Award show debut

The year was 1990, and the air buzzed with anticipation at the award show venue. The red carpet stretched out like a crimson river, ready to welcome the stars. Photographers jostled for the perfect shot, capturing every glimmer of fame that stepped onto that hallowed ground.


In the van, I stole glances out the window, my heart racing. Jessie, my unflappable best friend, sat beside me, eyes closed, seemingly immune to the chaos. "Aren't you nervous, Jessie?" I whispered. "We're just seventeen; we debuted last year, and now we're nominees at the award show. What if I trip on the red carpet? It would be mortifying."

Jessie cracked one eye open. "Of course I'm nervous," she replied. "That's why I'm trying to relax." If unbothered had a face, it would be Jessie Jake's.

Her dad owned the company we worked for, and Jessie had dabbled in dance-related ventures even before our group, JessiM, formed. As for me, I'd never won an award or attended a show. I'd been under J.J.'s wing since my trainee days at Jack Entertainment, her dad's company.

My parents hail from different countries—my dad from here, my mom from country B. They still lived there, along with my two younger sisters. I'd sent them a letter when Jessica got nominated, and their joy-filled reply warmed my heart even though they couldn't attend.

As the van halted, panic surged. I turned to Jessie. "Mind coming to my side so you can exit first?"

"Breathe in and breathe out, Margarett advised calmly. I shuffled over, too jittery to lead. Jessie stepped out, camera flashes igniting around her. Then it was my turn. We wore sleek black dresses, personally designed by our stylist, with daring slits. Our black hair had been meticulously styled by the hairdresser.

"Be confident," Jessie murmured, and I nodded, stepping onto the red carpet. 

The clamor of excited voices filled the air: "JessieM! JessiM!" I grinned and waved, following Jessie's practiced lead. The cameras clicked relentlessly, capturing our every move.

An interviewer approached, microphone poised. "How do you feel, Jessie?" they asked, their voice amplified.

Before I could respond, Jessie beat me to it. "We're thrilled to be here," she said. "Our hard work has paid off. And we hope our fans, the Luxies, will continue to support us as we forge ahead in our careers."

The interviewer's eyes sparkled. "We can't wait to see JessieM receive their award. My daughter is a huge fan!"

I opened my mouth to speak, but Jessie stepped in. "Awards? Well, we're just grateful to be nominated for the Star Awards," she said, her smile unwavering.

"Thank you," the interviewer said. "And best of luck tonight."

Jessie's confidence radiated. "You're welcome," she replied. "We're hoping for that award." 

And then we walked as we practiced.


As we settled into our seats, the anticipation in the air was palpable. The stage came alive with performances by various celebrities, each act adding to the electric atmosphere. But there was one artist I had been eagerly waiting for: Lewis Connor—a young soloist who happened to attend the same high school as Jessie and me.

Lewis stepped onto the stage, and my heart fluttered. "It's the handsome Lewis Connor," I whispered to Jessie, unable to contain my excitement.

She raised an eyebrow. "Do you like him?"

I leaned in, my voice barely audible. "I mean, who wouldn't want that hot boy?" My cheeks flushed, and I stole another glance at Lewis.

Jessie chuckled. "First time I've heard you describe a boy as 'hot.' What happened to PG-13?"

I grinned back. "Hey, I'm seventeen—same as you. I'm allowed to appreciate aesthetics!" And with that, we both laughed, caught up in the magic of the award show and the allure of Lewis Connor's performance.


The anticipation in the air was electric as they began announcing the award winners. My heart raced, waiting for that magical moment when JessieM's name would echo through the venue.

"Best Global New Girl Group! JessieM!" The host's voice boomed, filled with enthusiasm and urgency. I shot up from my seat, still half in disbelief. Was this really happening?

"Why are you still on that chair, Margaret?" Jessie's voice pulled me to my feet. Confused and disoriented, I stumbled after her. We were moving toward the stage—toward our award.

"That's us!" The realization hit me, and I grinned like a maniac. We stood beside the host, our smiles wild and uncontainable. The award was placed in our hands, and I mentally rehearsed my speech.

But then, there it was—a microphone inches from my face. "Bzz, bzz, bzz, bzz," I blurted out nonsensically. The crowd erupted in laughter, and I wanted to crawl into a hole. How did that even escape my mouth?

Jessie's side-eye came with a knowing smile. She smoothly took the mic from my hand and delivered a coherent speech. The applause and cheers washed over us as we retreated to our seats, hearts soaring.

And then, another announcement: "Best New Song of the Year! 'Hashtag' by JessieM!" The crowd erupted once more. Two awards in one night—our first award show—and it felt like a dream. This would be etched in my memory forever.

We stood again, walking to claim our second award. Jessie took the mic, her words eloquent. I didn't want to embarrass myself again, so I let her handle it.

The award show continued, a whirlwind of performances and accolades. As the night stretched on, I planned to meet my favorite female musician. Holding Jessie's hand, I didn't want to venture alone.

But then someone approached. Lewis Connor. My breath hitched. Maybe he was heading for another celebrity. I looked away, desperate for distraction.

"Hey!" His voice cut through my thoughts. Who was he addressing? Perhaps Jessie?

"Oh, hi, Lewis," Jessie replied, and my heart raced. 

My heart raced as Lewis Connor stood before me. The boy who had graced my daydreams was now a tangible presence, and she struggled to maintain her composure.

"Hello, Margaret," Lewis greeted calmly, his eyes warm.

My response escaped my lips before she could filter it. "Yes!" I blurted out, her hand flying to cover her mouth. Two surreal moments in one night—I might need CPR soon.

Lewis chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "What do you think about a collaboration? Not with JessieM, just you."

My mind whirled. Was this real? I stared at him, eyes wide, heart pounding. A collaboration—a chance to create something magical with the boy I was crushing on.It felt like stepping into a dream, and I hoped she wouldn't wake up.