So now I’m a high priest? I think I’ll call from inside this time

Thales blinked twice his thoughts were still trying to catch up to him. Truly he had no idea what was happening although he wasn't surprised he found himself in this situation, he vaguely remembered a fat clown doing something to him and he clearly remembered someone laughing.

"I have a head in my hand did I kill this guy? I think so…"

"Remnants of his aura suggest he was near my rank. It should have caused more damage than this I think."

"Maybe it wasn't murder, what does this say?"

"HUH?? I am now high priest of this factions Order of the holy sun"

William Blade had woken up; the situation was shortly explained too.

Thales had unleashed his aura as had the venerable level high priest.

Thales supposedly was an important figure of some kind according to the Holy Scriptures, which was suspicious to Thales it felt too coincidental.

How did he even end up here? William told him he had planned this meeting with the high priest and the conversation went into a blasphemous territory. William had no recollection beyond that point but it was clear what happened here.

"My plans were to call Hobbe, oh well; this speeds up progress since I directly control this church.

Only have to call him then and then I focus on the event in 2 years rather than developments generally."

"Well and whatever he is scheming I am somewhat curious."

Thales placed the head onto the floor and asked William if there was a private room, to clean this mess up and to show everyone here when they woke up the scroll.

Thales was in a room and then tried to call Hobbe.

"Ask and I shall answer, I am green with greed but not too greedy to extend a helping hand how are we doing today Thales Miray we speak again at last."

"Fine I just wanted to inquire about those connections you could help me build"

"Of course, no need to be stiff. Anyway of course I can help you my job in life is to survive in life and what is life? Poor, brutish, solitary, nasty and short which is why I make contracts with everyone to eliminate the natural life, wisdom conquers all"

"Get on with it"

"Alright, Alright don't get your knickers in a twist"

"Your contact is a Noble woman, of House Stuart, Beth Bohemia, to meet her I will arrange for you to enter her humble abode in Qin City."

"Can you arrange your own travel there? I'll accompany you of course"

"Yeah that won't be a problem, is that all for now, oh wait I need you to do me a favor actually, you possess a great information network yes? In 2 years sometime before the start of the game, can you spread rumors that I was seen entering "Happy Haven Pleasure House" obviously frame it in a way to where it looks like I'm a patron"

"Are you a patron?"

"Of course not I'm underage, but I won't be in 2 years, 2 years is also important due to the up rise in notoriety I should have by then"

"Ok I don't get it but I never lived so long by sticking my nose where it didn't belong, also you asked is that all, I'll say for now yes, but we will talk connections again very soon" Hobbe laughed a dry laugh and then hung up.

"Very well, let me greet my followers and then I have one last thing necessary to do"

Thales finished his call so he entered the church and to his surprise the paladins of the church as well as the followers were on their hands and needs for him, there were at least 200 people here.

"Oh what does the great and powerful messiah want with us mortals, we gracefully wait for his graces words" they woke up and said in unison.

"Your messiah wants nothing for now, eat bread and drink wine, then resume to whatever your duties may be"

"The Messiah graces us with his words, thank you great one"

Thales then headed home, he needed to wash his robes and put an order in for a new one.

"Now I need to find out what is up with Beatrix"

Thales was at home he asked his dear sensei Edmund what was up with Beatrix or where he could find her.

"Young Thales, you may find what she is afflicted with to be strange even mad, but be gentle with her, she is isolated on a hill near the Pittacus observatory tower"

"Oh is Pittacus the so called sage of the stars?"

"Yes Young Thales, Pittacus is the sage of the stars with the title of "Sovereign of stars"

"Young Thales if what you see and feel makes you seem ugly walk, with me when you have a chance to rest"

"Thank You Edmund-Sensei"

"Of course Young Thales"

"Edmund-Sensei can you prepare a carriage for me too, I need to visit someone in Qin City."

"Of course Young Thales, consider it done."

Thales calmed himself.

He went to find Beatrix, no matter how far and no matter how wide.

He eventually found her at the Hill.

A huge expanse of space, with sparkling wishes soaring overhead.

On the Hill sat the girl with a canvas setup in front of her, she sat atop a sharp stone.

She had a rod of fire. She burnt her skin and painted with her boiled blood.

She seemed to be speaking to herself.

Thales stepped into her presence and tapped her on her shoulder asking what she could possibly be doing.

He was met with an empty eye, an expressionless face and a cold answer.

"Be gone" It was a monotone voice, it was an otherworldly voice, it was not her voice.

Thales woke up in a cold sweat; he was in the mansion again.

"What just happened, what madness? We happened, to Beatrix. What have I done? Or what is she doing?"

Thales felt dizzy, he needed to rest he had not an iota about what happened but he thought all would be well with a good sleep. If the waking world could not provide the answer perhaps the dreaming mist could.

Thales went to sleep.

He dreamt.

He walked through great spires.

The air pressure was crushing, overwhelming, unworldly.

He saw shadowy figures stood around him.

They were worshipping the ground he walked on, these figures were massive the average of them were relative in size to the fat clown if not taller, 7-8ft.

The << >> has made way, has shown us his flesh…. They roared, parading around Thales.