Enter The Fool and his terrible might

Beatrix, Jeanne and Thales journeyed the last challenge was a challenge until she met Thales, she wanted his forgiveness she would never get, redemption she would never justify it could end.

A thousand wrongdoings in Beatrix's soft eye the other hidden behind its eye patch.

However these never came to pass, because Beatrix had Thales again and Thales had Beatrix.

They were freed, freed and made it past into this domain.

Beatrix had a wide grin, but good times couldn't last for all 3 heard a voice.

"Well took your slow ass long enough I forgive you though, Sahib sent a novice as backup I don't understand how his mind works hahahaha, but hey you're a prisoner why did you go and get caught now it will cost me more work"

Beatrix shuddered; this is Darnell Scotus the man who hurt Thales.

But she still believed they can win, he was not a venerable as a saving grace.

"Hey b*tch are you blind or something"

"Let me demonstrate what I mean I can tell you're confused"

He said.

"Kneel broad" He voiced a command and that command was followed.

"He targeted Jeanne, he you dirty witch, kill yourself"

She immediately started trying to claw and scratch her throat out, killing herself painfully.

She began.

It appeared Darnell had psyker abilities as his cultivation.

"Here I have a knife, this should make it quicker sweetie"

He tossed her a knife, Beatrix despairing to watch, wondering why Thales was doing nothing.

Then she realized he was scared, but wouldn't show it.

"Darnell augmented his physical abilities with his mind and disappeared and then reappeared grasping Thales by the neck"

"This is what I mean home girl"

"THALES NOOO, why aren't you doing anything, I can't… I don't want to lose you again"

Thales coughed out some words, he was held tightly.

"Yeah I'm not as dynamic at that race, just a pathetic copy" Thales barely said.

"That's right!" Darnell said laughing while slamming Thales to the ground.

"What do you mean that race… why am I losing you again?"

"No wait I have wish upon a star" she realized she could bring him back.

As if reading her thoughts, Darnell stomped on Thales's head with it smashing to a bloody mess like a watermelon.

She was about to use her fervent wish, but something horrible happened.

"Feast your eyes on what you are fighting for"

It was a girl, she was not Thales and she had deceived Beatrix.

Jeanne finally cut herself good enough to make her step a foot to death.

Beatrix could save her now she knew it wasn't Thales…

But did she want to?

Did Jeanne know that wasn't Thales?

Was she in on it?

Was Beatrix being too unrealistic again, is that why she was tricked?

"God damn it" she shouted, screaming and crying.

Darnell laughed like it was the most entertaining thing ever.

"I'm not even one to sow discord, but this is amazing, it makes me feel better about the life I have to live"

"My wisdom is my agency of will and to enforce that will upon others so my freedom reigns supreme, because this is what happens when you're a mere puppet on a string, you redheaded sow" he mocked and laughed.

"She felt sick and tired of living, this is worse than ever before"

"Can I just die?"

"Kill me please Darnell"

"Well you asked nicely, but nah I need you to get me out of here, then maybe I can kill you"

"I think that is enough"

"I am a great watcher, Darnell was it. But I really feel like my world is one of observation and testing so let me test my new gear on you, before I rampage on those venerable"

The man was who else, no longer in robes but still masked, it was a satirical mask.

"What? You bum, seems you have defenses against psi abilities good for you sh*tstain, well I have more stuff to show you, this is not Halloween you loser"

The man was The Fool.

He brought one zombie out of his mind palace, he had 2 people backing him up, why not 3, what happened to Mavis?

The Fool killed her as soon as he exited his cultivation either he was a profound heart path user or just didn't trust Sahib, she was now a zombie.

"Eir you're a good healer, heal up that woman over there and the one that was smashed I need information, I kept the soul chained, so it should be all good."

"Then be on standby to provide medical help after"

"Hah you know you're going to not get out of here without severe pain no matter how big you talk, clever man"

But what he hadn't realized is that The Fool had already moved in front of him without him seeing and not even the sound caught up to The Fool.

He touched, Darnell. That was all he did and it began his atoms completely rearranged.

Broke down and reconstructed, it looked agonizing.

He became a horrifying image.

"What is happening to my body" Darnell screamed in pain, it was such terrible, terrible pain.

He had never felt something so painful shifting, morphing shape to the deepest level.

He became a pink blob that only made animalistic sounds.

"Ok let's see here, if you want to make an omelet you have to break some eggs"

The Fool muttered.

He expended some power and applied it into his strike on this blob.

The Blob lived though. It would have wished it hadn't because it felt all the pain.

"Very good, but we can do better"

"I think human resources are the best" He reshaped Darnell into his human form, Darnell couldn't process what happened he was in shock, but with a yawn his head was sent flying before he even got the chance, a mere breath put him out of commission."

"Heal him Eir, I kept his soul here"

The Fool ordered.

Next he touched his soul, why did he have to keep me in this hell Darnell's soul cried out and cried out for mercy, did mercy ever come?