The Famed Dinner party this is the true trial and Hello again Fairy-girl


2 days had passed as Thales eagerly had waited for his obsession to return.

"I suppose it is time, new faces I am excited."

Thales walked with maids in hand.

When he waltzed into the new mansion he realized he had been living in a shabby cottage in comparison, it was a behemoth of a house.

It was a place you could host the night parade of 100 demons and still have space left over.

He saw all sorts of cultural pieces hosted here, but he honestly didn't recognise much.

His eyes made out shapes, but something was wrong.

It was coldness freezing coldness in this world of white.

He saw people, people who should provide you with warmth.

A family

But he immediately recognized a hierarchy as he basked in the sensations of the room. He saw no one above the other as of this present moment, but 1000 eyes placed on him well more like 28.

One was completely uninterested in his existence.

He saw Beato she looked at him differently not expressionlessly, not analytically, not greedily like he was a piece of meat, a piece of new information, a rival here to take resources.

That was how they saw Thales, Thales felt mixed emotions, anticipation, wariness, indifference, resistance, and prim ally fear but fear was felt viscerally.

 We have been waiting for you Participant 29th almost all voices said simultaneously.

He felt depersonalized, uneasy.

"Yes hi my siblings, I hope you look after me. Those drugs I took before I got here a few days ago really let me go high, but man I am humbled by so many diverse characters that made me go low." Thales joked with self depreciative humour.

The machine was silent.

Thales took his seat at the table. He still had overwhelming curiosity. But his family scared him he could notice the individuality it was in his face but it also seemed nonexistent.

"What gives?"

Thales decided to be silent for the moment.

New maids walked in this was too many, maids and servants.

Finally Edmund-Sensei

"Masters, mistresses Salutations"

"I host your dinner party in place of his grace Lord Ghalib Miray."

"This Dinner party commences to assimilate and inform Young Master Thales Miray"

"To celebrate and commemorate him and Lady Beatrix Mirabelle for passing their first and second trial and Beatrix for earning her right to face the first stage of the game."

They all clapped but with no emotion. "If Edmund-Sensei didn't have such a commanding presence I doubt I would have heard anything at all from them." Thales thought his anxiety building.

"Feel free Thales to obtain your rights here you may eat the fruit from The Tree of knowledge"

And Lady Beatrix you may obtain your first aide in the infinite game.

"Eat from the Tree what does that mean."

"But of course, Edmund sir." Beatrix spoke finally.

"So she is alive, why didn't she say hi to me?"

A fruit was placed in front of Thales.

"This fruit will awaken your gift and let us learn if you possess innateness."

"What does that mean?"

"You are a wisdom cultivator no? It allows you to do many things for one you can speak the language of myth made manifest, you can bore ideologies with flesh"

"And what does that mean?"

"I'll tell you later out of politeness boy, Thales was it?" a women spoke to Thales, it was the one who showed indifference earlier.

"Yes that is my name and you?"

"The 2nd participant but if you are asking for my identity then I suppose it is, Sophie Vidya of House Miray"

"How is your name Miray? If you don't mind" Sophie said trying to hide her shock at Thales's name.

Thales looked at Sophie she was dignified; she had Lilac hair with grey eyes. She wore a maid dress set for some reason. Her hair was not too long and not too short. Her posture demonstrating she was giving Thales her undivided attention.

"Well I'd say my strange mother seems to be above her concubine status, but why is it weird?"

Well usually the only way a child of a Wisdom cultivators House can have that name is if they become the leader. "Usually I'd say that is really cocky but you're young and seem competent and yet you have not eaten the fruit yet. You also have an eye colour I have never seen before."

"That reminds me what is that fruit?"


"Ok then.

It was awkward for Thales.

He realized he was talking to Sophie and they had been in silent as if they were being waited for.

"Young Master Thales these are the battle maids and servants of House Miray they serve and protect you will have personnel dedicated to your life as long as you live in House Miray."

"Yes Edmund-Sensei."

"Battle? Does that mean you're strong?"

"Yes fairly strong Young Master Thales, only 8 people in this room surpass me in combat."

"8 it seems like a lot considering I don't know what the infinite game is." Thales thought.

"You will prepare until the first stage and you must of course survive trial 2. You are the last, the game will commence when you are 13 according to his lord."

"He is aware of me?" Thales asked out of curiosity.

"Yes but he is indifferent, that was my own calculations sorry for the confusion."

"Nearly a decade" Thales thought a lot can happen in a decade.

"Lady Beatrix. Who is your aide to be? You have had some days to decide and some years to scout in the province."

Beatrix smiled.

"My aide is Thales Miray of House Miray."

"Oh." Edmund said.

"Sorry I meant I won't have an aide. I will be Thales's aide."

"Beatrix I don't meant to be blunt, but Thales cannot have an aide until he turns 10 and how do you know he will choose you a rival?"

"Is that not shooting him in the foot?" It was a woman called Pyra, she was blonde with blue eyes, and she wore a pure white dress.

"Come to think of it everyone here looks the same dress wise either with a white suit or dresses a part from me and Beato and also Sophie but she has her own idiosyncratic demeanour. "

I finally spoke.

"I'll survive and accept Beato for sure, she is my friend."

"Very well Young Master Thales and Lady Beatrix. I will accept it if the time presents itself".

"With that said the food shall commence."

"Hey Beatrix I need to ask this women questions if you don't mind."

"Sure Thales, I am glad you're alive. I don't know how but I am happy."

"I'm happy I'm alive too, hehe"

Thales chuckled. Beatrix frowned.

"Oh, what did I do wrong?"

"You should know what, Beatrix said with her arms crossed."

"Fine, Big sis Sophie what exactly is this fruit?"

"It is born from the tree that birthed the elves I don't know how but some do."

"When consumes it changes the structure of our brains it executes a set of functions that allows us to transform a limited amount of words into an infinite amount of sentences that are runic. But it isn't magic for magic is just science without explanation."

"We wisdom cultivators can't do that and pre fruit we can't even sense magic."

"Anyway, from sentence construction we can speak in a subconscious language only we wisdom cultivators know and then we tell myths or stories about ourselves everyday all day if not we won't be able to maintain our existence, the trials are a metaphor to protect ourselves from such a madness, these stories can do marvellous things, but it also lets us think and scheme in tens of thousands of ways. The stories are like social skills and body language."

"But the fruit has a hidden ability some say other than fate or divine bestowal, this is another way to awaken the innateness that goes beyond even magic. But even a one in a billion may not unlock it"

"Alright then and what is the first stage of the game."

"I don't know I only know it is a game of life and death."

"You must wipe out your own clansmen or force them to submit to either have the right to challenge the leader or choose to enter the leader's inner circle."

"That is stage 1 and is all I know maybe I will learn more in the future I doubt you will though."

"Thank you that is enough, however what is your goal?"

"Victory through submission, I cannot surpass the current leader."

"Submission can only be achieved by only letting 9 others live mind you, Father Let none live."

"Ok then, see you later Sophie."

"See you too, Thales Miray don't be overcome by a loss of self."

Thales had been focusing carefully he sorted out the information into groups, the sound pieces of info, the info's that are exaggerations or unbelievable and the information that needed verification.

"I'll need to find these so called Elves, but I don't believe in innateness. The only thing beyond science is the Mystery."

"I should catch up with Beato now."

Thales tried to talk to Beatrix he was caught by a blur and sent flying suddenly!