Chapter 3: Dad, Give Me Some Money!

As a Chinese, Eric had mixed feelings about the national football team, but in 2002 they were a source of pride. For the first time, the Chinese team qualified for the World Cup, which was a huge breakthrough. Despite losing all three group matches, the fans were full of hope.

No one could predict that this would be the peak before a decline, culminating in a defeat by Vietnam, fighting for the last place in the group.

China's participation in the World Cup made Eric a passionate fan. He remembers staying up late to watch all the games, especially the heartbreaking matches, even though twenty years have passed.

For example, the defeat of the French team by Senegal, which shocked everyone. The Koreans bribed the referees, which amazed the whole world, while they proudly reached the semifinals.

Now Eric hoped that history would not change and that the Korean team would play dirty again; otherwise, he wouldn't win the money.

Betting on football is a popular business worldwide, especially during the World Cup. Some become rich overnight, while others lose everything.

Eric decided to make money on the upcoming World Cup and then buy MGM to become its owner.

However, even knowing the results, winning bets is not so simple.

First, every bookmaker has a betting limit. For example, in the American company Pinnacle, the maximum bet on one match is $750,000.

Attempting to bet $10 million would not be accepted by the bookmaker, and they might even call the police to arrest you. After all, it's a legal business with a license, so they have every reason to suspect that the money comes from illegal sources.

Moreover, if you keep winning, the bookmaker starts monitoring you. Eventually, they might blacklist you, refusing to deal with you.

When the volume of bets on a match becomes suspiciously high, the casino might stop accepting bets, as competition between casinos also plays a role.

However, there's a positive side to this situation: due to competition between bookmakers, information doesn't always spread quickly.

Eric could take advantage of this by placing bets in different places simultaneously and quickly cashing in the winnings before they have time to react.

For this, he needed helpers, which is why he was throwing a party and inviting his trusted friends.

Eric understood the old saying well: one man is not a warrior in the field. His friends were reliable, and only with their help could he execute this risky plan.

In the evening, Charlie Cooper came to the hospital to visit his son and send his wife home to rest. When they were alone in the ward, Eric asked, "Dad, you look tired. Do you have problems at work?"

Charlie Cooper was surprised, "Why do you think so?"

"Because you've been dressed formally lately, even after work. You're clearly working overtime, aren't you?"

Charlie looked at his shoes and smiled, "You're right. We recently had an internal premiere of a film, but its quality is unsatisfactory."

"Is it the Chinese director John Woo's film Windtalkers?"

Charlie was surprised, "Eric, have you started to take an interest in movies? You used to be only interested in finance. Yes, it's Windtalkers."

Eric nodded, "Let me guess. John Woo's style doesn't suit war films, right? I've seen his work; he's good with action movies but has never proven himself with war films."

"Yes, Face/Off and Mission: Impossible 2 were excellent, which is why we chose him and gave him complete creative freedom, hoping for success. But..."

Charlie trailed off, and Eric offered him half of a peeled pear, "Dad, what do you think will happen if Windtalkers flops at the box office?"

Charlie smiled sadly, "What will happen? The company will incur losses. The money made from Legally Blonde and Hannibal will be lost. It will be bad."

"Dad, I mean you personally. This project is under your supervision, right?"

Charlie froze, "I don't know. I might have to resign. The board of directors won't tolerate a failure in this position."

"Don't worry. Even if I leave MGM, I'll find a job with another company. I have thirty years of experience, and many companies would be happy to hire me, even if they're smaller in scale."

Eric became serious, "But that would be a bad outcome, wouldn't it?"

Charlie was surprised by his son's strange behavior, who had never been interested in movies or his work before.

Although he always wanted his son to enter the entertainment industry, believing that with Eric's looks and resources, he could become a star. Of course, becoming as famous as Tom Cruise or Tom Hanks is a matter of luck.

But his stubborn son went to study finance, making Charlie's connections useless.

"Eric, what are you trying to say?" Charlie asked.

Eric decided to be straightforward, "Dad, I know you've always wanted me to join the entertainment industry. While I was in a coma, I did a lot of thinking. Maybe you're right. Relying on parents is normal. I was too stubborn before. Living in the spotlight, surrounded by fans, seems tempting."

Charlie's eyes lit up. What he had dreamed of at night had finally happened: his son had chosen the right path.

Although Eric had already graduated from university and was 22 years old, it wasn't a problem. Many stars started even later, and with his resources, it wouldn't be an issue.

"Haha! Eric, my son, this is a wise decision. Don't worry, I—"

"Hold on, Dad, I'm not finished yet".

Charlie, beaming with joy, replied, "Go on!"

Eric took a deep breath, "Dad, even though I've realized this, it's hard for me to give up finance after so many years of studying. So, I want to make one last risky move. I need money!"

Time was running out, and Eric hadn't found a better way than to go along with his father and suggest investing in the film industry.

Charlie, without hesitation, asked, "How much?"

"Ten million!"