she is my fiancée


As I stood poised to speak, his lips unexpectedly brushed against mine, leaving me breathless and bewildered. The sudden kiss was a surprise, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of surprise in my chest.

He pulled back, his thumb tracing my lips with a gentle caress, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that made me feel like he was searching for something.

"Are you alright,miss Margaret Adrian?" he asked in a low, husky tone, his voice sending a shiver down my spine.

I nodded, my voice caught in my throat, as he took my hand in his. "I'm alright," I managed to stammer, still trying to process the unexpected kiss.

With a charming smile, he said, "Shall we, my lovely?.it's time we meet my stepmother." And together, we glided into the grand hall, our entrance met with a chorus of gasps and whispers.

The opulent room was abuzz with the cream of society, their eyes fixed on us with a mixture of curiosity and astonishment. I felt a sense of calm wash over me as Aaron's hand wrapped around mine, his fingers intertwining with mine in a gentle yet possessive grasp.

As we navigated the sea of faces, the murmurs grew louder, the words "Margaret" and "Aaron" echoing through the hall like a whispered secret. I sensed the weight of their stares, the air thick with speculation and intrigue.

We were about to reach Aarons stepmother but then, a voice pierced the din, "Margaret, long time no see!" .it was no other than the person if Jessie Jake,Ariana's real name.

Jessie's sugary sweet tone grated on my nerves, her fake smile was disgusting to my eyes.oh ,what a pain to my eyes!.

I released Aaron's hand, my heart still steady, and turned to face the woman who had once been a friend but now seemed more like a foe. "Jessie, it's been a while," I said, my voice laced with a hint of wariness.

Wow, that's quite a intense and dramatic exchange! It sounds like there's a lot of history and tension between Margaret and Jessie. Here's a rewritten version with some minor adjustments for clarity and flow:

"Margaret, I had no idea you were back in town. You didn't even bother to inform me," Jessie said, her smile dripping with insincerity.

I returned a subtle smile, my voice laced with sarcasm. "Why would I need to inform you, Jessie? What are we, exactly?"

Lewis approached us, his eyes fixed on me, but Jessie continued to speak. "Don't be like that, Margaret. How could you just leave and forget about our friendship?"

She opened her arms for a hug.

Aaron wanted to stop her but I stopped him by a slight sign with my hands

I hesitated for a moment before reciprocating. "We should hug after all these years, shouldn't we?" I said, my smile mirroring hers.

As we embraced, Jessie whispered in my ear, "You bitch, you really had the nerve to come back here. Do you think you can regain the fame you had years ago?"

I whispered back, "It seems your inferiority complex never went away. I've done nothing but show up at this event.But what is this?you're already trembling. That's interesting."

"Trembling? It must be from the cold. What else could it be? Do you think I'm afraid of you? Why should I be afraid of a bitch like you?."I heard her

Asked and scoff.

I chuckled, my voice low and sweet. "Because a bitch like me will end you. I heard you and Lewis got married. Congratulations.

I threw a dirty paper on the ground and like a you chewed on the  paper. I heard dogs do that when they're curious, anxious, or bored.

But that's your business. I have to go meet my future mother-in-law now."I said as I released from the hug.

We exchanged fake smiles, the tension between us palpable. "Future mother-in-law?" Jessie repeated, her voice laced with skepticism. "Who could that be?"

I smiled sweetly, my eyes locked on hers. "Oh, just a lovely woman I'm eager to meet." I glanced at Lewis, then back at Aaron, my hand on his arm. "Baby, shall we go meet your stepmother now? I'm dying to make her acquaintance."

Aaron leaned in, his lips brushing against my cheek. "It's the main reason we came here, after all." He smiled, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

Together, we turned and walked away, leaving Jessie's fake smile and simmering anger behind.


Finally, we approached Aaron's stepmother, a woman who exuded elegance and poise, but with a hint of wickedness in her eyes.

She was engaged in conversation with some guests, but her gaze shifted to us as we approached.

Her eyes scanned me from head to toe, lingering on my hand on Aaron's arm before settling on him.

"I invited you as a formality, Aaron, but I didn't expect you to actually show up," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "And you've brought a... lady. How interesting."

"She's not just a lady, she's Margaret Adrian, and that is not all. She's..." Aaron began, but his stepmother cut him off.

"What are your parents' names and who are they?" Aaron's stepmother asked, her eyes fixed on me. "I've heard that name, Margaret Adrian, years ago. Are you not the singer who disappeared without a trace?"

I smiled, my expression masking my unease. "It seems that's how many remember me.i was hearing whispers as I walked.Yes, I'm the same person.

My parents are Donna George and Adrian Adrian - different names because they're divorced. My father has a company here, and my mother has a company in country B. I don't know if you know them."

Aaron's stepmother's eyes lit up with recognition. "I've heard of Donna George, of course, but I'm familiar with Adrian Adrian. Luckily, he's here with us. If you haven't met each other for a long time, this is a good time for a reunion."

My fake smile faltered. I had forgotten that my father was a famous person and might be at this event. I hadn't seen him in years and had no desire to reunite with him.

"Speak of the devil, look at him coming this way," Aaron's stepmother said, glancing in a certain direction. I refused to turn and look.

My father approached us, his voice booming as he spoke to Aaron's stepmother. "Stella, I just knew the banquet would be exquisite and classy, just like you." They laughed together, and I felt a knot form in my stomach.

"Look who it is! It's your daughter, Margaret Adrian. Why couldn't you recognize her?" Aaron's stepmother laughed, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

My father's gaze shifted to me, his eyes widening in surprise. "Wow, you're so beautiful and grown up! The last time I saw you, you were just a little girl. The Adrians are truly blessed with beauty and handsomeness." He beamed with pride, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"You know, my second son, who's only three years old, he's already stealing hearts. I'm not complaining!."he says and they laughed together.

I felt a surge of discomfort at his words, but before I could respond, a young man joined our group.

"Mother, who is this beautiful lady? I want to marry her!" he exclaimed, his eyes fixed on me.

I recognized him as Aaron's stepbrother, elvis. Aaron's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched. "You can't marry her, elvis. And secondly, her last name won't be Adrian for much longer. It will be Liam."

Aaron turned to face the crowd, his voice booming through the hall. "I want my family and all our guests to know that Margaret Adrian is my fiancée.

If anyone has a problem with it, come forward and I'll deal with you. Mess with her, and you'll answer to me. Trust me, I won't take it lightly."

My discomfort vanished, replaced by a surge of confidence and gratitude towards Aaron.