"Hey, Ashyyyy! Aren't you ready for school today?" Joy yelled on the phone while getting ready. "Yeah, I'm at your gate with my driver," Ashy replied with a snort. "Make things snappy, or we'll be late for school," Ashy uttered hurriedly in anger.

"Oh dear, here I am, faster than a flash, Joy," said with a glad smile. "I'm so happy to be back in school."

"Hmm... where is Basset?" Ashy and Joy looked around suspiciously. "Wait! Basset must be hiding, right?" Joy almost yelled.

"Seems like it," Ashy furrowed her eyebrows in anger. "This isn't funny. I won't be late because of Basset after the time I spent making myself look good for my fans. Gosh! I won't look good for them if we don't get to school early," Ashy lamented bitterly.

"Folks, be calm. I believe she'll be here soon. Maybe something is holding her up," Calmly said to cool Ashy's temper.

"Here she comes!" Ashy and Joy almost yelled at the same time after seeing Basset get into the car. "We're ready."

"I'm so sorry, folks. I didn't want to miss today's award show. You guys know I wouldn't want to miss it," Basset said with a pout.

"What award show is that?" Ashy questioned.

"Dummy, it's the Nobel Prize award show," Joy said, hitting Ashy's head hard.

"Aww! That was harsh," Ashy groaned. "But the award was live last night."

"Yeah, we know, right? Bookworm won't sacrifice her bedtime for anything," Joy said, almost laughing.

"Yeah, that's true," Ashy looked at the rest of the trio. "How was your vacation in a sentence?"

"It was delightful and fascinating," Joy replied silently. "My holiday was so thrilling," Basset said with a smile all over her face.

"What about yours?" Joy nudged Ashy lightly. "Well, I visited the Library of Congress," Ashy uttered quietly.

"What?!" Joy and Basset yelled almost at the same time. "You visited the world's largest library? You've got to be kidding."

"Yeah, trust me. It was a surprise from my uncle. He also got me a book, 'Cosmos' by Carl Sagan."

"Oh my God!" Joy and Basset gasped in surprise. "Where is the book?" they demanded. "In my backpack. I'll show it to you guys when we get to school," Ashy replied.

Fast forward… In Barley High School, students arrived with their favorite convoys, commotions everywhere.

"Trio's! Trio's!...." "Welcome back! Welcome back!...."

The commotion continued while the trio's got out of their cars, waving at their fans in excitement. Some students stared at them with envy and jealousy.

In the classroom, the class teacher (Mr. Ethan) welcomed the students. "Good day, students. Welcome to school after the long vacation." The students replied with a chorused "Good day" and "Thank you, sir."

"You'll be starting today with an impromptu test. Get a sheet and let's get ready for the test." The students groaned in annoyance while getting the sheets needed, except the trio's. Writing a test was like testing their capabilities, and they found it fun to do so.

Some minutes after the students submitted their tests orderly, Mr. Ethan announced, "After lunch, your scores will be out. Feel free to check them with the school portal or use the notice board. Good day, students."

"Good day, sir," the students chorused.

"Hey! Trio's, how are you guys doing?" Beckham, a student in the trio's class, smiled brightly. "We're fine. What do you want?" Joy asked Beckham.

"Well, I wanna hang out with you guys this session," Beckham replied.

The trio's scoffed. "What for?" "You know we're in our final year. I can't afford to fail the national examination. My parents are on my neck; they want me to take over their business after high school," Beckham lamented.

Joy stared at Beckham curiously. "Why do you think we will accept you?" Beckham pleaded with them. After a while, they accepted him.

Joy's POV

Wow, I feel so happy back at school, especially with the trio's. I'm so excited! I'm so happy for Ashy; the Library of Congress has always been my dream library to visit. I feel so happy my best friend has visited the library.

The test we wrote today was so cheap and ridiculous for a science and genius student like me. I told the trio's.

"Yeah, I added a comment to the scripts," Ashy said.

"What's that?" I asked her. "What the heck!" Ashy replied.

This is so crazy! Ashy can be stupid at times, but I love her anyway.

Grrrrr… the bell alarm rang, indicating it's lunchtime. During lunch, We (trio's) spent our time in the library, discussing science, reading, and eating, even if it's against the school rules. Unfortunately, we are the trio's; we don't follow the rules; we break 'em instead.

"Hey, guys! The results have been released," Beckham yelled at us. "It has been pasted everywhere. You trio's were the best, as usual."

I knew what the result would be. I didn't bother checking it out.

Writer's POV

Mr. Ethan walked into his classroom to address his students. "Good day, students. I know many of you have seen your results. Most of you are sad, okay, happy, and delighted with your scores. But remember, it's not the end of the world. Work harder, push your limits so can have a better score, and also remember the sky isn't your limit."

A student stood up to interrupt Mr. Ethan. "But, sir, you should be specific while speaking. You said we should push our limits so we can have a better score. What limit do you want the trio's to push? They've exceeded every limit."

The entire students in the classroom roared in laughter. Mr. Ethan felt a bit embarrassed and called it a day. The entire school was filled with murmurs due to the incident that took place in Mr. Ethan's class. The trio's felt admired and proud; they didn't expect any less praises from the students because they know they'll always be at the top. Anyone who tried to be better than them got booed.