The Clock counts down to 2

Thales was deep in thought; he concentrated on his breath he was preparing to cultivate.

Thales was 11 now his heart path stayed at rank 13 despite his many conversations with Beatrix at this point, his life path however raised to rank 13 matching it, it had a inexplicable increase after his dream, this frustrated Thales he enjoyed the thought of dreams helping you better process information swimming in your mind palace during the day. But it seems even dreams aren't that simple despite them being common? Or perhaps that wasn't a common dream.

His concentration was interrupted a rare instance for Thales, it was elegant as ever a radiant star shine; he knew who it was who else but Beatrix.

"Hey Thales am I bothering you?"

"No why?"

"I expected you to be more blunt, not going to lie to you old buddy old pal of mine."

"Well... People mature, they grow and growth is change, surely though the fulcrum of my identity remains the same?"

"Yeah I guess but I also get this short feeling that well, there is a bit of a difference, of course this isn't purely my cultivation just my natural intuition!"

"Yeah well I'm sceptical of intuition so don't jump to conclusions about me being different, you act as if I am that consistent humans can be fickle."

"You're right I shouldn't project my ideal of you onto you, um sorry about that."

"Yeah no problems, Beato if you're truly sorry how about you tell me the full truth of your eye patch."

"How about we talk about the prince instead?"

"Damn she pivoted away real fast, Ok not like it matters it is better she was easily persuaded and misdirected anyway."

"Wait why am I thinking that? Is that dream still having its claws sinking deep into me gripping my sanity?"

"My mind has been foggy recently, recently? I don't know how recent though the mortal mind is a mystery."

"Yes Beatrix we can listen to another one of your stories again, how about you hit me with it."

"Very well" She said as she cleared her voice.

"I mean this story would go well with tea and macaroons, could I have some Thales."

"Why are you asking me for permission are you stupid?" Thales said with a wryly smile.

"No you know I am not I was just being considerate because I have company said I was going to do something and got sidetracked you fool." Beatrix said with a smug smile and a chuckle.

Thales smile was wiped off his face.

"Well played pixie you could have fooled me, I thought you really were stupid."

"Ok Mr. I got beaten up by a girl for months."

"Ok little Miss I hide my past and co splay as a dopey amnesiac."

They bickered for a while, playfully but the words were violent, Thales lost because Beatrix started using cultivation with her natural creativity to bully Thales into getting her snacks.

"My second defeat to a women how tragic. Words too?"

Thales thought he was meant to be masterful with words but he didn't know why.

"Alright can you start now Beato?"

"Why certainly my young apprentice." Beato said with condescension while sipping her tea.

She began.

"Once upon a time..."

"Same generic start again, boring."

"Shush child."

"Yes Madam"

"Once upon a time there was a Prince Bee he had acquired a kingdom an identity."

"He was the ruler, the prince."

"His path there was bathed in blood, the prince told himself everyday in the hive these bees they had to die I did what had to be done!"

"It was me or them, but it wasn't my kingdom I stole it."

"If I was a beggar if I wasn't fated to become the prince, I would have only stolen a coin or two, scraps of nectar, dirty pollen. The honey would have been watched from a far."

"I stole a kingdom though I wasn't a beggar, now they call me a statesman I laugh at their madness, isn't that funny the mad one is laughing at madness."

"It was a whole world so who cares about good and evil, there are only those who will die and those who will live and to live you need power and not the fear of it, never be afraid to take power there is a choice in front of you so I did what needed to be done. Either that or shrivel away forgotten, no one would remember you only the forces beyond them good and evil, right and wrong mere ideas extensions of the power that could have been, I march under the grey because the grey although as stale as the pollen I never stole. Is the only truth of this hive?"

"Yeah I don't know I'm mad with power I declare to anyone who watches my thoughts don't get drunk like me, pleasure is not who you are it's what you do. Although I will admit the nectar of power sure is sweet."

"To be sensible is to be a ruler, to forsake good and evil so your subjects can follow it yes that is what a Prince must do, rule well, don't be lost in the fragrances of the flowers that rest beyond. Yours truly a Mad Prince Bee"

"Uh... wow, that was actually good Beato good on you, of course I disagree with some things but man you're a good storyteller."

"What is there to disagree about, it's a truth."

"I don't want to lose again so I'll wave the white flag here."

"Surely the prince story is done?"

"No of course not, how can it be done, stories can be told endlessly because they are a will eternal, and you'll hear these stories soon as they fly above your head until you live them."