The Trio's Turmoil


Ashy and I tried persuading Joy to head back to class, but

she kept insisting. We had no choice but to let her go. We headed back to

class. While in class, two students walked in, and suddenly, one of their

appearances caused an uproar among the students. I was astonished. Who was the

student? He didn't look familiar. I turned to Ashy.


"Hey Ashy!"


"Oh my god! I know him, he's my childhood friend Ken!" Ashy



"Guys, that's the new student right there," Beckham pointed

at the same guy Ashy was gushing over, the same guy whose entrance caused an



"Yeah, he's the new kid," a student commented.


"Wow!" I muttered. "Impressive."


Next, Ashy ran to meet him. I was shocked beyond doubt.

"What the heck!" I watched as Ashy went to meet the so-called new student,

gushing all over him. The anger in me increased by a 20X boost. I felt

betrayed. This new student isn't someone we should have anything to do with. He

doesn't belong here, yet Ashy approached him like an idiot. Mtcheew... *hissing

in frustration* I left my class, leaving Ashy with the new guy. I went to my

programming teacher, Mr. Fey's office.


"Hey Basset! Come in," Mr. Fey smiled, ushering me into his

office. "It's time to learn some programming languages to clear out my mind.

Mr. Fey, are you busy at the moment?" I asked.


"No, I'm not. If I were, I wouldn't have allowed you to walk

in here." Mr. Fey coughed a bit to clear his throat. "So, Basset, is there

anything new you want me to know?"


"No, just want to learn as usual."


"You're always welcome. Where are the rest?" Mr. Fey asked.


"Uhm… I'm having a bad time with them. I decided to clear

out my mind alone."


"Ugh... bad time... there aren't any teachers in your class

at the moment, right?" Mr. Fey asked again.


"Yes, sir," I replied.


Mr. Fey stared at nothing for a while and said, "The

principal told me about the scholars challenge."


"What about it?" I asked.


"Mr. Brian told the entire staff about it. He also added we

need seven intelligent students to make the team. How do you feel about it?"

Mr. Fey said to me.


"Bad! Everything about it sucks! Not like we have a choice.

Mr. Fey, can I ask you a question?" I sat in a chair in Mr. Fey's office,

making sure the chair faced him.


"Sure you can."


"Do you know about the new student, Ken?" I stared at Mr.



"Ken! Oh yeah, I do." A smile broke on Mr. Fey's face. "What

about him?"


"He's in our class without an entrance exam," I replied.


"Do you have a problem with that?"


"Of course I do."


"I had no idea he's in your class without an entrance exam.

I think Mr. Brian has some explaining to do. Why don't you go ask him?" Mr. Fey



"I'm gonna do that, but not right now, Sir. That has to be

later," I replied quickly. "Sir Fey, what am I learning today?" I asked.


"Python language," he replied. Mr. Fey took a random

computer and started inputting some coding characters. I wasn't so familiar

with the coding characters.


I spent over an hour with Mr. Fey. I felt achieved and

satisfied after the whole lecture from Mr. Fey. Although he isn't the best

teacher, he's obviously one of my favorites.


"You must be going back to class now, right?" Mr. Fey said

in a clarifying tone.


"Yes, I am," I replied.


"Good, but can you promise me you guys won't disturb Ken,

the new student?" Mr. Fey pleaded.


"Whatever *eye-rolling*, he should have known better before

coming to the Einstein class. We don't condone such sabotage against the

Einstein class." I packed my stuff and said to Sir Fey, "We don't have to do

anything to him. He'd leave before the session ends, or better still, he won't

make it to the next term." I saucily walked towards the door of Mr. Fey's

office. He stood still where he was, sighing.


"Hmm… I understand the point you're coming from. How about

you don't judge him now? He might be a genius," Mr. Fey lamented.


"Well, if he were good enough, why doesn't he try writing

the Einstein entrance exam, and let's see the outcome? He doesn't have to use

back means." After blabbering, I told Mr. Fey goodbye and left his office to go

back to class.


On my arrival to the class, I met the Earth Science teacher

already there. I acknowledged her presence and went to my seat, which is

between Joy and Ashy. Ashy had a smiling expression while Joy's expression was

dull. I nudged Ashy. "What's up?"


"Where have you been, silly?" Ashy said, almost yelling.


"I was with Mr. Fey."


"Oh… that says it all. Anyway, the new student is my

childhood friend," Ashy uttered dreamily.


"Yes, I know. You've told me already," I replied in a bored



"Ehnnn.. I never thought of that. Anyways, have you spoken

to Joy? She's been acting strange since the lecture began," Ashy said with



"No, I haven't. I guess she's still worked up."


"Maybe," Ashy shrugged. I turned to Joy to get her attention

since her attention was fixated on the Earth Science teacher, Miss Marian. "Hey

Joy," I called out silently.


"What's the problem?" Joy replied without facing me.


"Are you cool now?"


"Don't piss me off, Basset. Let me learn in peace," Joy

blurted out in anger. Ashy and I looked at each other and sighed.


**Writer's POV**


A few moments later, Miss Marian bade the students goodbye.

Every student stood up with their practical materials, heading out of their

class to the Chemistry Laboratory. Beckham hurriedly went to meet the trio so

he could walk with them. Meanwhile, the trio was having a breakdown in their



"Trio, I'm behind you guys!" Beckham yelled while running to

catch up with them.


"Beckham, spare us this moment and come back next time,"

Ashy said to him.


"But why?" he questioned. The trio gave him a warning look,

which made him stop chasing after them.


"Catch you guys later," Beckham said and left.


The trio walked towards the lab in silence. Ashy cleared her

throat to break the silence. ""


"Stop it," Joy cautioned Ashy.


"Why? My throat seems to be irritated. I'm trying to clear

the damn thing," Ashy replied.


"Oh, please save it," Joy shunned her.


"Basset, you're seeing this, right?" Ashy complained.


"Seeing what exactly?" Joy replied, almost fuming.


"Hey girls! Just end it already. I thought we were all more

mature than this. How could something really childish like this happen between

us? Where has our maturity gone?" Basset blurted out.


"We're talking about maturity now, huh? When we've made

ourselves so little for others to tramp on? Where's the maturity?" Joy



"Calm down, Joy. Why are you so agitated?" Ashy snarled.


"Well, I'm agitated because you've chosen to smile at our

downfall," Joy uttered.


"What downfall are you talking about?" Basset asked.


"Ask Ashy. Isn't the new student Ashy's childhood friend?"

Joy replied.


"Yes, he is," Basset added.


"That explains why he's in our class without an entrance

exam," Joy blurted out. This statement by Joy angered Ashy.


"Take back what you've just said because I've got nothing to

do with his admission into our class. Moreover, I didn't know he was going to

attend this school. He's just a long-time friend I met accidentally yesterday.

It's not the way you think of it at all," Ashy explained, trying to convince

Joy and maybe Basset.


"It does make sense since you knew him," Joy replied.


"He doesn't even remember I'm his childhood friend," Ashy



"You're joking? I know what I saw," Joy said again.


"You saw nothing, girl. You're just bluffing," Ashy



"I'm not bluffing, you are!" Joy said, getting angrier.


"How could you make up things and expect them to be the

truth? Joy, you can do better than this," Ashy continued, pissing Joy off.


"Can you admit I'm saying the truth this time?" Joy blurted,

with the expression *I'm ready to pounce on anyone who comes my way*.


"Enough, girls. There's no need for this banter. Why don't

we visit Mr. Brian? I'm sure he has some explaining to do instead of messing

ourselves up in public," Basset said, getting between the girls and holding

them by their hands. "Let's head to the principal's office now."


"Sure, let's go there," Joy and Ashy said together

accidentally. They got to Mr. Brian's office, and the admin ushered them in.

Mr. Brian was having an afternoon coffee when he received notice of the

visitors, who happened to be the trio. He furrowed his eyebrows at their sight,

knowing fully well what they were there for. He had kind of expected them to be

in his office earlier than this.


"Hello, The Great Trio," Mr. Brian hailed. "What has brought

you girls to my office this hot afternoon?"


The trio recklessly sat down in the chairs in Mr. Brian's

office. "Sir, you know why we're here, so don't beat around the bush and start

talking," Ashy said to Mr. Brian. Mr. Brian adjusted his glasses carefully so

he could see them properly while sipping his hot coffee, which he was having in

the hot afternoon.


"I'm sorry for my bad manners, having hot coffee in this hot

afternoon. This is because my body isn't wired the same way as you guys."


"Mr. Brian, having hot coffee in a hot afternoon is indeed

abnormal. Are you catching a cold by chance?" Ashy asked.


"Yeah, a bit," he replied, muffling under his breath.


"Could it be that he's having a disruption of homeostasis?"

Joy said, looking at Ashy and Basset.


"Obviously," they replied.


Mr. Brian stared at the trio, wondering what they were

talking about. "Girls, do you wanna join me in having this coffee?"


"No, thanks," they replied.


"Mr. Brian, when was the last time you checked your blood

pressure?" Basset asked.


"I don't know, maybe last month," Mr. Brian replied.


"I'd advise you to check regularly, or even right now at the

clinic, to be on the safer side. With the look of things, it's abnormal for

anyone to have hot coffee in hot weather and still feel kind of cold," Ashy

advised. Mr. Brian was still in shock at what he was hearing. He never thought

his actions were abnormal because it was routine to him. A part of him didn't

agree with them while another part did.


"Girls, thanks for the advice. I…" Mr. Brian was about to

say something until Joy cut him off.


"Mr. Brian, we didn't come here just to talk about all we've

been saying. Sir, explain to us how come we have a new student in Einstein

who's without an entrance exam."


"Ermm… Trios, can I assure you that the new student Ken is

intelligent and smart, just like you guys?" Mr. Brian stuttered.


"No, you can't," the trio replied.


"If he's as you said, how come he's in Einstein without an

entrance exam?" Joy fired back at Mr. Brian.


"I agree with you, Joy. If the supposed person is all that,

why does he have to go through back means?" Basset added.


"Trio, I know there's a strict rule applied to everyone to

be in the Einstein class. I'm sorry I had to make an exception because I didn't

have the power not to," Mr. Brian complained.


"I believe you'd have the power to face our parents," Joy

said angrily to Mr. Brian. She gestured for the rest of the girls to stand up

so they could leave Mr. Brian's office. Cold shivers went through Mr. Brian's

bloodstream. He froze instantly after hearing the comment the girls made. He

ushered them back to their seats.


"Girls, errrmm, please have your seats back so we can talk

about this. There's no need to invite your parents here," Mr. Brian pleaded.


"Fine, start talking. We're listening," the girls replied



"Erm… girls, like I said before, I don't have the power to

chase him out of there. I was told about his success in his previous school.

He's an intelligent student too. Trust me this once, girls. If Ken doesn't do

well in the upcoming test you guys will be having, I'll do my best to kick him

out of your class," Mr. Brian kept talking to persuade the trio.


"Sir, we don't care if he's intelligent or not. We want him

out of there, simple," Joy commented.


"Yeah, he should be out. He didn't prove his competence to

be there in the first place. Why do we have to listen to you now, sir? It's a

no from me," Basset added.


"Well, Mr. Brian, what you're proposing now doesn't sit well

with us, but I think you're making sense. How about we give him a chance?" Ashy

said, looking at the rest of the girls, then at Mr. Brian. "Look, girls, it's

obvious this guy has a lot of influence on this school that even Mr. Brian is

scared of disrespecting him. You should know how huge this is."


"Ashy, can you stop talking now?" Basset cut her off. "Oh,

it's the audacity for me. I must applaud you, Ashy. Because he's your friend,

you think he deserves an exception. Well, let me burst your bubble—it doesn't

work that way in the Einstein class."


"What if he turns out to be really intelligent? We can't let

this kind of opportunity slide out of our hands, right?" Ashy persuasively



The trio debated among themselves for a while before finally

agreeing with Mr. Brian. He was so relieved after they agreed. He appreciated

them and watched them get out of his office. The trio headed to the Chemistry

Lab. When they got there, they saw something really amusing and unreal.


Could it be Ken showing off his innovative skills or Ken

performing the gas experiment perfectly?