2 steps and we begin the last stand for our goals

"It seems for our third tribulation we must synthesize these complex ideas, we are all Exalted so shouldn't be a problem, aside from red-head" Sahib contemplated.

"Yes I don't mind playing nice, knowing this will lead into a battle so wipe that dumb look off your face Sophie"

Sahib attacked after finishing his thoughts.

"Well, you are reckless just because you have power, so I was surprised you were fine with the assignment" Sophie retorted, while fidgeting with her lilac hair. Her grey eyes seemingly uninterested in what Sahib had to say further, not letting him disrespect her.

She strutted elegantly along, immediately moving to into action.

Thales wished he ate Al-Gha, it seemed his cultivation would have been useful here.

It didn't matter because working in tandem they unified, ideologies, while getting past religious and differences in environment and the culture of that environment, you would have thought they were strangers due to how hard it was to refine.

In the end they made it and cleared a slice off this particular stage they still had ways to go.

They next navigated ethical complexities. Thales admitted by proxy of losing to Sahib in an ethics debate by technicality he and Sophie were probably more apt to take the reins here over he and Beatrix.

Next came society, Thales was moved by this he thought if they hadn't died they could make excellent social reforms in real life, breaking down structural barriers, Beatrix expertise in persevering for equality here was especially effective, Thales head patted her and Sophie gave her respect, while Sahib snorted and Sahib dealt with marginalizing communities.

They ended up coming across environmental sustainability as to which surprisingly Thales and Beatrix hard carried the other two in.

Last they dealt with technological advancements; Sahib and Sophie referenced and use schematics they could integrate based off <> immortal work.

Thales fine tuned what they brought up with his own personal work and theories.

Beatrix simply watched.

They moved on to the last stage prior to the final battle.

Everyone felt both excited but sad, seemed they grew closer, well Beatrix sensed a feeling of detachment from Sophie as if she was just here to do a job and nothing else, while everyone else had passion in what they were doing because they were doing it.

They ended up in a garden of synthesis; this was what they had to face before facing themselves monsters made by design.

They were in a tranquil garden of flora and fauna.

Discord emerged, they were beckoned to cultivate the plants and therefore they could pass, only when they cultivated their garden.

Would they walk on the path to enlightenment, the path to the epic, endpoint of Darwin's game?

They watered and grew a plant.

That plant had deep roots, resilient roots that could endure anything; the plant was steadfast with its tank, a stable foundation.

The chaos tried to ravage it, but it stood solid beyond the wants of perception, it really was solid, it was an Oak tree.

They took the seeds from muddy water; it was so muddy and yet still had immaculate aesthetics. The flower the beautiful flower was not tampered because Thales's light touched upon it or when it was in Sahib's dark soil. It was what is was, it transcended what it was and they were wise as to what it had become, it was a lotus flower, pure as an untouched human heart.

The chaos swirled they needed to combat the flux of its shape in the garden, its stems were resilient and it bent under Chaos's backbreaking pressure, but it did not break it was incredibly pliable. It embraced the chaos and waited for what came next, it was Bamboo.

They had made good progress, everyone shined with potential against the chaos, its coruscating petals following the light of the sun, they were optimistic about its growth and it grew into a vibrant sunflower.

The rose, Sophie loved it and Beatrix was unsure about it, it was perfect, Beatrix felt the warmth the rose garden had, that warmth was love. She thought she had felt this once before, but it wasn't her love, then who? No one near, someone distant

The petals were sublime, the fragrance bewitching, it was a harmonic integration of perfect flowers.

They saw a familiar face, all of them respected him, how funny to call a plant him, but what else could they call that plant if not him? Maybe her too, but he was more familiar they knew he was he, his leaves were piquant, it healed all their troubles he was a great plant to pursue, who else but Sage.

Sage was what it was.

Next a plant, its delicate fronds unfurled in lustrous greenery, chaos touched it and it decayed, it was resilient but it was not perpetual so it was destroyed, but the plant persisted on living so it returned, reborn a new. The Plant was a Fern.

And lastly what they cultivated was gargantuan, it towered over all their destinies, it was eternal as Time, stretching into the heavens, it was not alone there was a web of these trees, a forest it was totality, these trees interconnected through their root systems. They stood tall before it, the All-in-One. What else, but the redwood tree.

Chaos may have been chased away, as they all stood and bliss in this beautiful garden, tears of happiness everyone had no matter how stoic, but tears for it would end.

The Garden needed nourishment and said nourishment was blood.

Blood from those who could not remain, but the garden would remain.

Maybe one day they would reach the Garden. Who?

We will know very soon.

They closed their eyes, blissful for one last time and then sprouted as seeds in the final resting place for some, enlightenment for others.