first night

Siri had a dream of her first night

After getting married to her boy in the feature she entering and sharing the room with a men the thought only increased the Dopamine hormone in Siri's body she got excited the strange feeling started to Erupt in her body slowly she started to imagine about her husband by closing her eyes

In her dream land Siri entered her first night room along with her husband she was slightly nervous and had no idea of doing what

Suddenly her husband gave her a gift box and asked to open the gift in front of him

Even her husband was kind of nervous and excited on that day

By opening the gift box she saw a sexy dress inside it by looking at the dress Siri started to blushing in front of her husband

Her husband moved closer her in his sexy voice she said to Siri if you're interested in doing it plz change to this dress and come to me so that I consider that you like me and willingly coming to me he said and started nibbling on her ears

Suddenly Siri face flushed red colour of her face change and started blushing

Lowering her gaze she shyly took the dress and went to the changing room before she entering the changing room her hands were pulled by her husband he lowered his voice near her ear and asked in his sexy manner do you want my help to change the dress

His gustier made Siri to swallow her words

Lately he laughed naughty and said to her go and change your dress I will wait you to come after changing and left her hand

When she started to move suddenly again he hold her hand pulled to his side and lowered his face by making eye contact with Siri he said in his husky voice to her can I ask you one more thing??

Siri yes plz

You better not to were anything inside more will you make it for me??

Siri by smiling to her husband rushing towards changing room later

After going to changing room she observed the dress given by her husband it was silky white gown which will come upto her thigh region

Totally backless strapped dress where her front part of her chest is slightly exposed

After wearing that dress she was shocked by herself looking at the mirror the dress suited well on her she was looking extremely sexy in it not only the men even the woman will get shocked by her beauty she was stunning in that dress