be my prom date

My heart raced as she sat in the luxurious Bentley Azure. The morning sun filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow on the leather seats. Lewis beside me adjusted his sunglasses and flashed a playful smile.

"Come on, let's hurry," he urged, starting the engine. Our hair danced in the breeze as we sped down the road.

"I didn't know you had a Bentley Azure," I remarked, trying to sound casual.

"Do you know many things about me?" he asked, glancing at me.

I hesitated, then blurted out, "Yes, I do. I even know where your grandparents were born." I regretted my words instantly, fearing I sounded like a stalker.

He chuckled. "So you stalk me?" he teased, raising an eyebrow.

"No, no, no!" I protested. "Please don't think that way. I just heard about it. Trust me, I'm not a stalker—I mean..."

He cut me off with a laugh. "I'm not being serious, Margaret. I know you're not a stalker."

I sighed in relief. "Well, the car doesn't belong to me. It belongs to a friend of mine, Aaron Liam. Have you heard of him?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't. Is he a singer too?" I lied and feigned ignorance.


The golf center stretched before us, a canvas of green and tranquility. Lewis's words flowed like a gentle stream, weaving stories of inspiration and melody. The morning sun painted our surroundings, and I wondered if this place held secrets waiting to be sung.

"Steal my heart, Lewis," I thought, my pulse echoing the unspoken words. But I kept my feelings hidden, afraid they'd spill out like ink on a blank page.

He walked ahead, brushing his hair back, and I followed. "This place doesn't belong to me or my family," he said, glancing back at me. "It belongs to Aaron."

"Are you two dating?" I blurted out and closed my mouth immediately.How did that come out?

Lewis raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Best friends, then?" I stammered, hoping he hadn't heard my previous slip-up.

He chuckled, his lips brushing against his finger. "I heard what you said before."

Embarrassment flooded my cheeks. "I was joking!" I giggled, trying to regain my composure.

His eyes sparkled. "I don't swing that way, Margaret."

"I know," I mumbled, relieved.

"As for best friends, I don't know, but you can say we're friends. Aaron's one of my major investors."

"Amazing,isn't it?. He's just twenty-one, Lewis said.

"Well, his parents are extremely rich," I reasoned. "Of course he'll be well off."

Lewis arched an eyebrow. "I thought you didn't know him."

Caught in my own web of lies, I scrambled for an explanation. "You said this place belongs to Aaron. So, I assumed his parents are extremely rich. It can't be self-made—at twenty-one."

He nodded, seemingly satisfied. "Oh, that makes sense."

I checked my wristwatch, disappointment settling in. "We have to start going back," I murmured, our eyes locking.

Lewis glanced at his watch, mirroring my disappointment.

"Then let me ask you, Margaret Adrian," he said, his voice softening.

My heart raced. "What does he want?" I wondered. To marry me? To ask me out?

"Will you be my prom date?" Lewis's said as he closed the gap between us, anticipating the answer as he looked at me in the eyes.

In that moment, the world narrowed down to just us. I didn't need to contemplate—I had only one answer.

"Yes," I whispered, my heart soaring. And suddenly, the golf center felt like the most magical place on earth.

It wasn't about being his girlfriend; it was about seizing the moment. Not everyone who passed through high school found themselves falling for someone—a high school crush that lingered beyond textbooks and lockers.

I'm ready for everything that involves Lewis Connor.


As days flowed like a river, the photograph of Lewis and me—captured while the car was still in motion—became a silent witness to our shared moments. I kept it close, a secret tucked away from the public eye. Jessie and my close friends were the only people I told the truth. And Jessie freaked out.

After all, a moving car could hold any pair of souls, and I wasn't ready to unveil ours.

Lewis didn't ask me to be his girlfriend, but our connection simmered, a melody waiting for its crescendo. Perhaps he, too, feared rushing into something fragile. So I let him love, patiently, as the seasons changed.

Our collaboration bore fruit—a song that soared across airwaves, igniting hearts. I found myself in demand—more collaborations than Jessie. The world whispered that I was better, more popular, and it was even better if I became a soloist.

But the accolades tasted bittersweet—I didn't want Jessie to feel uncomfortable. She wore a brave face, but I sensed her vulnerability.



The air buzzed with anticipation as I stood there, my red dress flowing around me and my long black hair styled to perfection. Lewis was on his way to pick me up, and my heart danced with excitement. Jessie, too, looked exquisite—our dresses shimmering as if we were headed to a celebrity soirée.

But Jessie had a secret—one she hadn't shared with me. Who was her prom date? I wondered, glancing at her. Was it someone I knew?

From our window, I spotted a familiar car pulling up—the Bentley Azure that Lewis loved to drive. My pulse quickened.

He's here!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my enthusiasm as I ran downstairs. Juliet ran upstairs as well. Was her date arriving soon?

"Guess he's also here," Juliet said, linking her arm with mine as we stepped out of the house together.

Confusion swirled within me. Were we both dating the same person?

"Who's here? Your prom date? Who is he?" I asked Jessie; my curiosity piqued.

"You'll see him soon," she replied, her smile enigmatic. "Don't try to steal him."

Lewis had already stepped out of the car, his smile warm as he looked at me. But then someone else emerged from the driver's seat—a figure too familiar to ignore. His eyes met mine, and my breath hitched. 

He wasn't smiling; he exuded a quiet confidence. And he was even more striking than the magazine photos had suggested.

As I walked toward Lewis, I couldn't tear my gaze away from the man beside him. Then, Lewis's voice broke through my reverie. 

"Ah, Margaret, this is my friend I spoke about—Aaron Liam."