The date


As I gazed at Margaret, I said, "You look beautiful, as usual."

The music changed, and the familiar notes of my favorite 80s song by Wills filled the restaurant.

I felt a surge of nostalgia and said, "This is my favorite song." I placed my order, and Margaret smiled knowingly.

"I requested them to play it  when I arrive," she said.

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "How did you know,it was my favorite song?" I asked, my voice low and serious.

Margaret leaned in, her voice barely above a whisper: "Let's just say Ace gave away your secret."

I glanced over at Ace, who was standing with the other bodyguards, and he quickly looked away, his expression sheepish.

I started hearing whispers.i looked around and saw people smiling at I and Margaret direction.

As the song reached its climax, I felt a lump form in my throat. I placed a finger on my lip, gesturing to Margaret to be quiet, and we both let the music wash over us.