
A fleet of armed helicopters thundered over Beiling City, sending waves of panic through the streets below. Their trajectory was unmistakable—they were heading straight for Nanyan.

Nanyan's building, still in disarray from a previous battle, was in the midst of reconstruction. Inside, apart from the construction crew, only Queen Bee's people remained.

The helicopters didn't waste time. They hovered directly over Nanyan, their purpose clear and ominous.

"004's mind control is powerful but limited. She can't apply her control to too many people at once. Instead, she creates a behavioral logic that those under her influence follow. Even so, maintaining her network drains her, forcing her to sleep longer than normal.

Currently, 004 can only stay active for about five hours a day. The rest of the time, she's in a deep sleep, though she can still command her Derivatives, known as 004-1. But during this time, her main body is vulnerable and inactive.

We can't confirm if 004 is asleep right now. If she's awake, be wary of any liquids. 004 can blend her neurotoxin into them, turning a simple sip of water into a weapon.

If you're injured during the mission, retreat immediately. Failure to do so will result in your classification as compromised, and you will be treated as 004-1, which means termination.

This operation prioritizes containment. If you encounter any 004-1, you have permission to eliminate them on sight.

Additionally, we suspect the presence of SNB Number 002—Fish-Men. Their numbers could reach up to 200. These creatures are incredibly fast, with claws sharp enough to slice through concrete. They can also track prey through a distinctive cry. But they have a weakness—the head. A headshot will neutralize them. If possible, capture one alive.

The codename for this operation: Catching Bees. This will be humanity's first official battle against monsters. Stay sharp, comrades, and return safely."

Varian surveyed the soldiers in the helicopter, all fully equipped and ready. He raised his hand, signaling the start.

"Infiltrate in four squadrons. I'll lead Squadron 1. The rest, follow your squad leaders. If a leader shows signs of control, the deputy takes over immediately."

He paused, letting the gravity of the mission sink in.

"So, containment begins."

The helicopter hovered steadily above the Nanyan Building, and one by one, Kitsune soldiers descended the rope ladder with practiced precision. As they touched down on the rooftop, the enormity of the operation became evident. This was no small strike—four squadrons, each comprising eighty soldiers, totaling 320 highly trained operatives.

Without wasting a second, the soldiers secured ropes to the roof, ziplined down the side of the building, and kicked through the glass windows, breaching the structure.

"This is Kitsune team 01-2, squadron leader speaking. We have successfully entered the hive. Over."

The voice crackled over the radio.

"Proceed with caution. Keep your heat sensors and night vision active. SNB Number 003—The Hollow—could be lurking within the hive. Stay sharp. Over."

The four teams spread out, infiltrating Nanyan from different angles and beginning their sweep from the top floor. The space they entered was eerily empty, a vast expanse of silence. The only sound was the soft footfalls of their boots as they moved cautiously forward.

Then, they saw it—a single red velvet chair positioned in the middle of the room. Seated upon it, a blonde woman, her head resting against the back, eyes closed in deep sleep.

Varian, leading the charge, immediately keyed his communicator. "This is Kitsune team 01-1, commander speaking. Target confirmed. Repeat, target confirmed."

"004 is in a state of deep sleep. Initiate containment immediately. All other squadrons, move into position to assist. Remain on high alert for any potential threats. Over."

Suddenly, a burst of static interrupted the transmission.

"This is Kitsune team 01-3, squadron leader here. We've detected a large group of 004-1 moving rapidly toward the target. Should we engage?"

"Permission to fire granted," Varian ordered.

The silence of the night was shattered by the rapid staccato of gunfire. The bullets tore through the darkness, striking down the approaching figures. The 004-1, girls armed with swords, barely had time to react before they were cut down by the onslaught of gunfire.

"This is Kitsune team 01-3. All 004-1 have been neutralized. Over."

"Maintain your vigilance," Varian responded.

As the room fell silent once more, Varian strode toward the blonde woman. The soldiers around him kept their weapons trained on her, ready for any sudden movements. Just as he reached her chair, her eyes snapped open.

The Queen Bee was awake.

Varian instinctively took a step back as the blonde woman, known as Vex, stretched languidly in her chair. Her eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and annoyance as she took in the heavily armed soldiers surrounding her.

"So many of you, just for little old me?" Vex's voice was dripping with mockery. "What are you planning to do? Shoot a defenseless woman?"

Her tone was casual, but Varian and his squad weren't fooled. They kept their distance, weapons trained on her, ready for anything.

"Call the chief," Varian ordered into his comms. "This is Kitsune 01 brigade. 004 has awakened. Target is not currently showing aggression. She's playing dumb. Should we attempt negotiations?"

The reply was swift and cold. "No negotiation needed. Contain directly."

Varian nodded grimly. "Containment continues," he commanded, and the soldiers moved in with stun guns and tranquilizer darts, closing the circle around her.

Vex's playful facade cracked as she saw the professionals advancing. She instinctively began to retreat, her mind racing. Damn it! These soldiers were well-equipped, too well-prepared. Ordinary worker bees wouldn't stand a chance against them.

She thought of using her thorns, but they were too far away, and the soldiers were keeping their distance deliberately. Vex's mind buzzed with frustration as she realized that something was terribly wrong. Why hadn't the worker bees alerted her to this attack? Why had her defenses failed so completely?

Several tranquilizer guns fired in unison, the darts slicing through the air toward Vex. If these darts worked, it would spare them from using the more lethal stun guns they had in reserve. Their mission was to capture her alive, after all. But before the tranquilizers could reach their target, something unexpected happened.

In the dimly lit space, a silver thread shimmered into view, moving with precision and speed. The tranquilizer darts were sliced cleanly in half, the pieces hanging suspended in the air for a brief moment before clattering to the ground.

The soldiers were stunned, eyes widening behind their helmets. "What the—"

Their shock didn't last long. A second later, a figure materialized from the darkness, stepping into the light. Varian's instincts kicked in, and he immediately aimed his gun at the new arrival.

It was a white-haired woman, dressed in a sleek black suit that contrasted sharply with her pale hair. A white mask obscured her face, and her hands were wrapped in countless silver threads that glinted menacingly in the dim light.

Without hesitation, the woman flicked her wrist, and Varian felt a sudden chill at his neck. His grip on his gun tightened, but he hesitated.

"Commander, next to you!" one of his soldiers shouted, urgency lacing his voice.

Varian's eyes darted around, seeing nothing, but the thermal cameras told a different story. Four heat signatures surrounded him, each one holding a cold weapon, their positions forming a deadly box around him. The phantom blades pressed against his skin, leaving a thin line of blood where they grazed his neck.

"For your personal safety," the white-haired woman spoke calmly, her voice soft but filled with an underlying threat, "I suggest you don't move."

"This is our first time meeting. You may call me Aurora."