Chapter 35 : Fake Assassination Plot

His hateful words pierce me full of holes, but I stand firm.

“What do you mean? What Alpha? Why would you say a thing like that?”

Kent’s eyes flash a warning: Cool it.

It’s not easy. Steam must be coming out of my ears.

My father avoids the question. “Now, you have your dagger, and I’m sure you can get your hands on Wolfsbane somehow.”

“Of course.” I playact a bit. “But isn’t that too obvious? And is it wise to make another attempt so soon after I poisoned them?”

“Hmmm. Excellent point. I suppose a few days’ delay won’t hurt anything.”

“What do you mean? Are you in a rush?” I ask, making sure my voice is level and not too eager.

He growls impatiently. “Because the longer you’re there, the greater the risk of you being discovered.”

Not true. It took less than five days.

“Isn’t the opposite true?” I ask. “If I'm here for a while, they’ll be less likely to suspect my involvement, yes?”