Next day

After getting freshen up and having a snacks along with tea She relaxed with her mother and spent few more times until 5pm in the evening

Later, she went to her study room and do the study table to revise the portions which have done in the two days class. After reading for some time, she started to imagining about her class and also started to think about Neshma Matthew and her ignorance. Towards the Siri

After sometime, suddenly, she started laughing herself and casually scrawling her phone on Internet. Suddenly, she remember that guy who sat next to her in today's class, and she started thinking over him, the blush on her years as well as on her cheeks was Flash red in colour Again, she started smiling

After finishing her dinner, Siri went to her, but before her bedtime again she started remembering Nithin and started smiling

After sometime she fall into deep sound sleep

In the morning Siri woke up very early and was very excited to meet and greet her new crush. She also made sure to prepare the snacks for him during the short break to give him.

Suddenly she was greeted by her grandma as usually her granny, give her chocolate in the morning and greeted. Good morning Siri.siri also said good morning grandma


After the prayer, everyone got dispersed and more to the respective classes

After moving to their classes, Siri went to a respective seat and sat next to Nitin and he said hello Suddenly a smile gripped on Siri's face Internally Siri was so happy because she was greates by Nithin After sometime, both of them were chatting and smiling happily and it was observed by Neshma Matthew

During lunch hour in the afternoon suddenly Siri was called by Nesh And she want Siri to be away from that guy

Siri ask Nesh that why

Nesh didn't reply to Siri's question and turned her back and went because behind Siri there was Nithin who was standing behind the Siri

Later, Nithin asked Siri that what happened why did she come to our bench?

For that, Siri replied simply by smiling nothing