Empress Luan Xing Vs Wu Xian

"well, thats everyone." Chi Wuyao said while appearing with hundreds of people. My eyebrow raised seeing the huge number of people, I sighed lightly before sitting forward. As the leader of Limitless, it was my responsibility to do stuff...

"So, why have you all come to do with me?" I asked while playing with Xiao Lingxi who had fainted, currently, she was sleeping on my lap. I didn't mind, so I let her rest her head there.

"Sir Wu Xian, I'm the Azure Dragon Sovereign, the realm king of the Asura Dragon Realm. It's a pleasure to meet you... although I'm curious as to how there is karma between us." The Asura dragon Sovereign said while clasping his hands.

The Asra Dragon realm was located within the Martial Spirit Realm. The biggest realms there were the Azure Dragon Realm, White Tiger Realm, Black Tortoise Realm, and Vermillion Bird Realm. 

Those within the Martial Spirit realm had a unique talent, which allowed them to awaken something known as martial spirit. These spirits were unique and could gift them unique abilities, and even help them in their cultivation, but not everyone was lucky enough to birth such a thing.

As for the karma between him and myself? Well, it looks like Xia Yuanba was over there. So, that karma had linked that realm to me. The Azura Dragon Sovereign wasn't the only one here, with him was the White Tiger Sovereign, Black Tortoise Sovereign, and the Vermillion Bird Sovereign. Of course, these 4 powers were not allies or friends, mainly the Black Tortoise and Asura Dragon Sovereign.

"The karma between the Martial Spirit realm isn't because of me, but because of someone I know. Other than that, there is nothing between us... but we can change that." I said with a smile, to which the 4 Sovereigns eyebrow raise.

"All of the powers are currently trying to destroy my organization within the lower realm, a pointless and useless attempt. Ignoring that, I plan to start opening up branches within the immortal realm. I will build the HQ of limitless on God Mountain... but I would like your support when branches start filling up every realm out there." I said with a smile, making everyone freeze for a second.

There were many things wrong with my words. But the key points were where I wanted to build Limitless and the fact I wanted them to help me build an organization that would be stronger than theirs.

"Lord Wu Xian, of course, we would help you. It's your right since you're the strongest and the best." A young man stepped forward with a bright smile. This young man looked young, but he was extremely old. The lord of the Golden Lion Realm, we had karma because... well, the Leone lower realm where I came from, was under his rule.

"..." Everyone glared at the young man, his actions didn't simply just put him in my good books, he made sure that anyone who wouldn't help me would be stepping on my pride, and everyone there already knew the pride I held... it wasn't something they dared to stand against.

"I refuse." A voice cut through the silence, and the air instantly went quiet as everyone turned to look at the person who had dared to say such words. Yet to their Shock, they only saw an Immortal King, looking coldly and arrogantly back at me. She had a veil, but her figure alone made everyone's eyes glow with lust.

Even if they were to look away from this beauty, her image would imprint into their mind, causing their minds to always turn back towards her. She was just that beautiful, yet her face was covered.

"Oh, why so?" I asked with a smile, my eyes glowed seeing as I had no karma with this woman.

"Because I said so, who are you to demand anything from me?" She asked coldly and arrogantly, causing everyone to hesitate, not knowing if they should defend this beauty, or not risk it... she was so beautiful that they wanted to risk it all. 

"She has no karma, but I did find it funny that she simply came to get the way to reach levels 11 and 12 within every realm." Chi Wuyao said with a smile.

"Wow, to have such arrogance, do you have the capability to back it up? What makes you so arrogant, you're more arrogant than me." I said with a shake of my head, I was so humble, yet look at this girl.

"Everything in this world is rightfully mine, what's the problem in me taking it back?" She asked making everyone's eyebrow raise. 

"So arrogant, so what would happen if I say no? Would you go back, and dream about one day getting it back by force?" I asked with a smile. She looked at me for a moment, before walking forward towards me, and just held her palm out.

"Give me the way." She said calmly, and everyone who saw her hand... well, they were moved. Many found something growing in between their legs, what they wouldn't do to have that hand touch them. They didn't even care if she was to slap them, so long as that palm touched them, they could die happily.

Many of them found themselves just 'Exploding' from the thought of that possibility. They breathed heavily, tired from those experiences... it had been so long since they felt such ecstasy.

"Interesting, such natural beauty. You are almost as beautiful as me." I said calmly while taking her hand and closely studying it. But as I closely looked at the hand, I slowly grew annoyed as I realized something... she was more good-looking than me... I have never been more offended in my life than at this moment. Who did she think she was?

"..." But the woman on the other hand was shocked. She was beautiful, her charm alone broke common sense. Just her hand alone was enough to send even peak Immortal Sovereign into such a strange state of pleasure when they couldn't even get a good look at her hand.

She was arrogant because she was beautiful. She could do anything she wanted because she was beautiful. She could kill the cutest animal, and the world would forgive her because she was beautiful. She could do whatever the hell she wanted, and she was justified because she was beautiful. 

Her beauty had no equals. So, what do you think she felt when someone said they had better looks than hers? What do you think she felt when her charm didn't affect them? She was shocked, confused, and in disbelief... but in the end, she was filled with killing intent. 

'He can't be allowed to live.' She thought while glaring at me, just for me to look back at her with narrowed eyes. I slowly stood up and removed her veil. Her eyes turned colder as we simply looked at each other.

'To think someone can look at my face without turning to stone.' She thought shocked to the core as she knew what this meant.

'To think I would be second place in something? I have disgraced myself, what's next? The heavens look better than me?' I was swallowed in shame, I should go to the store buy and buy a block of tofu, and just end it.. thats what I would think if this didn't fill me up with the will for battle. I would defeat her and become the most beautiful person alive.

'Why is he looking at me with the intent to fight?' She thought hearing the drums of war slowly start beating louder, although she couldn't see my eyes, she could feel the burning spirit burning in them.

"Don't think because you look better than me today, you will look better than me tomorrow... I still have my trump card!" I cried while removing my blindfold, and showing off my eyes. My beautiful eyes instantly hooked her in. Instantly, she was hooked, as she had never seen eyes so beautiful.

"Those eyes, give them to me... they look like diamonds placed on shit." She said, causing me to take a step backward, feeling as if someone had just punched me in the stomach. I glared at her, wanting to say something, but I had no words to say.

So, using my energy, I began to start evolving, I was already extremely handsome, maybe the most handsome person... cough, man alive. But now, I couldn't even say that since I might be in 3rd place.

The heavens if it took a human form might be more good-looking than me and her... I was in 3rd place? 3rd fucking place?

"I REFUSE THIS!" I roared at the sky while a wave of energy exploded off my body. My body broke apart at extreme speed, just to build itself looking better than ever. I was retempering my body, down to the atomic level and making sure that even my atoms were... beautiful.

It hurt like hell, but who cared? Beauty was pain. My willpower spread out, but not far, wrapping around me and warping reality to make sure I was even more handsome. My energy which I had more than 100% control over, I just had to will it and my energy would do it. Adding unlimited void... well, currently I was making the Limitless beauty Art.

Floating in the skies, I spread my hands out, everyone who saw me instantly found their eyes burning. I was too bright, it was like a mortal looking at the sun for too long, I overdid it on looking too handsome, that I was glowing with the blinding aura of handsomeness, blinding everyone and forcing them not to dare to look at me.

"Looks like I'm too handsome," I said calmly, and instantly, be it the males or the females, they found the ground below them wet, with a unique smell filling the air. Their faces flushed as they fell over, too tired after experiencing such pleasure. This was the power behind my voice, even the trees and air shifted, seemly turned on by my words.

"Impossible." Her name was Empress Luan Xing, and she was the most beautiful, yet before her was someone with charm so heaven-defying, that she had to look away. She saw herself every day, so she was more resistant to my aura and could see past it to look at me... and it was like she was falling in love at first sight.

"Impossible? I have no idea what that word means... unless it's being used to describe others being my equal." I said while landing before her, she didn't dare to look at me, scared that she would indeed fall in love. My voice had entered her head this time, or else everyone would die if they heard it.

"..." Empress Luan Xing gritted her teeth, she looked at me before she took a deep breath. She had seen the process of me becoming beautiful, it was truly profound but it happened at such high speed she had trouble keeping up.

"I refuse to be second to you." She said while her long smooth hair slowly transformed, into... snakes? Her body transformed, and the many small snakes all fused, until there were only 9 huge snakes.

She had the bloodline of the Nine-headed Snake Tribe running through her, but she was even special amongst her race. She had the bloodline of the Void Succubus Bloodline. These two bloodlines came together to form a woman so beautiful, that upon birth, even the heavens were moved by her beauty. 

Anyone who looks at her face and holds lust or any unpure thoughts towards her shall be turned to stone. It was something she found out long ago, the desires within them shall grow out of their control, turning them into stones for life. It didn't matter if she was a mortal and one was an immortal Sovereign, she was so beautiful that she never had to worry about her safety as her charm alone made her unmatched... yet it had zero effect on me. She had to change this, and by removing her skin, she would be reborn more beautiful than ever.