The room we spent our night in

Lewis's expression turned serious, his eyes pleading. "You know the Zara I'm talking about, Margaret. I may not have been a good husband and father, but give me a chance to be a good father now. I love her, she's my blood and my first child.

Whenever I asked my father about her, he snubs me. Why do you both keep treating me this way?"

Just then, a voice interrupted our tense conversation. "Say cheese!" We turned to see Elvis standing before us, a sly grin plastered on his face.

"Say cheese, what?" another voice interrupted, as Aaron approached our tense gathering.

"Oh brother, you're here!" Elvis exclaimed sarcastically.

Aaron's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed on Elvis. "Is your life so miserable that you have nothing better to do than follow my wife everywhere she goes on our wedding day? You're acting childish, and people might think you're actually younger than me.Youre in your early 30s,act right," he said, his voice firm but controlled.