A week had passed since Kei had started the new school, and Kei was talking about the recent news about the emails to Alex. Those emails had become reminders to make friends in the school. Yes, would be great if it was simply that, but no. There was more. In each and every one of them there was a creepy checklist of strategies to use to be able to attract people's attention, with methods that weren't the exact definition of ethical. Was it to help? Selfish reasons? Well~, I know, but I won't spoiler, after all, how everything will end is a mistery to me too. I can only make predictions. Ahh, about those unpredictable futures, something is starting right now. Tch, how would I like to have chips! Aikawa wa~s exactly around the corner. So, yeah, she heard everything. Infact, Kei and Alex didn't find the best spot. Kei didn't want to go to dirty places again (I didn't mention it, but when they were in the basement, Kei kept feeling nauseated nonstop, resisting thanks to his determination), so in the end they chose a free spot in the garden in the back of the building, which was usually deserted because people preferred the part that gave on the Main Street. Aikawa, still anxious about everything, noticed them and tailed them without being found out. She then crouched down and stirred her ears. And so she heard. Ending boiling in anger again. 'How dare they?!' and so on. She started to try to guess the culprit, obviously sure that they had to do with the Kishimotos. When she reached the most meaningful conclusion, she started pondering 'Shall I come out?'. In the end, she opted for leaving. And she would have done that. But maybe that wasn't fate (if there really is such a thing) because a bird, a small crow, sitted on her head. And she screamed.