Qin Wentain

"Aunty, what happened?" Walking up the mountain, Qin Wentain was shocked to see the damage around his aunt's place. He was worried, but the worry soon grew when he saw a small grave. His world froze seeing that grave, before slowly turning to see someone with a blindfold around his eyes currently holding tools, about to start working on fixing the place.

"You must be her nephew... Qin Qintian right?" I asked while looking at him. Qin Wentian didn't even care that I got his name wrong. All he wanted to know was what happened to his Aunt.

"Sorry, but she passed away yesterday," I said with a soft sigh, while Qin Wentian stood there, not daring to believe my words. Everyone around the Blue Wind continent thanks to my snap didn't have to face the sea race, I had drawn away all of their attention. but I did release my willpower to knock out as many of the sea races as possible, which led to the whole continent just fainting. So, many didn't know what happened.

"What happened?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I was careless. I didn't think of how my actions could affect those close to me. I allowed people to scheme against me, knowing that I could always come out stronger. I just never bothered to see what their scheme was, she is dead because of me. Soul and All." I said lightly while facing the sky.

Qin Wentian was only 15 years old, in a few days he would finally be able to cultivate. Yet even while being so young, his mindset wasn't that of other kids. Others would jump at me to attack... but he just glared at me.

"Who are you, why are you here?" He asked, I looked towards him for a moment, before speaking.

"I'm Wu Xian... I'm here because your aunt was the woman I fell in love with." I said while putting a wooden board against the broken wooden house, and started hammering away. Qin Wentian eyes were wide, not expecting to see the freak of nature that was heard all over the world to be standing before him.

"You and my aunty... what?" Qin Wentain asked unable to believe what he just heard, his Aunty was old, and the last person he expected to fall in love with an old woman was me. So he was of course shocked...

"You have a special background, your Aunt had a foot in the grave all these years. You come from a clan that is pretty much destroyed. As you already know, those in the village are not your bio parents." I said calmly while hammering away

"Your aunt is the only survivor from your clan, everyone else is either dead or sealed away. the weight of your clan is on your shoulders. You are tasked with saving your parents, and many other experts who fought for the chance for you and your aunt to flee." I said leaving Qin Wentian stunned.

"I know this is a lot to take in. First your aunt, and now this... but I inherited your Aunt's responsibility, I will look after your growth. Her death was all because of my recklessness, the least I could do is take the job she has been doing even with her dying breath." I said lightly, Qin Wentian didn't know what to do and fell to his knees, and just looked at the grave

"The people responsible for this are dead, all but me," I said lightly while looking at Qin Wentian for a moment, before sighing.

"..." Qin Wentian said nothing for some time, before walking down the mountain. He held the necklace around his neck, something her aunt said belonged to her father. He gritted his teeth while tears ran down his face, he went on to return home where he just went on to think over everything.

As he left, I turned my attention to Fen Juechen, who had awakened from his sleep and was currently just looking at me, confused as to how he was alive.

"My lack of self-control is the reason you became my enemy in the first place. I'm starting a new chapter in my life, and I will do it by taking in students. Don't take this as me liking you or anything. I want to put the responsibility for everything that happened to you, but that would be too immature. So, I will teach you. Guide you, and use you so I can grow in character." I said lightly, while Fen Juechen just lay there, not knowing what to say.

Why was I doing this? because when I was 'High', I felt free. Free of all negativity, my body and soul felt free... but that wasn't all as I almost felt like someone from an Anime I watched, he became so free that logic couldn't chain him. This got me wondering if I could be that free. So, the first step is to let go of all negativity...

The Qin Clan Manor is the clan ruling Sky Harmony village. They were one of the most outstanding clans in these regions. Qin Wentian was the young master of this small clan, he only needed a few hours to accept the death of his aunty and the responsibility upon his shoulders. From there, he went on to walk around and clear his head, only to remember that his fiancee was going to finally become a cultivator today. He helped her every step of the way through cultivation with his unique art of cultivation.

Although she couldn't bring out its full potential as she didn't shatter her meridians, he didn't want to cultivate alone. even the complete art was enough for her to stand above many. Then again, she couldn't comprehend the art, so he had to help her cultivate every step of the way.

Using this as something to distract his mind, he went to go see her, and as expected she was already waiting for him. The two were close, and even knowing that he was a cripple, she didn't care. although he wanted to tell her the truth, his aunt made him promise to tell no one, so he had to keep his mouth shut about this matter.

"Alright, today should be the day you make a breakthrough." He said with a smile, to which she nodded with a smile. She sat down and went on to start cultivating while he guided her, and at the same time used needles to hit key points in her body.

He wanted her to comprehend the technique, but his aunt had forbidden it. but it didn't matter, as he learned from her how to help others cultivate without the need for comprehending the said cultivation art.

As time passed, soon there was a reaction in heaven and earth. the constellations appeared high up in the sky, shining brighter than ever. these constellations shined down upon her, drawing everyone's attention toward where these constellations were aimed.

The clan head of the Bai clan ran over and found his youngest daughter standing at the door, watching the sight of Qin Wentian standing over his eldest daughter. He was shocked as he watched the light enter her body, within her body a golden Crane took form, flying out and into the sky. it phased through the ceiling, and went up into the sky, showing off its beauty to the world.

'The golden Crane... this is a level 3 constellation.' Qin Wentian thought. there were a total of 9 levels, each level holding their unique constellation which the cultivation art would allow one to resident with. Once a connection was formed, one would gain the constellation and its ability, which would take the form of an astral soul.

The abilities can be anything, some came with cultivation arts, some came with techniques, and some outright gave you a unique ability. There were a total of 9 such astral souls, the higher the grade of the astral soul, the more powerful it would be.

"Is this the Golden Crane physique?" Bai Autumn Snow's father said in shock, although this wasn't a super overpowered physique, it was something their village never had. just getting it meant that the future of the Bai clan would soon reach heights never seen before.

Bai Autumn Snow was also happy seeing the Crane return and enter her body. She jumped up in joy as soon as Qin Wentian removed the needles and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. she was too shy to do anything else with her father there,

"Cough." Bai Autumn Snow's father, Bai Qingsong glared at Qin Wentian, making Qin Wentian feel awkward. it's not like he was the one to kiss her. He paid his respect to his future father-in-law, before leaving. although Bai Autumn Snow's little sister ran after him.

"That wasn't big sister physique was it?" She asked while giving Qin Wentian a judging look, which made Qin Wentian awkward. he had no choice but to make them think it was a physique, or else he would be breaking the promise he made to his aunt, but Bai Autumn Snow's little sister, Bai Qing was sharper than expected. 

"What makes you think that?" He asked, to which she snorted.

"You always talk about opening gates and such stuff. I remember this one time you said something about constellation which you quickly tried to cover up. Now, when she awakened her so-called physique, you didn't seem happy but instead disappointed." She said while looking deeply at him, to which he just laughed while looking forward to avoid eye contact.

"You're overthinking stuff." He said to which she rolled her eyes,

"You're hiding something, thats clear as day. thats even more so with how you are so sure you can cultivate with you being a cripple... well, I'm going to see my sister." She said while turning and leaving him be, to which Qin Wentian sighed as the little sister was smarter and sharper than the older sister. For a 13-year-old, she was a bit too sharp.

Qin Wentian returned home and went on to try and fall asleep. yet it was a sleepless night for him as all night, his mind was on the fact his aunt was no longer in this world. Soul and all... he didn't know when he woke up, the next moment he was awakened by his foster father who had some sad news to give him.

Bai Autumn Snow had annulled the marriage between them. Someone from a powerful clan was moved by her talent, in the past when she was tested, she only had a gray, but when she tested her talent again, her talent was a pure beautiful white.

She had entered a marriage with the Qin clan's enemy, The Ye clan. to say the least, Qin Wentian didn't want to believe such words. So he ran off to go see Bai Autumn Snow for himself, but the guards who in the past treated him with respect answered him with disdain, not allowing him to enter the Bai clan. But when Bai Autumn Snow came out to see him, Qin Wentian was shocked to see the arrogant and disdainful look in her eyes.

"Qin Wentian, just stop embarrassing yourself. Have some respect, is it not clear we belong from two completely different worlds? You're nothing more than a cripple, forever fated to be a mortal." She said while looking down upon him like the ant he was, this caused Qin Wentian face to turn dark. This was the woman he helped? This was the woman he fell in love with?

"Damn, me personally, I would not take that level of disrespect." A voice sounded from afar, causing everyone there to turn to see a white-haired man with a blindfold buying something from a sweet old lady.

"This is too much." The old lady said to which I waved her words off.

"That was a gift, it's not every day I see a fairy from the heavens," I said causing the old lady to blush.

"You're too sweet." She said unable to control herself from smiling ear to ear.

"Not as sweet as you. It's not every day I get to eat something so heavenly. I might have to fight your husband for your hand in marriage." I said while Qin Wentian's face turned ugly at the sight before him.

"You!" Qin Wentian said angrily,

"Sorry love, I have to go deal with the brat who is suffering from a broken heart," I said to which the old lady waved me away. it had been years since there was love in her bedroom... but tonight her husband would have that thing stand up whether he liked it or not.

"Oh my god, your first heartbreak. stand right there." I said while I took out a recording stone and went on to take countless pictures, which made Qin Wentian face turn ugly.

"beautiful. what a perfect face for the moment. It says it all. The pain, the heartache, the regret." I said while removing a tear from my eye... it couldn't be seen as it was from the soul. Qin Wentian couldn't control himself and punched me, just to hit infinity each time.

"Is this your first time lashing out?" I asked while flashing all over the place, taking more pictures which made Qin Wentian grit his teeth before suddenly calming down. Which made me pout while looking at him in disappointment. 

Qin Wentian threw me a hateful glare before throwing Bai Autumn Snow a cold glare before walking off.

"Well, I should go get these images printed onto frames," I said with a smile, before turning towards Bai Autumn Snow who was looking at me in shock.

"You're We Xian!" She said in shock, and those words caused everyone to realize that I was indeed that handsome, sexy, perfect man of their dreams.

"Did you come all this way because you heard of my talent?" She asked with bright eyes while running over to me.

"Naw, I saw a golden crane and came over to see what was up. So, you were the one who awakened that physique?" I asked with a smile, to which she nodded her head.

"Wow, you are so amazing. Now that I think about it, you are the second person I ever bothered to learn more about their physique. I have to know your name at this point." I said with a smile, which made her eyes glow with joy.

"I'm Bai Autumn Snow," She said with a bright smile, to which I nodded while looking her up and down.

"Interesting... I look forward to your future growth Bai Autumn Snow." I said while holding my hand out for a handshake. She happily took my hand and shook it. I nodded towards her before floating into the sky, where I disappeared, leaving everyone looking towards Bai Autumn Snow in shock. This girl was fated for greatness

"What are you doing here?" Qin Wentian said angrily upon entering his room just to find me standing there.

"I was worried you would speak about your cultivation art. blinded by love and with your aunt gone, the chance of you using it as a tool to try and show her the mistake she made wasn't impossible," I said while looking around his room. he had a lot of books and even a nice collection of shoes.

"What was with you and that old lady, you're not into old people or something?" Qin Wentian asked with a weird look. I looked at her with the same weird look, just who did this brat think I was?

"Sigh, the person who can't hold down their girl shouldn't run around judging others," I said making a vein grow on Qin Wentian's forehead.

"Anyways, focus on whatever you have to do with that cultivation art of yours. for it to be able to recreate physiques, should I steal it from you?" I asked while bringing my face closer to his, which caused Qin Wentian to step backward with unease on his face.

"Haha, like I would take from the weak. Although I do find it interesting as it can improve a person's talent. Well, good luck. You would need it." I said while opening the door and just leaving. Qin Wentian was confused by my words and did not understand what I meant.

"Where are my shoes?" He asked in confusion seeing he was missing a pair of shoes. the ones missing were his favorite, he was sure they were here when he entered... Qin Wentian opened the door and went to search for me, just to see I had long disappeared.

"T-that!" Qin Wentian didn't know what to feel right now. First his aunt, his fiancee, and now his favorite shoes just left him. He could only return inside, feeling down...

"What's with the shoes?" Fen Juechen asked seeing the nice expensive new pair of shoes I had on.

"My kind disciple gifted them to me... unlike someone," I said while giving him a disdainful look. Fen Juechen said nothing and just returned to caring for the garden. it was either this or martial arts training where he would get his butt beaten up black and blue.