The Mihara Twins

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kiriyama-senpai," the short haired girl says but there's two of them in the room so let's say the one with white tint.

"Although it's our first time actually meeting, it's been a long time I've been seeing you," she added. Hmm... What did she mean by that?

"Seeing me? Is this another romantic trope where two people were connected by fate? Isn't she the same as the other girl?", he says to himself. It's still the same for him, he's still locked sitting in a hard word chair but more like an electric chair where tasers were connected with his body.

"You're late, Kurumi-neesan. Now what do you think should we do to him?", Shirumi asked. Well that's unexpected, she stand close to Toby and hugged him out of nowhere.

Of course, fan service cannot be forgotten where her melons topped off in his head when Shirumi hugged him from behind to promote a more cultural writing.

"What the hell is this!", he uttered when he felt the sensation of being suffocated, his face starts to turn reddish not from embarrassment or being turned on but because he starts to get dizzy after multiple incidence of intentional short circuiting.

"I didn't know she does have a twin sister," he says to himself. "What do they want to me? Is this some psychopath group reunion? Amamiya should be invited in here, I guess. Anyways, I need to get out of here immediately since it's hard time to deal with this two."

*step *step

The white haired girl starts to approach the slouching dude with the same baton in her hands. "Are they from the orchestra club or something? Or are they just some literal torturers?", he said to himself.

"Master Kiriyama, do you have any wish or something?", the white haired girl says but let's just refer her with her name, Kurumi. She lifts up his chin with the baton while lowering her posture down to have an equal face to face with Toby.

"Let me out of here," he calmly said. His face is not that notable but he gave off an indifferent vibe.

"Hmm, that's a no-go, Senpai," the girl over him says. "It took a lot of preparations and sit-ins to make just for this fateful moment to happen."

Soft water balloons pressurized in his head but that doesn't like to set him off.

"Haaaah...", he sighed.

"What do you need? Let me in peace and quiet and leave me alone." He uttered out words of a captive to finish off his role.

"We simply have what we need, Master Kiriyama, and that's you. You're all what I want to have and we will be happily together."

Kurumi close off the distance between her and Toby with giving him a distorted smile. This gives us a Yandere trope to hav with our protagonist.

"Ah, this' pains my ass. Now having two of them would be difficult since romantic interest have been included, huh?", he says to himself. "I still don't know what's their reason behind this... Wait! Is this what she mean? It's a far more thing that they have fallen for a guy like me or we have met before. So this could be another anomaly that Amamiya's talking to."

He has a quite vague conclusion but still it could be valid since him being able attract those twins would be an impossible one. But let's not bully our boy, I know he's doing all he can so we can give him some credit that probably he's that good-looking.

"There's a reason behind their actions since Amamiya only talks with me if there's any abnormal things happening," he continue to add to his internal monologue.

"Senpai, from now on you will live with us forever. We will eat together, sleep together, have fun together, and perhaps bath together," Shirumi says while ignoring any kinds of logic.

"Then how can I do that when I'm here sitting on a death chair all the time?", he said for being a more realistic guy. Lucky for him, he have those beautiful girls beside him.

"Hahaha, you're funny, Master Kiriyama," Kurumi says. A pleasured grin stayed in her face upon fantasizing their life with Toby. But despite that, her eyes stays the same as the gloomy one which not as brazen than what Shirumi have.

"Of course we'll free you of that shackles. We know that we cannot enjoy our everyday lives if you just stay douched in that chair, that's why we have this."

Kurumi holds out a circular metal piece in which connected to a long steel chains with a handle at the end.

"A collar?", Toby uttered upon realizing what would that mean to his life.

"Yes, this will be our red string of fate in which we will not be separated from each other ever," Shirumi mumbled while a nice grin in her face.

"What the f*ck is that? Do you intend to make me a slave? Is this still some humanitarian act. If thus, let me f*ck out of here!" He flustered for a bit when he thinks of himself as a lowly human. Despite how he small he looks to himself, of course he's still a man of honor.

"Damn it, Hikaru!", he called out to his old friend in the other side of life, " Is this what do you mean by fulfilling my purpose? That I still have something to do?"

"Then how about school? Aren't you two top students in your class? Are you just gonna waste everything you have worked just to live like this?", he asked out of nowhere while his brain is in inner turmoil.

"Who cares about school when we have you, Senpai?", Shirumi uttered while ignoring the fact that Toby's still attached to the physics class in their school.

"Of course we have built a good image in school and got fallen into society's way. But all that are all just means to make this desirable ends for us," Kurumi added.

"There's no worries for your side, right? Senpai?", the black haired girl says towards Toby while squeezing that large lumps of flesh to his head. The fact is that Toby wants to get out of there and live his normal life.

"Just... Who do you really-...(*grrgrh)... think I am!", he yelled out of nowhere not expecting his stomach to feed off from those girls.

"Oh, you're hungry, Master Kiriyama. It's a pleasure for me to cook you a house meal all of your life," Kurumi said after hearing his stomach's grumping wails.

"I'll gladly serve you too, Senpai," Shirumi added.

"Uh, hmm... Ah," he's quite embarrassed being served by those two psychopaths even though he's been raised for 5 years by his sister since their father went to work overseas, now it's a common novel trope. "Should I really be worried about this? There's so much things to be done in here for me to escape."

Now he knows, probably an idea of being struck by Stockholm's syndrome motivates him to prepare a plan, well folks, I know you will gladly accept this type of situation though.

"Now what do you want to eat, Master Kiriyama? Wagyu steak, Truffle, Caviar, or perhaps a Michelin star dish?" Kurumi offered him all those fancy and luxurious foods that would make people's mouth water.

"Heeeh?... They even have those things? Do they own a restaurant or hotel or something?", he says to himself.

"I-... I still want my sister's cooking," he said blatantly to the two girls. Of course he's a guy who still admires his own older sister, what a man of culture!

"Senpai, Senpai, Senpai, you don't need to worry about your sister anymore now that you have us who will cherish you everyday," Shirumi says.


"It's seems like you're stomach is being honest, Master Kiriyama. Please wait here and I'll prepare you a fine course with a touch of my secret ingredient, love," Kurumi says before she held off her grope on Toby's chin and slowly standing up from her position. I cannot believe they still use that cringe trope about love, I don't about you but for me that's that.

"Haaaah, *sigh," he sighed there and let the girls know that he's tired.

"I'll cook after you, Master Kiriyama. Please wait here and be delighted if you taste my cuisine."

The white haired girl turned back facing the door outside. Before that, she looks back to Toby who still of course sitting in the electric chair with Shirumi coddling him, holding out her index finger and placed it in front of her lips making a shushing gesture.

"You don't need to worry, Senpai. You're in a good hands," Shirumi added.

"Wait me, Nee-san. I'll help you cook delicious foods for Senpai," the black haired girl pulled off her coddle from Toby and went with Kurumi toget out of the torture area through a white glossy door.

"Why did you leave him alone there, Shirumi. Who knows if Master is witty enough to get of here," Kurumi talks with Shirumi regarding why did she let off their guard on Toby.

"Even though we really have locked him here, I'm still doubting the if we can really convince him to stay here."

Kurumi's personality shows her perfectionists trait in where she wants to make sure that they really have Toby forever with them, even though eternity doesn't exist.

"Why, Nee-san? There's no need to worry about that because Senpai would grow his love for us in his stay here. I do not see him having the ability to shove us off after the pleasurable things that we will give him, anyways I also doubt that he can escape in this situation."

"But in the end, even if we spoil him to all his heart, Master has only one heart and that there's only of us that he will choose," Kurumi depressingly said.

Of course, it's always a harem trope that may girls will be attracted to the MC but the sad thing that most people forget is the fact that only one will be chosen in the end and the rest will be left.

"No need to worry about that, Nee-san. At least we're able to love Senpai with all our hearts despite of the brutal end," Shirumi enthusiastically said.



"Hahaha, it's no good then," a guy on an electric chair laughs as he analysis his chances.

"Those girls are actually real deals, huh? It's pointless to try to break this shackles without any keys to open them up. Even though I could free my arms, I'm still locked in this chair and I'm back to square one again by then."

Toby has spent his free time away with the twins trying to wriggle out the lock in his limbs but no good, that's why he spent the remaining time by thinking deeply.

"Haaaah... The 'reset' is my only choice then. By killing myself, I can manage to prevent this thing to happen, I can also have lunch with Amamiya if I can 'reset' now. The electric shock could be enough to kill me but it would not be easy to pass off since the voltage isn't enough to instantly kill me, not to mention the conductivity of my seat. Haaaah... But I have no choice then, but to do it."

He lower his head until to what his body can reached and immediately opened his mouth. Dipping in and biting up the wires running through his body to release an electric discharged and straight away electrocuting himself.

"Senpaiiii! Here's your hot meal," a black haired girl said after opening the door.

"Please enjoy it with all your hearts, Master Kiriyama since it have been cooked with our love for you," the white haired girl says.

"Aghgaghhfgssghhhha!!!!!" He's being zapped in the process when the twins appeared to give him the food.

"Senpai!", Shirumi yelled out of shock. She throws away the freshly cooked curry and immediately runs to the half dead guy.

"Stop, Shirumi! Don't touch him first. You'll b shocked if you that," Kurumi uttered to Shirumi for her reckless actions.

"Disconnect first the breaker before touching him since it's an open wire."

She's sweating profusely not knowing what to do next while in front of him the guy she swored to be with being in the doors of death.

"Haha, so they really are concerned of me perhaps of that all. Once I'll wake up in the morning, I'll make sure to fix things up this time," his last words after passing out completely thinking that he can relive the day again.




"Uw... Uhh... Uwah!"

He slowly opens his eyes, of course it's to confirm things first.

"Huh?" There marks in his face the expression of disbelief and confusion. He wakes up sitting on a hardwood chair with something coddling from his back.

"T-this... Isn't be," uttering those words with shaky and grumping voice.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kiriyama-senpai," a short white haired girl says while facing him.