
Curiosity is what best describes the lostful child's feelings during the exploration.

There are no visible predators for him to spot. Almost no dangers can be detected in this forest.

As he is searching the way of a stream, a harp is played out in a melodious form. Beautiful rhythms can be heard far away from The boy's sight, which makes his curiosity as his questions are focused on the source of the sound.

"Who would play an instrument in a forest? Maybe there is a hidden village or home in there..." He thought. As he wants to find some water source to drink, it might be logical that a hidden village or something will usually lead up to a water source, hence making it logical for him to find the source of the sound first, then the water as a second.

Continuing into his line of tracks, his steps were heading towards the very source of the sound, every inch he came closer made him hear the rhythm in a more meaningful way.

He cannot help but appreciate the value of the song as he went looking at nature's view. Butterflies were spreading across the flowers in the spacious and comfortable forest, crickets were heard chirping alongside the way the boy had passed, not to mention the birds calling in their sounds around the trees they had made.

All of this combined represents one thing that he discovered.


Because of it, his steps began to feel lighter than before and his mind began to ease out, making him go to the harp faster than he had before.

Continuing, the sounds of nature and the sounds of the harp went more concentrated than the boy's steps as his pavement went closer to the source, and at the end of his tracks, he noticed that the trees were at the end and his steps would lead into another field. But when he steps out of the areas of the forest, he finds something unimaginable that he could discover in his walk, and that is ...

A beautiful high waterfall.

Gorgeous as it seems, the clear crystal water flowed down to the water streams from below in an awe-impression sight. He had never seen this beauty. It is a satisfying sight to retrieve, and at that moment, he looks up to everything nature has to offer with its balance, and in the mid-action he is doing that, he finally finds the source he wanted to find.

It is a blonde girl with a fully white cloth covering her body.

As expected, when he looked at it the moment he entered the field, the harp that she had played went miraculously the moment she had presented it to the view. But that's not all, further steps led him to notice a line of children with similar clothes to the girl. But their only difference is their part to accompany the instrument which is a singing of choirs in a more hopeful way projection.

All of them made the birds go flying in circles as the voices of the choir attracted an unusual force to nature.

The red-haired boy cannot express anything, besides awe and calmness. All of his pain and his goals were forgotten and as soon as he continued to gaze the sights of all of it. One word can be explained by his view towards the performance he had witnessed.


He cannot help but feel relaxed as their voices soothe his mind and make him forget the dark past for a period.

Windows from houses of the visible cottages around the view opened as the inhabitants there went up to take some fresh air and to appreciate the music that the children gave.

It was as if this was a heaven of green landscapes if taken in the picture.

Because of this, the boy went up to sit in the fields while looking at the landscape nature has to offer while also listening to the meaning of the voices of the choirs.

"As reminder went the graves when his mouth went unspoken~"

"To our day, we must take his words for granted~"

"Joyous day comes after destruction~"

"Put your faith above the needless~..."

As their words were fading because of the boy's mind went sleepy, he lay down after minutes of refusion to sleep and closed his eyes in a slow gradual manner.

Black void was the only sight the boy had seen, and only wind was the only properties that he could feel.

Silence, was the only thing he had hear...