Chapter 22: Royal Recognition

The fame of Vihaan's inventions transcended the boundaries of Gokul, carried by traveling merchants and wandering bards who sang of the boy genius and his miraculous creations. Tales of windmills that defied drought, improved plows that yielded bountiful harvests, and candles that banished the darkness spread far and wide, reaching the ears of royalty in distant kingdoms.

In the opulent palaces of Hastinapura, the Kuru king Dhritarashtra listened intently as his advisors recounted the wonders of Gokul. Intrigued by the tales of technological advancement, he dispatched a delegation of scholars and artisans to investigate these claims.

The delegation arrived in Gokul with gifts and greetings from their king. They were received with warmth and hospitality, but their true purpose was to observe and assess the ingenuity of the boy inventor.

Vihaan, ever gracious, welcomed them into his workshop, eager to share his knowledge and learn from their expertise. He demonstrated his various inventions, explaining their principles and their impact on the lives of the villagers.

The delegates were impressed by Vihaan's ingenuity and his passion for improving the lives of others. They marveled at the simplicity and elegance of his designs, recognizing their potential to revolutionize various industries in their own kingdom.

They returned to Hastinapura with glowing reports, their tales of Vihaan's brilliance reaching the ears of Dhritarashtra himself. The king, eager to harness this newfound knowledge, sent a formal invitation to Vihaan, requesting his presence at the royal court.

Vihaan was hesitant at first. He was wary of the political machinations of the royal court, and he was reluctant to leave his beloved Gokul and his family. But he also knew that this was an opportunity he could not afford to miss.

After much deliberation, he decided to accept the invitation. He knew that his presence in Hastinapura could open doors for further collaboration and innovation, and that it could ultimately benefit not just Gokul, but the entire kingdom.

He prepared for his journey, accompanied by a small entourage of trusted villagers. As they set off for Hastinapura, Vihaan's heart was filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He knew that this was a turning point in his life, a step towards a destiny that was far greater than he could have ever imagined.