He is the strongest

Thales after leaving had gone to an establishment and bought articles of clothing that were worn by the Ren people. Flowing robes at first Thales thought he should wear a green robe like his hair but he instead went for white instead.

After buying that he went home, he needed to cool off, get the stenches off himself especially from the pleasure house.

With a nice hot bath

So he did, he also needed to purchase or obtain some sort of device that could communicate with Hobbe.

He needed his help after all for many things; he had said he would help him of course.

Thales when he was home entered the baths.

He saw a terrible sight.

"What the hell are you doing here you bastard?"

It was his father, stripped naked he was soaking in the water.

"I am bathing is that not what you're here to do when you're here?" Ghalib responded expression sly.

Thales coughed. "I guess you're right" He settled down into the water,

His wears were released.

He let out a sigh of relief.

Then when he was relaxed he noticed something peculiar about his father.

"You have an extra toe on each foot"

"So 6 fingers, 6 toes, 6 toes and 5 fingers are your digits"

"666, interesting, are you cursed?"

"So innocence hasn't been lost, my child Thales that is good"

Ghalib said calmly while enjoying the atmosphere not letting Thales comments ruin it.

"I wonder what you will show me, shall I tell you why I am more than enough of an opponent, Thales?"

It was as if Ghalib instantly read Thales mind.

"Sure tell me"

"Here, I'll let you experience it, is this not a sign of wisdom cultivation…"

Ghalib spoke and what he said was shocking to Thales.

"Legacy 10 <> by ETERNAL MONOMYTH primordial"

Thales black eyes lit up, he thought his father couldn't possibly read a legacy from that book.

But he did start to read the legacy, Thales didn't finish his thought.

This is The Mystery of the depths of the inner ALAUKIKA. Of them, they alone are the innocent one, the archetypical child. Embracing his dream, they cannot suffer for they acknowledge the illusory potential. They have and like my perpetual brother they have Renkhu and Na'ashé. The Atman, The Buddhi, The Antahkarana that I love so much in humans is in constant pitfall the worst adversary, but The Mystery its Eternal I, endures. Id, ego and superego of humans are divisible, but The Mystery and the archetypal child are beyond even the All-IN-ONE. They have no two, they are one and they care neither for duplicity or antithesis. They are not false messiahs, they offer no false knowledge. They only offer the prim-born (???) that the true exceed drink from. In the greater knowledge that offers folly; laugh hahahaha I laugh, in the greater cleverness which symbolizes the dopey fool, therein lies the walking ways, to a higher world of you, to the depth perception of The Mystery, to cultivate this power is to remove the claws from your skin, go beyond attachment and repel and transcend into the state of stillness. The Renkhu of my child cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be tasted, cannot be smelt, cannot be touched, cannot be intuited. But it can be known. However that has no form and has no trace. A perfect Mystery…

Ghalib finished. Thales struck him straight through the chest. Ghalib eyes closed and then opened. "Would you like to try again?" Ghalib asked placing Thales palm on his head.

"I'm sorry father" Thales removed his hand and washed the blood off he had expected his father to dodge.

"Good boy. Would you like anything else before you're sent to your bed?"

"Um, oh yes is there a communicative device I can buy or obtain."

"Yes you have your own it's a "Yìshí kuàjiè gōutōng zhě" or just a "Yìshí" for short, developed by the <> us mere mortals can now do what the divine do by existing. Anyway, just slip some of your will into this device and you should connect to their piece of will, then if you can imagine the person while they imagine you it will be two way with visual information. If not then only your voices can reach each other, or maybe they will have visual information. You will hear a buzz buzz sound like a cicada when you're being called."

"Is that all?"

"Yes. Then goodnight"


Thales slept, he slept peacefully his Father was a monster.

He could easily read those parables; he had no concept of reaction to me punching through his chest. He looked as if an attack was alien to him.

Is this the strongest venerable?

"What do I do now; I have ideas, for now I think I should contact Hobbe now."

So Thales the next day wore his robes that he had bought the day earlier.

Ready to set off

Thales wanted to immediately get his ventures setup and social capital rolling.

He also wanted to further explore to gain inspirations.

"These Parables creep me out, more and more without end thus far" Thales thought that he was lost in a veil of fog and he saw that fog in the eyes of his dear friend Beatrix.

"Beato… what is wrong?"