Mr connor:my mother surprise visit


Lewis's father called me that morning, catching me off guard. Despite my initial surprise, we spoke briefly, and he requested a meeting.

Unfortunately, my schedule was packed, so we agreed to meet at night instead.

As the driver took me to the designated park, I couldn't help but wonder what this unexpected meeting was about.

As night fell, the streetlights cast a warm glow over the deserted streets. The driver navigated through the quiet neighborhood, the only sound being the soft hum of the engine.

We arrived at the park, and I gazed out at the darkness. The trees towered above, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. The park was empty, except for a lone figure on a bench.

I called my lewis  father's  number, and he answered. "I'm here," he said.

I stepped out of the car and onto the crunchy gravel path. The cool night air enveloped me as I walked towards the bench.