Scholars Needed

Writer's POV

The trio arrived at the principal's office.

"Welcome, girls. Take a seat," the Principal (Mr. Brian) ushered the girls in.

"Sir, you asked for our presence. I hope there aren't any problems," Ashy asked.

"Uhm…" Mr. Brian sighed. "No, there's no problem. The thing is, I got a message from the head of the Science and Technology Board, and I felt like I should tell you girls before announcing it to the entire student body," Mr. Brian said.

"What's the info, Mr. Brian?" Joy questioned.

"They told me they're in search of young scientists, so they proposed we bring a team from our school to participate in the Scholars Challenge. And guess what!" Mr. Brian beamed. "The best team joins the Science and Tech Board in their research."

The trio smiled. "Mr. Brian, is this supposed to be news?" Joy asked.

"Of course not. He just wanted us to know beforehand," Ashy replied sassily.

"Mr. Brian, is there anything else you're not telling us?" Basset asked.

"Obviously, yes."

"What's that?" the trio said in chorus.

"They said there should be 10 members in each team that participates."

"Ten!" the trio said in shock. "How is that supposed to be possible?"

"That's why I sought you out immediately after I got the information," Mr. Brian replied.

"So, are you saying we'd be working with seven more students as a team for the upcoming challenge?" Basset asked.

"Exactly, girls!" Mr. Brian exclaimed.

"That won't be possible. If we want to win this challenge, we can't work with students who aren't as intelligent as we are," Joy said. "This is so uncalled for."

"Girls, we have no choice. I think we should be looking for a way out," Basset said, staring at everyone's faces.

"Well, we do have a choice if you don't," Ashy said with some harshness in her voice. "Mr. Brian, how about you negotiate with the board to reduce the number of members needed in a team?"

"What do you mean? Do you realize it's an honor for the board to officially send our school a letter for direct participation in the upcoming challenge? Do you know this school is the only one in the city that was given an official permit to participate? Other schools have to go through the board to be eligible. Do you want us to lose this opportunity?" Mr. Brian went on ranting.

"Mr. Brian, what's the way forward now? We don't know what to do. No student here is up to our standard, and we need highly intelligent students like us to win this challenge. It's a huge challenge, not just any kind of challenge. This challenge will be tough, so we'll need highly intelligent students to work with us," Joy said.

"Do you know what? I'd inform the science department staff to conduct thorough extra classes for the science department students. They'd take a painstaking test, and the best seven would join you guys to form a team. But I'd need you guys to participate in everything we're doing so it won't look like we're favoring some students over others. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Mr. Brian asked the trio.

"It's not like we have a choice," Joy and Ashy replied. Basset smiled weirdly at Mr. Brian.

"They mean it's a yes," she said.

"Oh, got it!" Mr. Brian replied.

The trio left the principal's office unhappily.

"What a bad news!" Joy scoffed.

"Nah, it's both bad and good news," Ashy said.

"What's the good news about this whole thing?" Joy replied.

"The good news is that we can participate without any entrance exam," Basset said. "Also, the good news is that we get to become the youngest scientists ever to work with the Science and Technology Board (STB)," Ashy continued.

"No, we'd embarrass ourselves outrageously because of some low-IQ students on our team," Joy blurted out in anger.

"That's true. Where are we going to find intelligent students like us?" Basset added.

"In our dreams, maybe!" The trio burst into laughter while walking back to their classroom. Though the laughter wasn't a happy one, Joy almost cried in pain.

Fast forward… The trio went to their respective homes.

(Walter's Family)

The Walters are one of the top five most prestigious families in the country (Bassen). The family just arrived from Norway. Mr. Walter has three children: Carl, Cass, and Ken. The youngest of them is Ken, who is still in high school, while Cass is in college, and Carl is working as a CEO in one of his dad's companies. Ken is expected to resume schooling in Bassen, and his parents are looking forward to taking him to the most prestigious school in the country.

"Ken! I found this school. It's so suitable for you, and guess what? They have enticing and appealing records," Mrs. Walter said to her son happily.

"Do they have any record of winning the Scholars Challenge?" Ken replied.

"Hmm… I'm not sure."

"Then it's a no," Ken said to his mom.

"Hey! I'm pretty sure it's a good school. They've won a lot of Olympiad competitions and many more. You know the Scholars Challenge is almost impossible to defeat," Mrs. Walter stared at her son and said, "Ken! You're going to this school, and that's final. No more words from you," Mrs. Walter said abruptly again.

"Okay, Mom. It's just a school anyway," Ken replied calmly.

**Ken's POV**

My mom is just too dramatic. It's funny how she does her things. I fear the school she's talking about is a dungeon. *Nah, I'm just kidding.* The last time I was in Bassen, I was homeschooled throughout. I had some neighboring friends. I'm not sure I'd still recognize them now. Everything around me seems like déjà vu. I feel excited to be back home.

A little introduction about me: I love tech. *Funny, right? Haha.* It's something I grew up with. I have an obsession for innovations and creativity. I'm a huge fan of critical thinking. I don't like people, but I'm not shy. *An introvert.* Humph… let me go downstairs. I want to see what we're going to have for dinner.

"Hey, Miss Sara (house help), what are we having for dinner?"

"Italian spaghetti with egg sauce," she replied.

"Uhm sir, your mom said I should relay a message to you," Miss Sara said again.

"Go ahead."

"She said you should walk around the environment. You'll find a fast food restaurant opposite the building. It's her friend's house. You'll go there and collect some of the items she left."

"What! I'd walk around this estate where I don't know anyone? My mom must be joking. Why didn't you tell her you'd do it?" I scolded the house help.

"Sir, she specifically stated you should go, not me. I bet she doesn't want me to go there," Miss Sara stammered.

"You know what? Just leave my sight now."

Shit! Why is my mom doing this to me? Huh, is it my fault I had to be the last of her children? I'm so angry because I'd have to walk around this f**king estate all by myself. Damn it! And I'm new here.

I was able to locate the restaurant, but I don't seem to find any house-like building. There is no one here to ask for help. How about I walk into the restaurant? Maybe I'd find a helper. I walked in and ordered a burger. Next, I had to do the most difficult thing: meet and talk to people. I walked up to some group of youths.

"Hey, guys, do you know any house nearby?" I asked them. They ignored me like I was a piece of shit, but I wouldn't mind it. It's all my mom's fault anyway. I walked out of the restaurant with no intention of searching for any house. Suddenly, I saw a lady. I must confess, she looks so pretty. She gave a look that seemed unapproachable, but something in me said I should try approaching her, and I did.

"Hi!" She looked up at me. "How may I help you?"

"Uhm… I'm in search of the closest house to this restaurant."

"Oh, you mean my house. It's the only house you'd find around here," she replied. I was in shock. I wouldn't have approached her for some reasons, but now I did, just to find out the so-called house is hers.

"Can you take me there?" I asked her. She gave me this weird look.

"Why should I take you to my house?"

"My mom left her stuff in your house. She sent me to retrieve them."

"Wow! So you're mom's errand boy?" the girl scoffed. "What's your mom's name, by the way?"

"Mrs. Walter," I replied.

"Wait, what! You're Mrs. Walter's son, Ken… right?"

*I guess she knows me now, but I don't know her.* "Yes, I'm Ken."

"You don't remember me? I'm your childhood friend, Ashy! Does that ring a bell?" *Here we go. That name doesn't ring a bell, and I don't know her. Seems like she's suddenly nice. I'll just play along.*

"Not sure, but I do remember I had a childhood friend," I smiled weirdly at her.

"Well, that friend is me. Do you remember Charles, Garry? You guys were great friends then too." *This young lady kept talking nonstop. She doesn't seem like she'd be stopping anytime soon, but the good thing is I'd get to my destination.*

"You remember, right?" she said. I was lost in my thoughts. I didn't realize she was there until she jolted me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I do remember," I replied to her.

And here we are in her home. It looks so dazzling, but mine is still better. I got my stuff after socializing for an hour with the whole family. I almost had dinner there. Ashy's father drove me back to my house. I'm so grateful to him. I entered the sitting room just to find my mom and dad having dinner without me. This sight is enough to make me lose my appetite, coupled with the unnecessary stress my mom made me go through today. I'm hated in this family. Anyway, I'd have dinner later but not with my parents. I teleported into my room, washed up, then started my night routine, which is coding. I love coding. Fun fact about me: I created a game that can only be played using programming language. *It's not a hype; it's the truth.* Goodnight…

Writer's POV

Earlier this morning, Ken's mom woke him up to prepare for his new school. A few minutes later, Ken and his mom arrived at the school. They were guided by some security who led them to the principal's office.

**Note:** Barley High School released a bulletin about scholarships for less privileged intelligent students. These students will write an entrance exam to become students of Barley High. The students with the highest points will be admitted to the science department.

"Sir, the Walter family is here," the security man said to the principal while at the door of Mr. Brian's office.

"Tell them to come in," he replied.

Mrs. Walter and Ken entered Mr. Brian's office. Mrs. Walter held a bright smile on her face.

"Good day, Ma'am, and young sir. How may I help you today?" Mr. Brian said calmly to his guests.

"Well, this's my son here, Ken…" Mrs. Walter sweetly looked at her son and held his hand.

"Mom, get straight to the point, please. I'm feeling anxious already," Ken scoffed in annoyance.

"Hm... this is my son, Ken. So, Ken, this is Mr. Brian, the principal of this great high school," Mrs. Walter said, smiling almost wildly.

"Like we've discussed before, he'll be in the science department," Mrs. Walter continued, directing her words to Mr. Brian. Mr. Brian responded mostly by nodding his head.

"So now, I'll send the security to the admin to get your necessary materials, okay?" Mr. Brian said to Ken.

After a few minutes, Ken was done with his administration into the school, but he wasn't wearing a uniform. Because of Mr. Brian's love for his job, he didn't dare question it. The admin took Ken to the science department class, which happens to be…


Episode 4 is coming up soon. What do you think about this episode? Also, what do you expect in the next episode?