Peeling back her world

Beatrix and Thales congregated in this huge library the biggest one in their private territory the Miray's that is as the land technically while owned by them too had people that belonged to it which included all the properties and symbol of The Miray's.

It was ironic it was called the Miray's when their existed only two currently by name one being Lord Ghalib Miray Royal leader of House Miray and the contender for House Miray's seat on the Six Sages which was made up of the 6 great houses the most powerful wisdom cultivators in this world, who will compete in the infinite games latter stage. Ghalib is only the contender because his position is undecided until the resolution of his children's game a little over half a decade from now.

The other of course being the rare child Thales Miray whose name was quite arrogant as that symbolised his mother had the lords favour and foretold of certain victory for Thales almost prophetically.

Thales and Beatrix had now sat at their seats it was almost like a coffee shop they sat opposite to each other they had tea. Beatrix had Black tea while Thales had chamomile tea as he was thinking about a lot of things such as his future plans.

"Ah, this tea is heavenly perfectly sweet." Beatrix said with a satisfied expression.

"Now little dragon what are your thoughts on the situation we have found ourselves in."

Without missing a beat Thales responded "Did you eat this fruit?"

"Yes of course that is why I was surprised about your intellect without even receiving yours yet."

"You haven't died, but have you ever been sick?"

"Yes I've been sick before, but not from the fruit" Beatrix responded grasping the real question Thales was asking.

"Ok then did you feel free after you ate that forbidden fruit."

"Yes I did but one must not have hubris, you just reserve yourself and humble oneself before god, if god guided me to eat the fruit then that was god's will"

Thales visibly cringed. He was not the biggest fan of religion for some reason.

"Hey" Beatrix flicked his forehead no thinking bad towards the idea of god.

"Well I'd eat this fruit then I probably need to execute both my plans anyway rather than choosing one and working around it with backups"

"I don't believe in god's powers, but I trust in experience of the collective when they have the experience and have the same results. I just had to be sure my life was secure you shouldn't be betraying me if you are allied with me after all. I have some questions to ask of you but first tell me Beato why your eye is covered from me."

"That's the plan. Are you sure you'd prefer that before the information about the fruit. More so the essential properties you didn't learn prior."

"Well to be fair I didn't know for sure there were more mechanics to it but tell me then what are these so called properties then no more running, ok." Thales nudged Beatrix to tell after even if she is stalling for whatever reason.

"I'm not stalling honest really, but anyways." She began

"So uh, well... The fruit will skip some stuff about it but its origin is outside in the forest that borders a land not belonging to the wisdom cultivators but this forest is in father's territory."

"The tree of knowledge it is said to be the tree that birthed the race of the Floresian Fey, fairy-like creatures who are disappointed as Elves you see that is actually a slur one that originated when the fey enslaved our wisdom cultivators many moons ago for supposedly being snakes in their garden that stole their kin."

"I personally have not seen them as they are quite elusive and can dwindle their size by manipulating the magical spirits which may also tell of their origins."

"I'd personally not slur them that cannot be right especially when they are the guardians of the forest."

"That's good and all but I don't really care." Thales spoke bluntly.

She paused as if she was looking at something. "Rude." She then continued"Ok well the fruits are also born from that Tree which no longer exists in that forest it seems the Tree flows and sprouts through magical veins in the ground."

"I don't believe in magic, people seem to not be good enough to explain the phenomena so they create these stories because of their own incompetence."

"But magic does exist, scouts honour!"

"If you were a scout not that I care about honour either in most situations I only care when it benefits most people, it doesn't benefit you to be honest if you're lying your fairy tale reality can be continued to be believed in, you're honestly such a child." the 5 year old child Thales reprimanded the 10 year old Beatrix.

"I'm not lying though."

"Ok well I don't care about mere superstition show me some magic."

"I can't wisdom cultivators can only sense it intuitively it's too profound."

"Too profound don't make me scoff, at least you're not a charlatan so that's ok, but seeing is also believing, if you never have seen it and never have I."

"I have felt it though Thales!"

"I've breathed it, I've smelt it and I've basked in its bright light it's a whole another world."Beatrix said with baseless conviction. But oh did her eyes sparkle

"Yeah yeah, tell me something useful now we got off topic."

"Well these fruits open up a wisdom cultivators true meaning and lets them bask in the light of the apparent figure of legend known as Wisdom the ancient magical force from <> by ETERNAL MONOMYTH PRIMORDIAL."

"It's not apparent, I actually read about it so it's possible that isn't fiction but I won't believe that rashly just because I know of the figure."

"Interesting, so you won't admonish me for believing in it either even though I can't read it?"

Thales sipped his tea. "No at least I can build a hypothesis through experience here"

"That's boring." She said with a pout.

"Anyway from tapping into the being known as wisdom we open up 3 paths, well the potential of those paths is more accurate little dragon. For the 3 Paths are the path known as "The world" "The Heart" and "life" You can usually get one path but if you're blessed enough you can dual cultivate. But you can only dual cultivate the heart and life usually because cultivating the world is usually too hard to begin with in fact I heard even Sahib was born as a world cultivator and can barely cultivate it he's around Rank 12, I myself cultivate "the heart" and "life" but I developed these I wasn't born with them actually. There are 16 ranks mind you. I suspect you will be the extremely rare tri-cultivator but tri-cultivator and rank 1 in all 3 that seems impossible considering to be gifted something must be taken."

"This is useful to me, so I can tap into and choose these paths when I eat the fruit?"

"Nope you eat it and your destiny is in the hands of fate."

Thales looked at her darkly when she said this.

"Father is a one in a million in his era he is a rank 5 dual cultivator in the world and the heart"

"And what rank are you Beato?"

"I'm a rank 11 in the heart and rank 15 in life."

"Hehe" She laughed shyly.

"That was very sufficient information; thank you now let me in."

"I'd like to know why even now you wear that eye patch."

"You'd like to know who I am then I'll tell you who I Lady Beatrix Hecate pixie of the labyrinth a name given by my friend and family Master Thales Miray also of House Miray, yes you will know who she really is."