questioning 2


I sat alone in a chair, facing the elder members of Aaron's family. They weren't exactly the entire family, but rather the older generation - Aaron's father's siblings, uncles, aunts, and his great-aunt, the youngest sibling of his great-grandfather.

Unlike the others, I didn't sit across a table; instead, I faced them directly. The room was heavy with silence, and I wondered when they would begin questioning me.

The elders stared at me, their gazes making me feel increasingly anxious. I couldn't help but wonder if this was a tactic to intimidate me.

My eyes drifted to Aaron,He nodded subtly, as if to say, "Everything will be fine." Just then, the large doors swung open, and Stella entered with Elvis, both wearing forced smiles.

"Pardon me for my lateness, dear in-laws," Stella said as she walked in, but her greeting was met with silence.

Elvis and Stella exchanged awkward glances,noticing the empty seats across the table.