arts basics."



With such a straightforward declaration, how could they argue?

"Given my family's history of continuous warfare with demons, I believe it's advantageous to learn various combat techniques."

For a moment, Augustine felt a sense of crisis.

'No! If this continues, I might really lose my disciple to these other guys!'

When Augustine had initially taken Elric as his disciple, albeit somewhat forcefully, he had said that it was acceptable to prioritize the duties of the Melvinger family.

However, that didn't mean it was acceptable to push Night's Chronicle to third or fourth priority!

Although he had never thought he could monopolize Elric completely, he still wanted to keep him as "his student" for as long as possible, which was the sentiment of any teacher.

'It's bad enough that the old men in the senate and the guest quarters have shown interest, but now even those damned cats are getting involved!'

The term 'cats' was a slang used by senior magicians to refer to the various members of the Lion Family.

"Of course, I will not neglect my main duties. I am a magician, and I will only use martial arts as a means of assistance."

Elric's words finally made Augustine's expression soften a bit. Herman nodded as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

'The first step is always the most important. Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'

Herman had never expected to completely draw the head of the Melvinger family into the world of martial arts. 

However, if he could train Elric into a competent successor for the position of the Blue Lion as per his plans, it would be enough.

And if possible...

'If I can aim even higher.'

As his true intentions, which he hadn't yet shared with his daughter or his sworn brothers, briefly flickered in his mind, a strange light momentarily flashed in his eyes.

"I originally promised to assist with your healing, so may I continue to learn while also providing treatment?"

"Indeed, that would be best. By directly observing and monitoring the changes in my body, you will gain a much clearer understanding."

"Thank you for understanding."

Elric bowed his head.

Whether it be a martial artist or magician, it was a taboo for someone to touch another's body without permission, even if they were related by blood. 

Despite this, Herman was nonchalantly offering his body as a tool for experimentation, which made Elric feel grateful.

However, Herman shook his head.

"What are you saying? I should be thanking you, for you not only opened a new path for this dying man but also saved my daughter from a crisis."

Herman glanced at Isabelle, who was smiling gently beside him, and nodded contentedly.

Elric, relieved, suddenly became curious and asked Herman and Augustine a question.

"So, how did you two reach an agreement? The fight seemed to end rather quickly."

Augustine crossed his arms and scoffed, while Herman burst into hearty laughter.

"Hahaha! Naturally, I got thoroughly beaten."

Anyone would think he had won by the way he said it.

"But I clung to that old monster's pant leg for dear life."

Elric could imagine how it must have gone, and decided not to delve any further into the matter.

From that moment on, whenever he had the chance, Elric began to receive fundamental lessons in martial arts from Herman.

"You are a magician. If you delve too deeply into a single discipline like swordsmanship or martial arts, you risk becoming neither one nor the other."

"What should I do, then?"

"It would be better to have a broad exposure to various techniques, even if it means not mastering any single one deeply."

This meant Herman was offering to teach him multiple weapon skills.

This was exactly what Elric had hoped for, and his eyes lit up with excitement. Herman, noticing this, smiled with satisfaction.

"Your eyes have already changed. Fortunately, my five brothers and I each wield different weapons and pursue different goals. Thus, we can provide you with a variety of perspectives, which should be helpful."

Having finished his explanation, Herman began to loosen up.

"Well then, shall we begin?"

As he prepared, the atmosphere around Herman changed dramatically.

It became heavy and intense.

'So this is what a lion feels like?'

Elric's eyes sparkled with fascination.

Herman hadn't even drawn his sword yet. He wasn't in any particular stance, but the pressure was palpable, as if a giant predator was lying in wait, watching intently.

Martial artists often emphasize the importance of psychological dominance.

Experiencing it firsthand, Elric felt his breath catch in his throat.

'He mentioned he isn't fully recovered yet. How powerful will he be once he's back to full strength?'

Sword Master.

The equivalent of a 9th-circle magician, an absolute powerhouse.

Herman had reached the pinnacle of martial arts, so Elric felt he had to put all his effort into learning. 

He believed that by experiencing various martial arts, he might also gain new insights into his own Body Strengthening Art.

"What do you think a weapon is?"

"A tool that fights for me?"

"Exactly. A tool. Specifically, it's a tool used to fight and win, to win more easily. Others may say that there is energy in it, but at least in my view, weapons are just tools. So, what do you think is the best kind of weapon?"

Elric pondered for a moment.

"It should be sharp, shouldn't it?"

"Can you keep a sword sharp in constant battle?"

"Then it should be durable?"

"What if it breaks? What if you drop it by mistake? You should be able to pick up anything and fight with it."

Elric realized he had been thinking too simplistically.

Then a thought struck him.

"It should be comfortable to use."

Herman nodded in satisfaction.

"Exactly. It should be easy to use. Just as you can freely move your hands and feet without thinking, a weapon should be an extension of your hand, used effortlessly."

Herman handed Elric a wooden sword he had happily carved the previous night.

"Now, let's start making your hands longer."

"What should I do first?"

Elric caught the wooden sword lightly, but then he was taken aback by Herman's next words.

"As I said, you need to start with the basics. Ten thousand downward slashes."

"…Excuse me?"

"Ten thousand downward slashes. And of course, without using mana."


"Haha, start with the basics. The basics."

Elric then recalled who Herman really was. Though known for his chivalry, he was, in fact, the eldest brother of a certain notorious group!

『Pahahaha! Of course! No one who gets tangled with you could be normal!』

Mephisto's laughter, filled with delight, was nothing short of infuriating.

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