The Realm Of The Gods 5

"So, ready to die?" I asked while floating over to Mu Xuanyin, who glared at me, before closing her eyes and accepting that this was her end.

"After I kill you, I might have to take a trophy, how about I marry your sister? You must be happy to hear this. now you can show off to King Yama." I said with a grin, making Mu Xuanyin's eyes open, her cold and emotionless face unable to remain as it twisted to show her rage... although that face looked lifeless. it was like someone who didn't know how to show such a face was trying to show it.

"What? Upset? Since I'm the winner, I have the right to do whatever I want. Be it taking your little sister as a wife... well, I can even take her as a slave. I can even force you to do the same thing. Lucky you right?" I asked while squatting before her so we could be at eye level.

"I never hated a man more so than you... I know you're not the type of person to do such things. I will not step into your games." Mu Xuanyin forcefully calmed herself down, seeing this, I smirked while holding up her chin lightly so we could look at each other

"I pretty much made you. All that power you have right now, it's me. I didn't simply awaken 100% of the Ice Phoenix soul, I ensured the fusion you would go through with it is unmatched. thats why you will pretty much transform into the second coming Ice Phoenix." I said while looking her deeply in the eyes.

"You will only be what you will be thanks to me. I made you. That arrogance, that pride? What is it all, when a simple tap is worth thousands of years of hard work from you?" I asked and at those words, the sound of something cracking filled the void of space. Blood slowly dripped down Mu Xuanyin's lips, while her face paled.

"On top of everything, you have such a weak Dao heart... Don't worry, although I can destroy it all, I will not. I just wanted to show you the gap between a talent, and an ant that thinks she is something." I said before snapping my finger, sending Mu Xuanyin back to her throne, where she just sat there, face pale.

Her Dao Heart which was cracking suddenly froze, she looked over and saw Xia Qingyue walking over.

"Sorry about Wu Xian... he is just bored." Xia Qingyue sighed not knowing what to say about all of this. but was this supposed to make Mu Xuanyin feel any better? to make things worse, she was shocked feeling Xia Qingyue's power to freeze things, which was scary.

"Knowing Wu Xian, he had your Daoheart be broken so you can reform a new Dao heart. having everything you took pride in being crushed, and coming back from that would make you stronger. Wu Xian is the type to give enemies who he saw are not too bad a door to future strength." Xia Qingyue said while looking her deeply in the eyes.

Mu Xuanyin was... well, she wasn't a bad person. She was prideful, but as she should. She wouldn't think twice to kill anyone to show the slightest disrespect towards her. She ruled with an iron fist, but it didn't mean that she was cruel to those she ruled over. She was cold, but deep down she could come off as soft and gentle to those who understood her.

I of course knew Mu Xuanyin wasn't the greedy scheming type, in the way she and her sister were alike. it's just that her younger sister was more bright and cheerful, while Mu Xuanyin was just colder.

The drums of war didn't disappear, although they quieted down a little, they soon came back with greater strength and power.

Why? Outside the Snow Song Realm, many experts had stepped out, looking towards me with serious looks. With a grin, I stepped out, leaving them all shocked seeing I was just at level 8 Qi Condensation.

"How is a mortal so powerful? He must have a treasure on him." An immortal said in shock, and to those words my eyes widened in shock.

"Damn, you guessed it so quickly. but I'm the strongest, would any of you be able to get the treasure? Hear it," I asked with a grin while the drums of war grew louder, causing the greed of the many immortal's eyes to enlarge. 

The immortals wasted no time, these were all experts from the realm of the gods, I wouldn't disappoint them as I shot forward to meet the countless waves of immortals. I couldn't help but grin seeing as some of them had ways to bypass Limitless, and with so many of them working together, Blue and Red were overwhelmed.

I was quickly covered in rains of attacks, after all these were the elites of the realm of the gods, the weakest here being at level 7 Immortal Sovereign, and the strongest being at level 10 Immortal Sovereign. 

I was overwhelmed, but I wasn't bothered. Why? Because I was about to show the world I could still grow stronger.

The Deep Darkness Immortal Sovereign shot towards me, he was among the many immortals with the ability to bypass Infinity. All takes before him are swallowed within the endless void outside of creation, so long as the technique touches his darkness, it was pretty much canceled out.

The Deep Darkness Immortal Sovereign reached out, swallowed in darkness, he wanted to grab my neck. But at the last moment, before he could touch me, he was slammed hard in the chest and sent flying away with a fist imprint in his chest... yet I didn't move

'Impossible, he used a technique that got past my darkness?' The Deep Darkness Immortal Sovereign's face was pale as he struggled to use his darkness to heal. Even Complete Stanceless was swallowed by the darkness when it was used against The Deep Darkness Immortal Sovereign, it made him tricky.

My martial arts has already reached 100%. but My idea of 100% was far greater than everyone else thanks to the creations of Complete Stanceless. But what would happen if I took Gu Changga's approach to martial arts and went beyond 100%?

"100.00001%," I said with a grin while all of the experts surrounding me just found themselves hit, yet I stood there, not even my eyes were opened

"100.000029%," I said while more experts kept dropping. in the past they were able to sense complete Stanceless, allowing them to block and dodge the Stanceless attacks. but now, the attacks were far more concealed, leaving only a few of them able to block or dodge.

"I realize I have reached the peak. I can't grow stronger, or improve my martial arts. I reached 100%... the only way to go now is to go past 100%" I said while using the Limitless Martial Arts, using it to fuel Blue and bring out 100% of its capability. 

"All techniques when used, there are normally 4 levels to their output. The first is the bare minimum, a weak attack that you barely put any thought into. the second is some effort, the 3rd is normal, and the last is when you put everything into it... that last one is normally for final attacks, where you put all your energy into it." I said while looking at blue which I was holding up above my head like a spirit bomb, while everyone was running away, unable to escape the fact they were being pulled apart by this move.

"But as many know, that final all-out attack can't normally be controlled. Thanks to my little energy usage, I pretty much use all-out attacks every time I use a technique unless when I'm holding back. But when I get into using 1% or more of my energy in a single move, stuff like this is born... but this wasn't created using 1% of my energy, this is a blue charged to 100.0001%" I said while the blue floated up into the sky, sucking in everything at extreme speed,

"Deep Darkness Secret Art: Lost In Darkness!" The Deep Darkness Immortal Sovereign created an endless amount of black fog and smoke which shot towards Blue, quickly swallowing it all.

"That was a powerful technique, I'm sure even you must be tired after all that. My darkness will swallow everything you throw at us. That technique that swallowed it is special, that blue technique of yours shall be forever lost in darkness. Since all your technique has a pattern, it being lost means you're a goner." The Deep Darkness Immortal Sovereign said while breathing heavily, one attack nearly put him out, he was boiling in rage.

Seeing this everyone quickly moved ... well, at least the level 10 Immortal Sovereign, they all shot towards me at top speed, all of them using their secret arts. This fight was being sensed or watched all over the immortal realm, so at this moment, every force that had at least an Immortal Emperor was watching the fight.

I crossed my arms, and tanked all of the attacks to the best of my abilities, although the injuries which were already heavy grew, and I was quickly covered in blood in seconds. Yet I didn't fall, as my martial arts just kept growing past 100%. This gave all of them a hard time, many of them were monsters capable of fighting more than dozens of experts of the same level, yet they found I wouldn't fall.

"I'm Tired? Who Decided that? Your Darkness will swallow everything You throw at me? Who Decided that?" A sword that was about to stab through my eyeball suddenly paused, unable to reach me. Seeing this, everyone's eyes widened as before Heavenly Spacial Sword Immortal Sovereign was able to cut through Infinity, yet he could no longer do so. He was able to cut space, given the time, he had learned to even cut my Infinity.

"My technique shall be lost in your Darkness? Who Decided that?" At those words, Blue which was swallowed in darkness suddenly grew, swallowing the darkness. The Deep Darkness Immortal Sovereign's eyes widened, not daring to believe what he just saw.

"Since when did a lower lifeform like you think you were worthy of deciding anything? Be it the heavens, or the ants... I allow you all to live with the illusion that you can make any decision." I said with a disdainful look in my eyes while looking at these lower lifeforms.

"I Alone stand beyond the heavens. Across time and space, the unknown and unknown... I alone stand not simply atop of all races, but even the heavens," I said with an arrogant smirk while looking at the space before me, not at anyone... but I could sense that countless people were watching me.

The image paused, as far away a young woman who was sleeping within a flower looked at the image of me. She hesitated for some time, before slowly sighing.

"Wu Xian? To think the trash was worthy of being my life partner... although he barely cuts it seeing so many flaws within his techniques." She said while looking at my image, for some time before smiling. To think she thought she was fated to be with trash, she couldn't help but sigh in relief I wasn't trash. But she couldn't help but wonder what that clan would do seeing the outcast running around with such power.

Within the hall, a group of experts of level 9 Immortal Sovereign stood before a mirror that showed my battle. The odd thing about everyone there was that everyone had white hair and blue eyes, and all currently had disbelieving looks... all but one person who had tears at the sight before her.

"My baby." She cried, to think the child she had to throw in the lower realm would one day return to the immortal realm and was currently shaking the realm of the gods. Back then, her child was going to be killed. How could the clan allow such trash to be born? Death was the only answer, and that was on top of that this trash had an arranged marriage with someone. So, she knowing she couldn't protect him took matters into her own hands and sent him to live amongst the mortals.

Her husband's face was heavy at the moment, and so was everyone else. A member of their clan who had no connection to the clan was so powerful... the things this would cause would be huge.

Elsewhere, an old man's eyes almost popped up seeing the brat he had reincarnated was stronger than himself. How couldn't he be shocked, that such a small event he had ignored had turned out to birth such a monster? Was this not too shocking? Maybe he should have kept close tabs on me, but then again my birth wasn't simple.

He hesitated for a moment, before setting out, wanting to see me in person... he had to make a good connection after all. In his eyes, he pretty much created me... right?

Elsewhere, Gu Changga sat on his clan head seat looking at the sight before him. many ancestors from the Gu clan who had entered a deep slumber had awakened, wanting to see this sight.

'Not even one day has passed since he entered the immortal realm... this all happened within the first few hours.' Gu Changga thought, wondering if it was a good idea to have such a wild card as a friend. 

"Gu Changga, you seem to know this boy." Gu Changga's mother said with a curious look, to which Gu Changga nodded lightly,

"It could be said, he is the only friend I have." Gu Changga said indifferently, stunning both of his parents who understood their son well.

Many people were taking the news differently, many gritted their teeth in rage, others looked on with envy, many fell in love, many wanted to form a connection, and many sat back to watch the chaos that was about to hit the immortal realm.